So I had a business trip to California, and needed to be on the east coast two days later. I either needed to stay in California, or arrange a layover in Vegas. Easy call.
My flight from California was to arrive in Vegas at 9 p.m., and my outgoing flight was at 9:40 the next morning. My first plan was just to play poker the entire time, but I’d already had a long day, with an early morning flight to Cal. So I made a contingency plan getting a room on Orbitz for $50.
As you may know, Orbitz does not show the name of the hotel until you buy it. This was a 3 star hotel on the center strip (I wanted to play at Aria and Bellagio). I was pretty apprehensive, and there was another 3.5 star hotel for $75. I thought the $50 was I.P. and the $75 was Flamingo, but I had no idea, and it was just a contingency.
I clicked “buy” and… the room was at Bill’s Gambling Hall (formerly Barbary Coast). At least the location was good.
I arrived in Vegas and got in the cab line. Some dude wanted to share a cab- he was going to the Tropicana. I said ok, stupidly, and the cab took the tunnel. To the trop. Is that awful? I need to review that but I think I got rolled. I should have said no tunnel, but oh well. Dude gives me $10, and I pay another $20 to get to Bill’s. Oh well. Don’t despair.
I get to Bill’s and the casino is just like I remember the last time I played there more than a decade ago- lots of wife beater t-shirts and big hair. I check in, and my room is 250- second floor. There is no guard at the elevator, like Venetian, etc., and I go up to my room. The hall way is dark and worn, but the room is big, clean, and overlooks Bally’s.
The room was just fine. Tile was not marble, etc., but it was quiet, smelled ok, and the location was great.
So if you need a cheap place to crash, Bill’s is just fine. Another spoiler, and I’ll be done with Bill’s, the shower had the best water pressure of any hotel I’ve ever been in. It was like the elephant shower episode in Seinfeld.
There was a poker table or two there in the front, and I planned on maybe playing later, but I walked across the street to
I went to Bally’s first because Las Vegas Michael seems to like the room. The clientele was a step up from Bill’s. Maybe a half step.
I sit down at 1-2, order a vodka tonic, and play some cards. The chips were worn, the room is in the middle of the casino, and it reminded me of the riverboat casino at home. There were two aggressive table captains with stacks of $500+, a talkative loose pre donk, 3-4 nits, and me. It was 930, and half the table had drinks, but none seemed wasted.
This is the same game spread at Bellagio and Venetian- I asked myself why I was playing at this place when I could play the same game at a nicer place?
I had $225 in the S.B. when a new guy at the table raised to $12. Called on the button by one of the big stacks. I raise to $40 with JJ from the s.b. and the raiser calls as does the button. Flop comes K, T, 3 two clubs.
In retrospect, I play lol bad and shove. My thought was any bet basically commits me, and the shove represents AK. I didn’t think either would have called with kq or less, so basically I was trying to fold out anything but sets (and 33 should not have called $40 pre) slowplayed aces and maybe jq clubs.
Early raiser thinks forever then calls with t8o for second pair. Hits a ten on the turn, and I get nearly stacked with a 5 outer. Oh well.
I played a few more hands then walked across the street to Bellagio. (-200)
What a room. I loved it. Beautiful. Though there was a list for 1-2, I was quickly seated at a brand new table. Drew for button and I get the SB. AA on first hand. Early position raises to 8, called on the button. I raise to $20. EP calls (bought in for $100). Button calls ($150 stack). Flop comes J,9,5 rainbow.
I bet $40 into $60, small stack shoves and button calls. Again, I probably play lol bad but I shove. I couldn’t see folding, and I couldn’t see call, checking. I thought if I shoved, button might fold.
EP shows KJ, and button shows J9 for top two. Turn and flop goes 3, 3, so I suck out.
Drink service is great. I have two vodka tonics, a sierra Nevada, and a Maker’s Mark Manhattan. That’s like $60 of drinks at Bellagio- and four swizzle sticks. No drink holders, and I thought the table was small esp. with drinks. Great drinks though.
I eventually leave +400 and go to Noodles for dinner.
The table was very soft, and betting scare cards won me a few small pots.
Just ok. $ 18 for special beef noodles was too much, but I needed some food and it was on the way to the tram to Aria.
I took the tram to Crystals, then got lost in the mall. I have to take a leak and go into a bathroom, its 1 a.m. or so. A person of indeterminate sex says “I’m cleaning!” Sorry. I finally find my way out and into Aria.
I sit at 1-3 and this room is very nice too.
There is one big stack of $900 at the table, a couple of nits, and a calling station that will call almost anything pre. I buy in for $300.
I get a big hand very quickly with AA, and the big stack and a $200 stack call. Flop comes A, T, 3 two diamonds I think. I raised to $15, I think.
Big stack bets $15, and middle guy call. I raise to $45. I don’t slowplay very often, and with that action I wanted to get money in. Big stack folds and middle calls.
River is something and I bet $100, he shoves all in, and I call. He shows AT for top two and I’m at $500+.
Again no drink holders, but there were only 6 or 7 people at the table so it wasn't crowded.
For the final suck out of the night… I raise to $15 in late pos. with 77. Called by the big stack and the calling station ($250 or so). Flop comes qt7 rainbow. Checks to me and I bet $50. Called by the calling station. Turn is an 8. Check and I bet $100. He calls. River is another Q- he shoves and I call and he shows j9 for the turned straight.
I guess I suck, but with his stack, I thought I was committed with bottom set, and I thought he would check raise me on the turn if I was beat. I leave when the table breaks (+500)
So I went back to Bill’s and crashed.
The next morning I played again at Bellagio for an hour and lost $80.
I caught my flight and left Vegas a little richer- but doh, another bad beat even though I had boarding pass A1, a 300+ lb. hippie took the middle seat and I was wedged in for the 4 hour flight to the east coast. He was showered though.
Love Vegas.