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dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19

11-14-2014 , 10:22 PM
24k at first break...gotta keep it up.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-14-2014 , 10:22 PM
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-14-2014 , 11:14 PM
And im out. Button stealy guy raises pf i 3! W J9cc he flats fkop is 10Q9 one club I lead he flats. Turn is the Kc (yay) i bet he 3! I shove he covers and calls. He has KQ K on river (boo).

Playing 1/2 at PHo.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:50 AM
Things are looking a great game at pho and so far things are nirmalized. Sorry for the boring tr...hard to be enthusiastic when getting brutalised for days on end. I'll try to do better.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 12:52 AM
gl baby look forward to hearing about a bink!
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 08:46 AM
Put my 300 in the pho 1-2 on about 800. KQhh on button 2 limpers I make it 17. Sb and one mp call. Flop KQ8ss. Check to me i bet 30. Sb calls. Turn is 5h sb bets 55 I make it 150 he flats. River 5d he bets 180 i call he has 10 5 ss.

Moved to the best 2-5 game ive seen in vegas in years...only one grinder the rest are older men and a couple young rec players. No beats here just couldnt get traction. Old cowvboy hat sits and blasts off 2500 in about an hour and i cant get any of it. Every time he bets he says '125 big ones.' Pretty funny.

He gave up and other seats got swapped for grinder types so i split and went to Ballys where my amazing ass raping continued in earnest.

44 otb straddle on. Cut off makes it 12 into 4 limpers i call 2 other limpers and sb call. Flop is 347ss. Sb checks co bets 25 i make it
80 with 170 behind. Sb calls co ships it I get it in and so does the sb...this probably isnt good...hoping both have flush draws. Turns out both of them flopped the nuts w one spade redraw. Spade on the turn for good measure.

I reload and get QQhd maybe 7 hands later. Folds to me I bet 20 2 callers. Flop is AK7ccc first to act bets 55 next to act ships i turbo muck. Ep has 77 and other guy has A7.

The next hand I play is JJ in sb. Limps to me i bet 22 one caller has me covered. Flop is brick-o-rama low rainbow so I lead for 55. He calls turn is A. I check he puts me in for the 170 or so I have left. I muck and he shows AK.

I have never in 15 years run this bad so consistently for so many hours and I can barely contain my frustration. Not a fun trip.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder

I have never in 15 years run this bad so consistently for so many hours and I can barely contain my frustration. Not a fun trip.
Sorry man. I def feel your pain. Nothing worse than making the trip to Vegas and running like this. But hang in there, be patient, and let the game come to you.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:11 PM
Man, that is a gross run. Things are gonna turn around in a hurry.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 07:49 PM
hang in there buddy, it will turn around

dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 09:47 PM
Playing 1-2 at Ballys. Got my stack up to about 500 have QJcc otb. Ep makes it 7 3 callers I call. Flop AK5ccc. Checks to me I bet 15 folds to mp guy who shoves for 85 more obv I call. He has A10dd. Turn K river A.

I love teh pokerz.

I swear I am not making this up.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:23 PM
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:32 PM
Jeez you're running ice cold. When I'm running that bad I find a visit to the strip club always helps.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-15-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by TonySoprano9
Jeez you're running ice cold. When I'm running that bad I find a visit to the strip club always helps.
Morale booster at minimum.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 12:13 AM
+1. strip club time!! Ta tas
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 12:16 AM
You're not drinking greyhounds, are you?

Greyhounds run god, put the run good in you.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 01:27 AM
Wow I completely forgot about the greyhound run good! Ordering one immediately.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 01:44 AM
Done. I am 100% confident that this will work.

After I ordered it I got JJ in sb. Mp limps i make is 16 she calls. Flop 752r I bet 27 she calls. Turn is 5 I bet 37 call. River is 7 and she immediately looks at her stack. I chk she bets 65 i fold the jacks face up.

She shows K7.

dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 01:58 AM
In the 10 min since the greyhound arrived Ive had AQ back to back. Made trip Q on the first and broadway on the second and both held up.

dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 02:05 AM
I know it doesn't make you feel any better, but I've had at least 2 trips like that. One where I blasted off 18 straight buy-ins before it was time to leave. Another one where I never made a pair or better with a card in my hand over a 3 day weekend.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 03:32 AM
Hangig tough...just moved to a table with about 4k in play. This would be a good time to get over the run-bads.

I reel good...thinking clearly and relaxed. Time to smash. I hope.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 03:36 AM
greyhound greyhound greyhound
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder

Score one for the good guys!

4 way chop. Top 3 were pretty close but i was chip leader so i got the winner 'trophy' and 2k.
Anal poker champion?
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 03:58 AM
I wasn't in this hand...

Eff stax about 1200 guy ships his last 900 or so into a 400 or so pot and old Asian guy snaps w KJ for top pair; it isnt good.

**breaking news** winner of this hand just ordered a greyhound as I type this.

I am in seat 9. Hi

Also i missed some of the hand so the numbers might not be quite right. The point it the guy snap called a huge bet with a pair and a marginal kicker. That guy has like 100 left and has not reloaded. Sad.

Last edited by dietDrThunder; 11-16-2014 at 04:18 AM.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 05:49 AM
Have doubled twice through greyhound guy who won that previous pot. I admit that i kinda feel bad because he seems pretty drunk, and if he is a 2p2 brother thats kinda rough. I know I know...we're all grown men etc. but thats just me.

Anyway, am on a little under 1300 now. A couple more doubles and Im right back in this thing. Sadly much of the money is gone now so that isnt too likely.
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
11-16-2014 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mike_The_Mad
Anal poker champion?
You know i didnt think thats what it meant when i got it, but now...
dDT's November TR 11/10 - 11/19 Quote
