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Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables)

03-23-2016 , 01:43 PM
Looks like the Plaza Casino closed it's "Poker Room" with the electronic tables. It was a fun low stakes MTT Room to play if free drinks all day for a $10 buy in is your thing. $50 could cover you for every tournament's entry fee for an entire day.

Anyone have any Plaza stories to share?
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-23-2016 , 01:56 PM
I played in my first live casino poker game there. My best guess is that it was sometime around 1998. 7-card stud!
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-23-2016 , 04:56 PM
My Plaza story:

Sat down at video poker bar, put money in and ordered Bombay on the rocks. He comes back and says he can't comp Bombay (LOL it's like $15 bottle retail), then notices I'm playing quarters and can have Bombay after all. Clearly I was the biggest whale there that day.

Also one time saw newlyweds in their wedding attire at the McDonald's there. I cried.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 08:16 AM
For those of us outsiders can you explain why the place is called the Nut Low?
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 08:23 AM
My plaza story is, ou of morbid curiosity I decided to go and check out the electronic poker machines to see if they were any different than the mqchnes from back in Arkansas... no one was there playing so I played against the room attendant. I lost.

Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 12:04 PM
Not poker related, but I spent my 22nd birthday there in the upstairs sports bar area, because a friend of a friend had a small area reserved to watch NFL that day. Lulz. And I think they have a Hash House there now. Go Plaza!
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 12:04 PM
The cool thing about those machines is (was?) that they can run basically any game except a draw-style game. The one and only time I played there, it was an O8 tournament. First hand, I flop top set. I somehow manage to get it all in against two other players: flush draw (non-nut) and middle set. Turn brought the flush, river gave middle set quads. Last time I played on those machines. And last time I played O8, come to think of it.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan
For those of us outsiders can you explain why the place is called the Nut Low?
I think OP meant they had by FAR the cheapest poker tournaments in Las Vegas..the 10:30 a.m. Daily was a $5 buy in..seriously..
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 02:32 PM
I used to love playing in their live $40 1k chip sit n gos before they closed the poker room the first time. Can't even think of how many of those I made the money in. The weirdest one was some guy had to catch a flight, and kept trying to dump his chips off. He won every hand, eliminating 3 or 4 people. The people left at the table were getting distraught, and he realized it and just left. His chips left play, and I ultimately won basically by
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 03:20 PM
I'm told that decision was not Plaza's. The PokerPro manufacturer decided it didn't want Las Vegas as a market anymore. Aliante also closed its PokerPro room.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:14 PM
It would be an interesting idea to have all the machines link across the country or ROW and be able to play legal real time poker games.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan
For those of us outsiders can you explain why the place is called the Nut Low?
The Plaza itself isn't known as the Nut Low. Going to an old, dilapidated casino to play a $5 tournament on an electronic table is the "Nut Low".
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:41 PM
That's exactly why we called it "The Nut Low". "Wanna do some day drinking at the nut low?", my co-workers and I would say on a Sunday and get down there for the 10am tournament and see if we can make it through the 9pm tournament and still be +ROI. A lot of times we would make it, while tipping for the free drinks all day/night. Plus you can get your parking validated if you ever want to just have a night out on Fremont St. I remember them running a Thursday night tournament for $40-50 where 1st was a guaranteed $500. One night I won it for $640 and the next week it was $725 for 1st which I chip-chopped 3 ways for a little over $600. Some good people worked there and I heard Gary, who was running the room moved into another position with the casino, so that's real good for him. Everyone I met that worked there that was under 40 was generally very cool.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by EZmoney74
The Plaza itself isn't known as the Nut Low. Going to an old, dilapidated casino to play a $5 tournament on an electronic table is the "Nut Low".
I would hardly call Plaza dilapidated. It is above average for downtown. Dilapidated would describe its old sister properties LVC or Western.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by EZmoney74
The Plaza itself isn't known as the Nut Low. Going to an old, dilapidated casino to play a $5 tournament on an electronic table is the "Nut Low".
LOL! Got it - I'm actually sorry to hear it's going away .

Out of curiosity do any other casinos in Vegas, near the strip or otherwise, have electronic tables?

I personally prefer a human dealer, real cards, and chips you can feel, but I've played in casinos with electronic tables and have no issue with them either.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 06:59 PM
^^^ There are no electronic poker rooms left in Las Vegas. Since PokerPro pulled the product from Aliante and Plaza, I suspect this is the end of epoker in the market.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 07:00 PM
Damn ..I was actually planning on playing some of the tournies there next month. Seemed like the electronic tables would provide quicker games, meh
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-24-2016 , 10:12 PM
From my TR on the first LLSNL meet-up in Vegas:
At some point I had breakfast at the Hash House A Go Go in the Plaza downtown, and wandered past their "Poker Room." They had two tables (e-tables) of a donkament going. The brush asked if I wanted to late reg. I asked what the buy-in was and he said 3 dollars. LOOOL! I am so in!

I shove five hands in a row, win three and lose two and am done in just a few minutes. A common experience for me, but at least this time it only cost $3.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-25-2016 , 08:28 AM
I played at Plaza a lot back in 2005. Back then the room had like 20 tables although only a few games would be running. They ran the Ultimate Poker Challenge, which was actually a pretty big deal at the time, and televised.

I played at BARGE there that year with the likes of Raymer, Bloch, G. Smith. Those were the days.
Farewell to the "Nut Low" (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 10:27 AM
It makes zero sense how ePoker hasn't taken off... considering how popular online poker was/is. You bring the best elements of both games. Live (reads, tells, interactions with others) and Online (fast****, NO TIPPING <3 , no shuffling, no guessing what size of the pot is, no chip splashing, not having to do math in your head "how much was that raise? oh so uhhh what, 240 more? ....")

Why has it not taken off? It pisses me off because I just moved here this and I was looking to become a regular at the epoker machines and I find out they have just been closed this month lol

Had I known I would have moved to Reno where they still have the machines working at the casinos there.
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:35 AM
Which Reno casino still has them? The only one I knew about closed but that was a year or two ago.
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:43 AM
Looks like the Silver Legacy still has them, although I will give them a call before booking my trip. I have to admit I feel really stupid having to drive 7 hours from Vegas to play poker....
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:50 AM

Silver Legacy was the one i was thinking about. They closed a while ago. I also don't see any mention of it on their website.
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:58 AM
Wow.....this i do not understand at all...with everything going digital and electronic. Go figure.
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
03-28-2016 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Uchiha_Filipe
Wow.....this i do not understand at all...with everything going digital and electronic. Go figure.
Why is it so hard to understand? People don't want to go out to a casino to do something they could do at home. I can speak for those who think the idea of playing the e-poker machines instead of a real table sounds miserable.
Farewell to the &quot;Nut Low&quot; (Plaza electronic poker tables) Quote
