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First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7

06-04-2022 , 05:47 PM
Aaaand we are

Off to the races. Called pfr w A6s on button, called cbet on 6 hi flop, jammed on 6 turn called by KK, whom I covered.

First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 06:02 PM
Now that stack is screaming epic bread.

First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 06:23 PM
Made break 74k; next level 1/1.5/1.5. 53 left out of 131; current overlay approx $7k. We will see how many buy in during break. Avg stack 61.8k at the moment.

First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 07:32 PM
OK, a little above average. Keep it going!
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 07:53 PM
Gettin short. HUGE stacks around me making it tough.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 08:02 PM
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 08:06 PM
L11 1/2.5/2.5 61k vs avg 96.5 36 left 20 pay $13,350 to first.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 08:19 PM
[Uploading Image...]
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 08:45 PM

First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 10:00 PM
Bubble. Going hand for hand. I have 69k 3/5/5. Have played two hands since break; 3b w QQ in bb; raider folded. Raised w 9Tss; 3b called both covered me; I folded and AK>QQ to cripple a guy.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 10:14 PM
Aaand we are
In the $
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-04-2022 , 10:29 PM
W 39k and blinds 3/6/6 we went all in blind in MP and were called by the guy to my left who had AJ. I turned over 74cc.

Had a 7 yay

Had a jack boo! 19th for my second mincash in as many days, $750. Oh well. Was fun though,and I tripled my hourly wage from yesterday.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 12:14 AM
Wiped out and starving, where to next?

Michael Mina seasonal tasting menu. Just what the Dr ordered. So far have just had the amuse, flat bread, and hamachi crudo. All are amazing.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 12:29 AM
pro tip, wait for the [uploading image...] to convert to some letters and numbers

and also, what is that, dinner for ants?
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 12:59 AM
Ahh good call. Was wondering what happened there.

Next courses:

Crispy spot prawns

“Two peas in a pod” - peas, ricotta, morels, polenta

Miso cod w ginger and bok choy. I never get this at nobu because I think it’s too sweet the way they do it. Here it was great:
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 01:45 AM
oh i'm dumb, multi course meal makes a lot more sense
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
This is your best post in the last 30 days.

Well done.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 05:05 PM
I have a very serious question about the greyhound. I hate gin. I just got in and am at Aria waiting for my game. I paid $17 for a vodka greyhound to establish rungood. Does that count?
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 06:35 PM
Rough day so far. -$200 in 1-2 PLO from 6 am - 9:30. Saw the biggest sun run I’ve seen in ages and a lady wound up w $5k+ after calling off her first buyin on an A high flop w just QQ; turn paired board and River Q have her a full triple up. Just couldn’t connect w right flops; got up to ~1,800 at one point from $900 in, but wound up forgetting rule #1 above and bluffed off a healthy percentage of my stack.

I’ve realized how much my home game moving online has impacted the way I’m playing live now - historically I played off of my tight image as a MAWG with glasses, usually played it up by wearing pink button downs, etc. - but the key was to play tight which would allow me to rob people blind. Example is the tourney last night - I chipped up into the bubble without having to show my cards once.

Anyway my home game moved online in 3/20, and I’ve been playing with a bunch of college buddies multiple times per week since. I am up an uncomfortable amount of money in a friendly game by playing a pretty standard TAG strategy vs a very passive,loose table. As a result I’ve gotten very used to being able to get myself out of jams with big raises that never get called.

My last ~5 live sessions I’ve gotten destroyed by doing the same things. These tables don’t need me to push the action to build big pots (bad habit #1), and definitely won’t believe my big raises when they see me get caught stealing (bad habit #2).

I’m currently in my second bullet in the aria $600 PLO. Bought in one hand before the first break - had the option to wait to sit until after the break but said no I want to play, first hand I potted on the button Vs pfr w KKs; re-raised on flop w NFD, all in on turn unimproved and no spade GG. “You were right sir I guess I should have waited”

Anyway now sitting at 21k (30k buyin) at the second break. Rebuy period ends when the next level starts, when we go 1/1.5/1.5. 213 runners, 104 left, avg stack 61.4. Right now $27k to first and 27 places pay.

It’s my first PLO tournament and it’s fun. Much more different than NL than I expected - waaay more limping pre flop, and I have needed to really pick my spots.

Hopefully one comes up soon - I need it!

Oh and I really only played this tournament because the line was so long to get back on 1-2 after my 80 min massage.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 06:57 PM
Wasn’t meant to be this time. 4 limpers to my bb; A986 dd. Figuring I won’t see a better chance to get some chips I pot. Three callers. Flop 86x hh. All in, 2 callers. Heart on the turn. Gg me.
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-05-2022 , 10:56 PM
I was feeling fragile and lines are crazy everywhere so I came to resorts world. It’s nice! Won a quick $100 in 2/5 and now in the nightly $160 buyin $3k gtee
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-06-2022 , 12:20 PM
Bad night. Bad poker. Fired two bullets at RW; was pretty chill and fun players. Then was only about 9:30 and despite my tiredness I made my way to Aria to drop $1,500 in 1-2 PLO. Didn’t just run poorly; played poorly in the most tilted/stuck/loss-chasing way possible. Walk of shame back to bellagio around 1 am.

Woke up feeling refreshed and ready to win my first bracelet in event 11 though!

Last edited by brianr; 06-06-2022 at 12:21 PM. Reason: Typo
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-06-2022 , 04:16 PM
First break

~55k vs 30k starting stack. Been playing fairly aggressively post flop in position. Only one rebuy so folks being careful. Knocked out one guy AA>KK

Last edited by brianr; 06-06-2022 at 04:17 PM. Reason: .
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-06-2022 , 06:35 PM
Second break
First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
06-06-2022 , 06:38 PM
seems to be more chips

First WSOP, first trip report 6/2-6/7 Quote
