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25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20

11-11-2014 , 08:25 PM
I freakin love this table long and super fun session so far won a big pot w j7 in 4 bet straddled pot by triple barreling top pair big on all 3 streets and getting called down and being good also hit set over set but bad runout cost me an extra 400 profit on the hand
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-11-2014 , 08:33 PM
Wow just lost a 2k pot 87 vs jj vs 1010 vs kq j109 rainbow flop
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-11-2014 , 09:21 PM
lost another big one 108hh<a4 a37hh62 he bet 35 on flop 140 on turn which i read as pretty weak but he had barely any behind and then the river bricked

too tired to keep playing and the table changed drastically and not in a good way

profits evaporated still squeaked out +156 disappointed in the ending but happy with how i played for the most part except for not getting up about 10 hands earlier when the dynamic shifted
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 03:22 AM
Quick start to my night in for 200 won another 100 right as I type this so add that to pic nothing big so far just a nut flush and turning top 2 on 3 club board and dodging board pair and club vs aa
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 05:08 AM
Lost 2 big pots 45hh vs 98 on 689hhh flop he hit running quads and then Ajcc vs Kk on j74cc flop stuck 140ish
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 10:11 AM
Lost another bi two pair vs open ender he picked up on turn and then ran 1010 into 93 on 932 rainbow vs player whose range was wayyyyy too wide to fold think I'm calling this tr Doa my morale is pretty shot after what continues to be a brutal year and It would be unwise for me to play
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 11:36 AM
Add 1 more bad beat wallet missing as I board my flight
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 12:24 PM
Uh I reading this correctly that you've decided to leave 8 days early?! Sorry to hear about the bad run.
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by theporkchop
Add 1 more bad beat wallet missing as I board my flight

Sorry to hear that. I hate that feeling
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 01:30 PM
i know this is no time for silver lining, but at least you lost your wallet AFTER airport security
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 02:27 PM
Atleast ending on run good they found it and got it in the next flight so I can grab it at baggage claim
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-12-2014 , 11:30 PM
Your 10 day trip turned into a 48 hour trip? Yikes.
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-13-2014 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by JRH
Your 10 day trip turned into a 48 hour trip? Yikes.
So, we all know what it means to have a TR be Blasted. Now I guess we have a new term when Vegas chews somebody up and spits them out early.

They got Porkchopped.

Sorry. Too soon??

In all seriousness, Porkchop, sorry the trip didn't go as planned. Vegas can be a cruel b!tch.
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-13-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by CvD
So, we all know what it means to have a TR be Blasted. Now I guess we have a new term when Vegas chews somebody up and spits them out early.

They got Porkchopped.

Sorry. Too soon??

In all seriousness, Porkchop, sorry the trip didn't go as planned. Vegas can be a cruel b!tch.

He didn't Blasted his TR, he Porkchopped it.
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-13-2014 , 03:04 PM
Quite the funny thread title now.....
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-13-2014 , 10:01 PM
just wanted to send a shoutout to carrot top jr the crazy german and the canadian comedian for making the tables i played at insanely fun as well as billy papas and crew for not completely destroying the game when they came through to play a 1/3 game
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
11-13-2014 , 10:32 PM
as well as billy papas and crew for not completely destroying the game when they came through to play a 1/3 game
don't be so sure they could...
25th birthday extravaganza a potentially epic first trip report 11/10-11/20 Quote
