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amusedlol summer 2016 TR amusedlol summer 2016 TR

05-23-2016 , 06:40 PM
Hello LVL,

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ivin, a long time reader and contributor to this subforum. Like many of you, I started out reading trip reports during my boring, 40 hrs/wk desk job. Back then, I would rush from work to get to the local card room to put in another 40 hrs/wk. Eventually, I started using all the tips and tricks found in the various, useful threads here and documented them in trip reports of my own.

I now play full time and will be down in the desert for my third full WSOP. My girlfriend, ragequitprincess (unknown if she will be contributing here), will be joining me. She decided to quit her job at an elderly care home so she could make this trip. She tried e-mailing the team at All American Dave's for a delivery job at the Rio, but it seems many of the girls are returning from last year so she will have to find a part time job elsewhere while I'm playing poker.

We will be driving down from the Bay Area this Friday morning, leaving super early to avoid the rush hour traffic. The first few days will be spent as a vacation before the grind--two nights at SLS followed by two nights at Cosmo. Afterwards, we will move in with a friend of mine who is graciously letting us rent a room in his apartment for cheap.

I'll try to update often on here. In past TRs I usually posted several times a day simply because something was always happening. This time around I might try to cut back and just do longer posts.

And for those of you who know me:

i'm too f lazy to put my calendar here lol. playing like 10 events or so and also plan on playing the main. haven't sold for it yet tho. i'll let y'all know since many of you have taken action. expect pics and reports from plenty of food places. there will be a lot of repeats but we'll try to hit up some new spots. you can also follow along on snapchat: amusedlol. if you wanna hang just shoot me a PM on the forums or fb if you got me there.

also just picked up overwatch for the PS4--amusedlol on PSN. waiting for the damn update to download lol.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 07:06 PM
Subbed - let's win something big.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 07:23 PM
in 4 foodporn
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 07:31 PM
Cool dude
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 07:47 PM
Welcome back Ivin and hope you have a(nother) successful summer.

I'll be in town 12th to 24th June if you want to catch up.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 07:49 PM
Gooooood luck. Do you have a Twitter that you'll post updates on?
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 10:12 PM
Really enjoyed your previous TRs and it was fun running into you briefly last summer. Good luck and maybe I'll see you during my brief June visit (6/12-6/15). I'm an ex-Bay Area guy myself (east bay in the 80's...then Stanford in the early 90's).
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-23-2016 , 11:50 PM
Run good this summer Ivin!
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 01:20 AM
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 02:15 AM
No scallops!
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 06:54 AM
Am I the only one who loves that Ivin's girls handle is ragequitprincess? It gives the vision of a girl who is highly competitive and hates to lose and stomps off from Monopoly or Candyland
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Am I the only one who loves that Ivin's girls handle is ragequitprincess? It gives the vision of a girl who is highly competitive and hates to lose and stomps off from Monopoly or Candyland

But she also wears a crown and pretty dress.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 08:13 AM
GL at the series this year. Subbed
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 10:48 AM
You going to be selling any of your WSOP action?

Edit: I just read the second to last paragraph of your Post.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 12:03 PM
Subbed! Avid reader of your previous TR's

Hopefully you will have a great summer to share with us
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-24-2016 , 01:31 PM
Subbed. Good luck! Have a great time, too.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 12:25 AM
Hey let's do some fun sht this summer along with shipping mtts. You playing cash some or primarily tourney grind? Btw if you need to entertain the gf mine gets bored over summer bc I play a ton of hours so she would gladly kidnap yours and they can go do feminine things while we do manly things untill we all go binge sushi and whatnot.

Btw I was looking into maybe doing that 2-4 man (min 2) tag team WSOP $1k if you would want to play and maybe NCJ and one other or could just go with 3...
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 12:26 AM
Is overwatch strictly ps4 or can I play it on my rusty ps3?
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 07:35 PM
Add me in if you guys are going to do the TAG team thing. It has to be between June 24-3rd July though.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 07:54 PM
First off, thanks for the kind wishes all. I am going to approach this summer with one goal: play my best.

Originally Posted by mendicant loafer
in 4 foodporn

yes there will be plenty. Hopefully I have a steady hand to keep the pics high quality lol.

Originally Posted by Donk Dunc
I'll be in town 12th to 24th June if you want to catch up.
Definitely sounds good.

Originally Posted by drbeechwood
...then Stanford in the early 90's).

For some reason my 2p2 app won't let me quote bentaylors posts? Did he get temp b&? Lol. Anyway my twitter is @amusedlol but the more entertaining updates will be here!
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
No scallops!
Scallops for me, not for you or ragequit lol.

Originally Posted by Natamus
Am I the only one who loves that Ivin's girls handle is ragequitprincess? It gives the vision of a girl who is highly competitive and hates to lose and stomps off from Monopoly or Candyland

Originally Posted by p566
But she also wears a crown and pretty dress.

she said that is her 100%... pretty dress, stomping and all.

Originally Posted by wheydacheese
Hey let's do some fun sht this summer along with shipping mtts. You playing cash some or primarily tourney grind? Btw if you need to entertain the gf mine gets bored over summer bc I play a ton of hours so she would gladly kidnap yours and they can go do feminine things while we do manly things untill we all go binge sushi and whatnot.

Btw I was looking into maybe doing that 2-4 man (min 2) tag team WSOP $1k if you would want to play and maybe NCJ and one other or could just go with 3...
I'm staying away from tag team. Sounds like a logistical nightmare knowing WSOPs track record.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by amusedlol
First off, thanks for the kind wishes all. I am going to approach this summer with one goal: play my best.

yes there will be plenty. Hopefully I have a steady hand to keep the pics high quality lol.

Definitely sounds good.


For some reason my 2p2 app won't let me quote bentaylors posts? Did he get temp b&? Lol. Anyway my twitter is @amusedlol but the more entertaining updates will be here!
I'm not temp banned.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-25-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Vegasnewbie428
I'm not temp banned.
Weird. Wouldn't let me quote you when doing multi.
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
05-26-2016 , 09:46 PM
Yikes. So I had stayed up all night so that I could get to bed by 7. I planned to pack all my stuff before sleeping, but I'm so exhausted I said f it, I'll just pack after waking up. (The girlfriend and I pretty much played 10 hours of Overwatch while slowly doing laundry, lol. ) 9 hours of sleep shouldn't be bad before the drive, right?

Also, I had someone suddenly cancel a 23% chunk of my package just two hours ago. I saw the icon and the notification on my phone and grimaced anticipating it was going to be a cancellation. Luckily I had a small waitlist and the bump to my thread on marketplace has already gotten me a couple more investors. As I'm writing this post there's still 11% available in case anyone is interested. (Should be first page in selling shares live right now. Please post there.)
amusedlol summer 2016 TR Quote
