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Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30...

06-24-2023 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by TJ Eckleburg12
Great job!

Keep it going on day 2!!
Thanks TJ!
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-24-2023 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by golddog
Nice job on bagging, go go go day 2!

On the screaming woman, I get that she's frustrated, but "don't play on your phone when you're in a hand with me" sounds to me like, "pay more attention when we're in a pot togeether". Pretty much the last thing I want from an opponent, as I usually can't be bothered to pay too close attention myself.

Though I'm not on the phone, just off in my own little world...
Oh absolutely, he and his tag partner had both been playing for hours before this incident. Both never held up play and we’re paying attention to everything. She just wanted a reason to attack him because she lost the pot.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-24-2023 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by FozzyBozzy
Oh we bagging, 310,000. Coming back to 1k/2.5k blinds on Sunday.

Ran hotttt after dinner. All spots were standard and held, QQ’s vs 88’s for 50bbs, AK vs JJ with a king in the window for 30bbs, and then the big one happened 15 minutes left in the day.

Blinds are 1k/2k, folds around to MP who shoves for 35k with 9’s. Folds to me on the button and I look down at 2 red Kings. I am sitting on 150k, SB has 80k or so, BB has 130ish. I go through my options, can flat, can iso raise, or jam. It’s late, im tired, so I like keeping my choices simple and jam. SB folds and BB goes into the tank. I would probably jam 10’s+, AK, & AQs. Now I hate these situations, you play all day and get put in this spot 15 minutes before bagging with 65bbs. I’ve been on the opposite end of this before. BB says I don’t think I can fold & turns over QQ, MP turns over 99, and off we go. Flop is Ace, King, 8 I think?, I was focused on the King, 2 spades. Turn is the 6 of spades and I have the King of spades having them dead. Play 2 more hands before final hands are called and we have 310,000 going into Sunday.

Nice! GL on day 2. You're in a great spot to keep accumulating and maybe even be a bit of a bully near the bubble.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-24-2023 , 03:07 PM
Woke up and grabbed some French Toast from The Henry in The Cosmopolitan. It is always really good. Put my name on the 2/5 and 1/2 PLO list. Have a reservation at Jean Georges tonight which will be good. Other than that it will be a chill day.

Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-24-2023 , 04:13 PM
Enjoying the thread!
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 11:05 AM
Nothing really eventful happened yesterday. Went back to bed after breakfast. Woke up at 11:30 to go put my name down on the 1/2 PLO list. Got seated at 2. Went up and down until 5:30, mainly playing 5 or 6 handed which was weird because the list was long. Then the game got good. A new guy sits down with $500. He instantly gets it in with QJ83 rainbow. Of course he is up against Aces and loses. He reloads for $500. He and one other guy get $350 in pre. Checks until the River on like an 86442 board 3 spades. Then they both get the last $150 in. He turns over JJ89 no spades. Other guy had Aces with the nut flush. Guy reloads for $500 more and starts limping. I’m in this time and we go 7 ways to a flop. Flop is K32 rainbow. Goes pot, new guy repots, and I have KJT3 with backdoor spades. I repot new guy after what I’ve just seen. We get $550 in and he turns over KT83. Turn is the 8 of spades , but I pick up a flush draw. River blank and I’m out because I have a dinner reservation at Jean Georges soon.

Now I’ve seen the mixed reviews of Jean Georges over the last few years, but I still wanted to have a steak dinner and it was right downstairs. Last time I ate their was about 7 years ago and it was good. So me and my dad go down for our reservation and get seated after a 5 minute wait. Service was hit or miss, we had 2 waiters. Sometimes they would come back to back to check on us and sometimes they would be gone for 20 minutes. My one pet peeve is when staff pushes the most expensive items on the menus at “fine dining” restaurants as their personal favorites. Exactly what they did, from the appetizers to desserts and even the salad. Or coincidentally they were his favorites and I’m just being rash. Anyway I order the bone in rib-eye, medium rare, with their truffle Mac and cheese and their crispy potatoes. My dad orders the NY strip, medium, with asparagus and the crusted baked potato. All the sides were fantastic, but the steaks? Mine came out closer to medium well than medium rare, but my dads was a perfect medium. Steak was also under seasoned. Overall I would give the experience a 6.5/10 due to the above and the price. The sides saved it. My poorly lit picture is below.

Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 11:15 AM
Looked up my table draw for the day 2 restart. Everyone has over $100k in lifetime winnings but myself, I am close , and one other person. They did list my dad instead of me, we have the same name mine just has the Jr on the end. This isn’t the first time they have mixed us up. Hopefully my table will be searching his results instead of mine! I have one other guy with a huge stack 4 to my right with $261,000. He has $800k lifetime and looks to be a pro. I also have Eliot Hudon at my table who just won the WPT championship in December.

I have 2 goals today. First is make the money. Second is to end Day 2 with at least $1M in chips. That would be 40bb’s going into day 3.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 03:36 PM
What a roller coaster of the first 2 levels. Currently on break, 1,665 left and 1,563 get paid. Went down to 190k with QQ vs JJ multi-way all in on the river in a spot I am never good solver against a normal player. But this guy just did something with 106os that wasn’t normal.

Had to fold AKs pre flop in a spot that is a fist pump call on day 1. Blinds 1.5k/3k, CO James 67k, SB rejams 200k, I’m in the BB with 225k and look down at AKs. We are 300ish off the money and this tournament is too good of a structure and I am too deep I think to take this spot in this scenario. MP turns over AA and SB turns over 88. Run out Jack high.

Then this hand happens. 1.5k/3k, MP opens to 9k with 87k behind. He’s an older gentleman who has only shown strong hands. Folds around to me in the BB and I look down at AA. His opening size makes it awkward, 16.5k in the middle, thought about 3 betting to 30k, but he can/would fold AJs, AQs, even AK on certain flops. I think he is getting all those hands in pre flop to a jam, all high pairs are in, so I jam. I also think jamming can look like just putting a lot of pressure on him since we are only 200 off the money. Run out has him dead on the turn. Was that bad? Yeah probably but against that specific player I think it’s fine. Whoops, he called with AK.

We peaked at like 330ish, lost a medium pot right before break so we are currently sitting on 255k.

Last edited by FozzyBozzy; 06-25-2023 at 03:48 PM.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 03:46 PM
Love it. AK is not a mandatory "I'm going broke always" hand like some people think. Must feel good to have folded it and been right.

RE: the AA spot, if you put opponents on a strong range, I think jamming huge pre-flop can be fine, as it makes your hand look like a scared AK or medium pair, which is more likely to induce calls from TT-QQ. A chunky 4-bet looks a lot stronger in most contexts. What did he actually have there?
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by DogFace
Love it. AK is not a mandatory "I'm going broke always" hand like some people think. Must feel good to have folded it and been right.

RE: the AA spot, if you put opponents on a strong range, I think jamming huge pre-flop can be fine, as it makes your hand look like a scared AK or medium pair, which is more likely to induce calls from TT-QQ. A chunky 4-bet looks a lot stronger in most contexts. What did he actually have there?
Good call lol, added it above. He had AK
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 04:34 PM
Goal 1 achieved
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 04:47 PM
Nice! Now the tournament really begins. GL.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 05:39 PM
Nice! gl
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 08:32 PM
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 08:38 PM
We made it to dinner break, coming back to 395k. Low point was 150k and peak was 440k.

One hand of interest I guess. Blinds are 3k/6k, UTG opens to 13k and has us covered. UTG+1 has like 40k and flats. Folds around to me in the CO and I look down at QQ with the Q of spades. I start with 270ish and 3 bet to 45k. Call call all in. Flop comes 753 2 spades. UTG leads into me for 50k. So I have like 230ish behind and the pot is now 185k. UTG isn’t the type of player to flat KK or AA pre OOP. The lead I guess is trying to fold out all broadways without the Ace of spades, maybe 8’s and 9’s? I chose to jam. I’m doing this with 10’s plus and broadway spades, AK or AQ with the Ace of spades. UTG tanks for a minute or two and folds. They made a comment about me having Jacks or 9’s here, so I guess they had 10’s. All in turns over J3 of clubs and we hold.

I am the 3rd biggest stack at the table. However I am sandwiched by a new gentleman who showed up on my right with 800k and the guy to my left went on a huge heater last level and has 500k+. So I’m kind of in a blender.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-25-2023 , 08:44 PM
You got this.

And yeah I jam pretty happily there
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 02:17 AM
Well we fell a little short of goal 2, but we bagged 160,000 for day 3. I start UTG tomorrow, so hopefully I get lucky and have a playable hand. A chip and a chair.

Nothing really of note happened after dinner. Peaked at 550,000. Lost 250k in a blind vs blind hand that was standard. Other than that we went a little card dead.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 02:22 AM
Great run regardless of what happens. Made a day 3 at the WSOP. $7k locked up.

Think of it as a freeroll from here on out.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 02:19 PM
Well we doubled 2nd hand, woke up with JJ in the BB. Ran it up to 550,000. Then the the percentages finally caught up with us. Got AQ in vs 66 pre. Ace in the window but a 6 on the river. But we caught a pay jump and are out in

Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 04:54 PM
And we are right into the PLO mystery bounty.

Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 05:43 PM
You are a beast. Go get'em!
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 07:07 PM
Congrats on a FANTASTIC 3 day run!
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 07:14 PM
And we are out of that plolol donkament. Table was pretty solid for an $800 plo tournament until this hand.

Blinds are 1.5k and I have 21k. I open to 3k with AKQ8 ds, 1st guy flats with JT98 ds, 2nd flats with KJ76 ds, BB pots with AA97 ds. We get it all in. Flop is Q62 rainbow. Turn is the 10 of diamonds giving me a Royal draw. River a black 6 and the KJ76 scoops lol. PLO is a funny game.

I’m already registered for the $1,500 NLH/PLO mix tomorrow. On the 2/5 list that is 90+ deep. On the way to the gym waiting to get called. Plan is maybe cash and an early bed time to be fresh for tomorrow.

Thanks all for those Milly Maker comments. Was a great run.
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 08:11 PM
Congratulations on the cash!
Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
06-26-2023 , 09:57 PM
Continued to try out all the basic food spots at the Aria because I’m OCD like that. First off I tried the pizza place that replaced Five 50, even after reading the comments on the board about it, because I wanted to see for myself. It is worse than the comments, just pure trash. Below any frozen pizza I have had. And why all the small pepperonis? I took a picture but not worth the horror of showing it.

Temaki Bar has Mexican Cokes and I am a sucker for a Mexican Coke. So I also got some sushi. Now I’m an amateur sushi judger, pizza I’m an expert, but not sushi. It looked like sushi you get from a grocery store, but I will say looks can be deceiving. I got the blue crab and spicy tuna rolls. Blue crab actually tasted fresh and wasn’t dried out. It was good. The spicy tuna roll was a spicy tuna roll. Definitely not worth the price, but if you are craving sushi and don’t want to change out of your sweat pants, it is probably worth it.

Finally, FozzyBozzy has come back to the WSOP: TR 6/21-6/30... Quote
