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Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix?

01-22-2020 , 01:25 PM
Long time lurker here... Used to play in the Bay Area quite a bit from 2002-10 but since moved back east. Hope you guys don't mind me posting the question in this forum.

I got an offer from MGM that includes 2 comped tickets to the upcoming Wilder v. Fury fight and reserved the tix, planning to sell them to a friend who has since bailed on the trip. How hard would it be for me to sell (i.e. scalp) a pair of tickets for the fight once I'm on the ground in Vegas? I would pick them up on Friday before the fight and have to find a buyer myself.

I'm assuming I will have just average seats, nothing special, but it looked like the cheapest seats on Stubhub were going for about $500 apiece. Any ideas what a realistic price would be for a pair of average seats scalped for cash on Friday or the day of the fight? I'm guessing less than that, but am clueless.

If I can feel confident about getting, say, $800 or more for the pair without much hassle I'll probably come out on my own and dump the money (and more!) into your local poker economy for sure... Thanks for any thoughts.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 01:27 PM
Do you already have the tickets? Or do you have to pick them up at the casino? You could always try StubHub.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by chrisventresca83
Do you already have the tickets? Or do you have to pick them up at the casino? You could always try StubHub.
I have to pick them up at MGM. Probably on Friday (Feb 21) though I've heard it may be possible to pick them up on Thursday.

Thanks -- I've never used StubHub to sell tix before and wasn't sure I'd have enough time to do it that way once I got to Vegas, but I'll certainly keep it mind.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 02:41 PM
I don't think you will be able to use Stubhub for comp tickets. If I recall correctly (and it's been a while so there's a chance I'm wrong), they typically don't have all the usual markings of a ticket that you would buy from Ticketmaster or something like that.

If you are able to sell on Stubhub, you will have more than enough time to unload them. Download the app now and get it set up so you are ready to go immediately when you pick up the tickets.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by rpeezy
I don't think you will be able to use Stubhub for comp tickets. If I recall correctly (and it's been a while so there's a chance I'm wrong), they typically don't have all the usual markings of a ticket that you would buy from Ticketmaster or something like that.

If you are able to sell on Stubhub, you will have more than enough time to unload them. Download the app now and get it set up so you are ready to go immediately when you pick up the tickets.
Interesting... Good idea about setting up stubhub ahead of time. Thx
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 03:25 PM
You may also have a lot of success honest to goodness just selling them on Craigslist too given the high profile nature of the fight. I've done that before with comped tickets and had no issues moving them. Just make sure you post up pictures of the tickets on your ad with seat locations so folks know they are legit.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 05:26 PM
Nice - good to hear from someone who's done it before. Much appreciated...
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 05:56 PM
just block out barcode
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 06:44 PM
Do not attempt to sell them onsite at the MGM, especially for more than the face value.

Getting busted used to cost $1500 plus attorney fees for a favorable outcome the matter being vacated and dismissed after 1 year probation with no further offenses.

No idea what the cost would be if onsite scalping is still illegal.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 07:46 PM
Thanks for the advice. I hadn't really considered the legality of resale, but will now. Leave it to me to be the guy hauled in for scalping...
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 07:54 PM
I’ll respond here. I’ve bought and sold tickets to many fights out in Vegas, often on Stubhub.

Stubhub is definitely your best bet IF (and it’s a big if) they are doing last minute service (or LMS). They should be. It’s a big enough event with enough paper tickets that I would guess they will still set it up. You also need to know what seats your getting (row and section).

They don’t care if the tickets are comped or not, they just care that you can deliver them in time for the buyer to use them and that they can scrape their 30% off the top between you two.

For this to work you would need to set up a stubhub account and, to make it easier on you, call them and explain that you won’t have the tickets till day x, but you can drop them off at the last minute service center (for both GGG Canelo fights this was located at what is now the Park MGM).

Assuming the timing is fine with them (and it should be) your auction would go live and you can sell them whenever between now and the fight. Again you can do this yourself on the site, but to make sure you don’t screw something up I would suggest just calling them.

Once they are sold you are just on the hook to get the tickets to the LMS office by the time you promised. You will get an email stating your tickets were delivered, and you will get paid in about 5 days or so. They take care of letting the buyer know the tickets are ready for pickup.

Keep in mind if you miss that delivery date/time they reserve the right to just straight up cancel your sale AND charge you 50% (possibly more) on top of the sale prices. You will usually get a phone call or email before they do this but not always.

Craigslist close to fight night is a crapshoot imo. It sounds all well and good, but meeting someone in Vegas isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds, the amount of money trading hands between strangers out in the open is always a little dicey, and what I’ve found is the chances of the sale actually occurring are way less than 50%. You are setting up a sale between 2 strangers from opposite ends of the country. I guarantee your buyer is using your offer to try and get a better one (much like playing car salesman against each other). When you only have a day or 12 hrs before the fight, it’s not worth it. Not to mention it is a time waste on your Vegas Trip. That time is better spent crushing in the poker room or trying to bankrupt Steve Wynn at the craps tables.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-22-2020 , 09:09 PM
Hey thanks, slurmzmckenzie, for taking the time to post such a detailed reply. Really appreciated. I should have done more homework myself but your cliffnotes on Stubhub are really helpful.

And yes, I've been going after Wynn and Sheldon for years at the craps tables but haven't quite made a dent in their fortunes yet. This might be the year, though...

I'm thinking of coming out a week early to play some WSOP circuit / Venetian tournaments if I'm going to fly all the way out to Vegas anyway, and might drum up a customer at the tables while I'm in town.

Your craigslist-crapshoot analysis fired my imagination; I see a scene where I wind up at the bar inside the Wynn attempting to trade the tickets for a date with two women of intrigue only wind up blacked out five hours later in a bathroom stall at Circus Circus with no money, no phone, no watch, no tickets, missing a kidney and reeking of perfume as I stumble toward the sink...

Maybe I'll just go see the fight!
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-23-2020 , 11:44 AM
For those who know

ARe street scalpers in heavy supply during big fights (ufc, boxing)

How about HOckey games?
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-23-2020 , 06:21 PM
does mgm make you provide ID for comped tickets, when you walk into event?
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-24-2020 , 01:19 AM
A little late back here but I think I can answer (or at least provide input) to a couple of the questions.

1. If your there for the whole week before the fight Craigslist might not work too bad for you. You definitely have time to try. If that doesn’t work you can always set up the LMS thing through stubhub 2 days out or so if CL is a no go.

2. You should definitely go to the fight!!! It’s gonna be a great one! Especially if the tickets are free. Granted I’m a big fight fan (Not sure if you are or not), but I have brought many a friend who could care less about it and they all say that it was blast.

3. I thought the Wynn pre-screened their escorts before they let the on the property. Why else would their resort fee so high? Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix?Regardless, Circus Circus seems like a long way for those ladies to take you just to rob you. I’d guess they would just leave you in that lake you can see from Mizumi Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix?.

As for the other questions, not definitive, but I purchased “consignment tickets” from stubhub twice (printed on the ticket) for fights. No price on them. Guessing they were either comps or fighter tickets. There’s no such thing as an ID check on the way into the arena. Now picking them up from the MGM is most likely a different matter.

RE: hockey game tickets. Not nearly the scalping business that you are used to in other arenas. No “I need tickets” signs or whatnot. Outside the arena is way more of a party than you are used to for a hockey game. People will still ask on the street but it’s different and more low key. The 5-0 in Vegas is a much larger presence than your run of the mill city, and they do seem to take the scalping thing somewhat seriously. Gonna guess there’s a tax reason behind it or something but honestly idk.

Ticket Tip! if your looking for good tickets to a fight (esp UFC fights). They run the VIP tickets hustle that include a photo in the ring/octagon, free swag, chance to take a photo with Dana (or punch him in his very punchable face) type experiences for mega dough. These come with great seats to said fight. When they don’t sell all of the allotted VIP packages, and they never do, these tickets just get dumped as normal seats a couple days out, and often are listed cheaper than mid-level seats to ensure they are filled for the broadcast (don’t want an empty seats on TV). Doesn’t always work, but when it does it’s pretty great. Got 8th row for ufc 196 for like 250$. guys next to us had fancy laminated tickets that ran 1500$. They also had a Snapchat story of them in the octagon before the fight I guess but I could give 2 shits about that. Also sat 2nd row floor for ufc 213 for like 300$ and fees.

Source: run a small ticket scalping operation in my spare time. Owned a pair of VGK season tickets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-24-2020 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by prototypepariah
does mgm make you provide ID for comped tickets, when you walk into event?
No, only when you pick the tickets up at the Mlife desk.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-24-2020 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by slurmzmckenzie
A little late back here but I think I can answer (or at least provide input) to a couple of the questions.

1. If your there for the whole week before the fight Craigslist might not work too bad for you. You definitely have time to try. If that doesn’t work you can always set up the LMS thing through stubhub 2 days out or so if CL is a no go.

2. You should definitely go to the fight!!! It’s gonna be a great one! Especially if the tickets are free. Granted I’m a big fight fan (Not sure if you are or not), but I have brought many a friend who could care less about it and they all say that it was blast.

3. I thought the Wynn pre-screened their escorts before they let the on the property. Why else would their resort fee so high? Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix?Regardless, Circus Circus seems like a long way for those ladies to take you just to rob you. I’d guess they would just leave you in that lake you can see from Mizumi Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix?.
I do like the fights, though I'm far from being a knowledgable fan. I'd love to see this one, but would have a hard time turning down $1,000 not to... If I decide to go and either can't sell the tix (or am looking at too much less $$ for them) I'll PM you. Maybe we can grab a beer. I would go for the undercard as well. Might as well...

All bad roads lead to Circus Circus, eventually. My own started there when I turned 21 on the floor (decades ago) and was nearly thrown out of the place by an employee who looked exactly like Pee Wee Herman who worked in the slots area. This was back when they had change belts & a cart of coins. He was dressed in pink and white-themed outfit that was not terribly flattering and wasn't happy when he asked me for my ID only for one of my friends to (repeatedly and annoyingly) point out that it was 12:01 and that I was now 21. My buddy nearly got us all thrown out when he made some remarks about the outfit and the resemblance...

Somehow I managed to return to CC years later with a girlfriend, just to see the placed again, inadvertently setting in motion a chain of events that would lead to our breakup -- I should have married her and still blame the black hole of Circus Circus for everything that went wrong.

I'm holding on to hope that they will blow up the whole joint, clown and all, as part of the upcoming renovation, though it sounds unlikely. That's an event I'd pay to see...
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-26-2020 , 09:55 PM
I've sold over two hundred sets of comped tickets in my previous life of a Vegas degen. My advice would be to throw them up on craigslist. Just make sure you put up a good ad that will catch someone's eye. Make sure you specify that you have "hard tickets" in hand. Do post a picture of the tickets but block out the seat numbers and bar codes. Sell them cheaper than face value and you should have no problem selling them.

I wouldn't suggest scalping them at the arena, there are a lot of other people doing the same and they're usually the same dirtbags that are always there.

When you go to meet someone to exchange the tixs/money make sure you do it in a public place like a casino, I used to have people meet me at the casino/venue cause there's a lot of cameras and not many people are stupid enough to try and rob someone right on a casino floor with 1000 cameras watching.
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-26-2020 , 11:11 PM
Thanks, KingBBinLV... I've read enough of your posts over the years that your user name jumped out at me. Appreciate the advice from another local who knows their way around, and I'll take it...
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
01-29-2020 , 07:16 AM
Easy to sell Wilder v. Fury tix? Quote
