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Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report

11-14-2011 , 12:40 PM
Congrats on your winnings, your Saturday fun, and a great TR report.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Fatman143

There's some real Photoshop potential here.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 01:36 PM
Great TR, love the detail of your daily events and also the photos. Keep it coming!
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Fatman143
Empty drink holder makes me sad.

Edit: On second look, it appears you are holding your drink in your left hand as you snap the picture. Sadness avoided.

Last edited by that_pope; 11-14-2011 at 05:29 PM.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 05:41 PM
Yep, enjoyable read.

Couple of moments (the $50 tip and thinking "crushing" a 1/2 table means $315), but otherwise good stuff.

Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by mackem790
Yep, enjoyable read.

Couple of moments (the $50 tip and thinking "crushing" a 1/2 table means $315), but otherwise good stuff.

First and foremost, I’m there to have fun and that includes while I’m at the poker table. I like to have a drink while I play, put the straddle on, talk and banter along with other people at the table. I know the more hardcore of you will roll your eyes and mutter under your breath things about ‘negative EV’

Did you read the OP?
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by khanrava
Did you read the OP?
Yes I did. And the part you quoted has no relevance to my good-natured comments and opinion about the TR.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:10 PM
But mackem. The way most people make their money is through tips. Plus if he provided a good level of customer service it's what you should do.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by mackem790
Yes I did. And the part you quoted has no relevance to my good-natured comments and opinion about the TR.
I was thinkking the same. Fail
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-14-2011 , 10:19 PM
what a great trip report....easy to read and flows very nicely
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by oNste
But mackem. The way most people make their money is through tips. Plus if he provided a good level of customer service it's what you should do.
"It cost me $80 in total and I tipped Mike the barber a $50...that’s how good it was."

I have no problem with tipping for good service, but if the above isn't worthy of a emoticon, I don't know what it is
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:36 PM
So was it
a) $30 + $50 tip = $80
b) $80 + $50 tip = $130
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Fatman143
As it turns out, 9 out of 10 of us in the satellite decided to do a $20 last longer as well (nit in seat 4) so it cost me $100.
Isn't an $80 single table satellite pretty much already an $80 last longer bet amongst everyone? Is the $20 just a little kicker on top for the winner (amongst the 9), or is there something more complicated? Maybe you receive $20 from everyone going out before you and pay $20 to everyone still in when you bust? That might be more interesting.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Isn't an $80 single table satellite pretty much already an $80 last longer bet amongst everyone? Is the $20 just a little kicker on top for the winner (amongst the 9), or is there something more complicated? Maybe you receive $20 from everyone going out before you and pay $20 to everyone still in when you bust? That might be more interesting.
Last longers are just a kicker into the overall prize pool, but they also are useful in STSs where the payout is in tournament lammers. It provides some currency for chops, which can move the tournaments along. I've usually seen the last longer chopped between the final two or three, as it ensures each chopper a free roll for the tournament entry.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 05:31 PM
And, importantly, last-longer bets are juice-free. They also often will make people do dumb things they otherwise wouldn't do.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 07:24 PM
update please
great thread
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 10:06 PM
Great TR. Hope to see more from you in the future.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-15-2011 , 10:19 PM
Wow I moved out here last month and you've already done more cool stuff outside of poker than me. Nice job.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 04:35 AM
Day seven: Firing Bullets

For the umpteenth time on this trip I woke up early. I think I’ve averaged about 6 hours sleep per day since I’ve been in Vegas, but what the hell; I’ll sleep when I’m dead. I took a walk into the casino and played some more break even blackjack before taking a cab to the Las Vegas Gun Range on Blue Diamond Road. There was a couple from Nottingham there who’d just got married and decided to celebrate by firing some guns along with me and our instructor.

The whole thing was a lot of fun. For $150 I got to shoot and M-16, a .45 pistol, an MP5 and a 12 gauge shotgun. We had some instruction before shooting some targets and T-shirts and I have to say I’m not a bad shot. If zombies ever did take over, I reckon I’d be fine picking a few of them off and blasting off their un-dead heads from close range. The 12-gauge was the best but it packs one hell of a punch. After firing 10 rounds in a row, I’ve now got a bruise on my shoulder...they don’t show that in the films do they?

After spending an hour and a half at the range I headed back to the IP to drop off my T-shirts and targets before heading out and back to the Venetian. I grabbed a burger at the Grand Lux and headed to the poker room. The $1-$2 session started pretty slow. I lost a decent amount of my $200n buy in on the following hand:
In the cut off I raise to a standard $11 with 910. The button call and the BB both call and we take a flop of 982 rainbow. The BB checks, I c-bet $21, the button calls and the BB folds. The turn comes the A and my $35 bet gets called. The river is a 5 with no flush on board and I fire $45, trying to make it look like a value bet, he shoves and I have about $80 behind. I can’t see really see what I’m beating so I fold and think I made a good lay down. I never got to see what he had.

But the session got a lot better after that and three hours later I was walking out of the poker room with a profit of $304. Satisfied with a good session I headed back to my room, chilled out for an hour or so, showered changed and headed back to the Venetian for another session, but not before some dinner at Noodle Asia using some comps from my DSE buy in.
I went completely card dead and saw only half a dozen playable hands in the three hours I spent sat at the table. I ended a long and fruitless session down $194, but it could have been a lot worse. After my $300 loss the night before I played a lot more cautiously and tried not to chase my losses and was happy with the way I played. I was down on the session but up on the day and that can only be a good thing. I played a little more blackjack, again coming away even before heading back to my room.

Tomorrow is to be my last full day in Vegas and I intend to play a lot more poker. I think I’ve averaged about 6-7 hours at the tables per day, not including the blackjack sessions and want to get a bit more in before I have that horrible realisation my holiday is coming to an end.

Poker profit/loss: +$110
Blackjack profit/loss: Even
Things I learnt today: Guns are f**king cool.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 04:59 AM
nice TR!
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Fatman143
Guns are f**king cool.
- The state of Texas
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 04:50 PM
and want to get a bit more in before I have that horrible realisation my holiday is coming to an end.
this feeling is trumped only by the feeling looking back on the strip as you cab towards mccarran

good read
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Fatman143
The whole thing was a lot of fun. For $150 I got to shoot and M-16, a .45 pistol, an MP5 and a 12 gauge shotgun. We had some instruction before shooting some targets and T-shirts and I have to say I’m not a bad shot. If zombies ever did take over, I reckon I’d be fine picking a few of them off and blasting off their un-dead heads from close range. The 12-gauge was the best but it packs one hell of a punch. After firing 10 rounds in a row, I’ve now got a bruise on my shoulder...they don’t show that in the films do they?
The problem with shooting zombies is that the sound of gunfire will attract more zombies, and pretty soon you've got yourself an untenable situation. You're much better off learning how to use a crossbow.
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:24 PM
Final few hours

Not wishing to contradict the last seven days, I woke up bang on 6am. I decided I wanted to get up and out and enjoy my last few hours in Vegas before the dreaded flight home. I was up and out of the room by 7am and while the automatic checkout didn’t work in my room, the queue at the check in desk was non existent. Having handed over my key card I dropped my bags off at the bell desk and headed to Hash House for breakfast. After some eggs and a chat with a guy sitting next to me about overpaid sportsmen, I made the walk into the Venetian for the very last time.

I’d love to say the session was a good one. I’d love to say that. But in the 5 hours I was sat at the table I managed to dust off $460 through a mixture of bad beats, bad calls and bad folds. I was disappointed in my session but I couldn’t really complain too hard. I’d run okay over my 8 days in Vegas.

I took one last walk along the strip before grabbing picking up my bags and grabbing a cab to the airport from where I write the last instalment of my trip. I’ll write a bigger summary when I get home but I have to say this was a fantastic trip. I did pretty much everything I’d wanted to do before I came here and much more besides. Highlights will be fight night, but my time around the table playing poker with like minded, diverse, funny, drunk, happy, sad, talkative, interesting people will always stick in my mind. I’m lucky enough to be able to make the trip to Vegas and play the game we all love. I can’t wait to come back again in the future and I will miss this place a lot.

Poker profit/loss: -$460
Things I learnt today: I don’t want to go home.

And a quick side. Poker facts and figures.

Cash games I finished up $708
Tournament buy ins down $910
Total for the trip = down $202
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
11-16-2011 , 06:30 PM
So cool.

I am about to get on a plane in 36 hours for something very similar to you - a solo trip for 8 days. You've made me more excited than I already was!
Flying solo - Las Vegas Trip Report Quote
