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100k Year in Vegas 100k Year in Vegas

01-06-2014 , 07:41 PM

Gotta be true!
01-06-2014 , 09:18 PM
Shoes or it didn't happen.
01-07-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by imakeposts
Hey let's play together. I'm assuming your new to town and don't know many people. Let's at some 1,2 crush and I'll confirm for everyone and you don't have to post a pic or anything. I'm a chill dude and will bring the 420
can vouch 4 imakeposts being legit. And if you are ever at the V stop by and find me - we can shoot the breeze and I will poast up you are 4 real. Pm me for my # and info.
01-07-2014 , 02:03 PM
it must have been the cush that drew everyone out of the woodwork
01-07-2014 , 03:42 PM
01-07-2014 , 04:07 PM
01-07-2014 , 06:32 PM
Everybody wants to vouch for the guy with the kush. Jkjk
01-07-2014 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by imakeposts
Everybody wants to vouch for the guy with the kush. Jkjk
01-07-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by 100K2014
You got me. I'm also Backpack Steve and Codizzle.
Interesting how OP disappears a mere 26 minutes after imakeposts offers to meet up with him.

Still in Vegas OP?

Last edited by Saklad; 01-07-2014 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Because KUSH!
01-07-2014 , 10:32 PM
Ovb a level. Lame.
01-07-2014 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Habman

Gotta be true!
lmao that's great
01-08-2014 , 02:56 AM
plz lock this troll garbage and keep what dignity we have left in LVL. Go back to BBV, op
01-08-2014 , 07:45 PM
thread dead. OP sucks at teh pokerz. has not results or anything to back it up.

OP cant beat 1/2 limits.
01-08-2014 , 08:33 PM
There are a couple of other recent threads with people talking about their poker in Vegas. One guy posted his stack of chips one night, and the other even posted pics of himself. This OP posts no pics and won't even meet up with a single poster, ever. He also refuses to post any results at all prior to this year and won't even say if he has ever been a winner at any game. Even if he posted that he was a lifetime loser at 1/2 NL, at least it would show honesty if nothing else.
01-08-2014 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
You won't even tell us what your results have been in 1-2 games (or in any poker games) in the past. Several posts have asked you how you've done in the past. They are easy questions to answer. You refuse to answer them. Why?
Originally Posted by 100K2014
Okay, so you refuse to tell us about past results because of that. But you've also started this thread (so much for anonymity when you do that) and you also posted this stuff:

Originally Posted by 100K2014
I will say it one more time. The results will be verifiable at the end of the year. Obviously people can doubt anything but I am confident that I will be able to provide documentation that will be acceptable to most.
Originally Posted by 100K2014
Guys please relax and give me a shot at a proper update. That is why I said to look for another update soon. You'll get your pictures but in the end you'll still have to wait til the end of the year for verifiable results.

What is the best way to upload pictures? I see people linking to photobucket. Is that the preferred method?
Oh wait, so now you're talking about posting pics and posting results you had this year?

Originally Posted by 100K2014
5 days in played a total of 61 hrs +2855

I guess I wasn't joking when I said I plan on running good. I had two major pots I ended up winning that I was behind on when a significant amount of money was in the pot. One I still had decent equity and the other I sucked out on big time but got a lot more in the pot after I sucked out. These two pots totaled around 1200 so my numbers could definitely be different. Haven't played regularly for some time up until this point and definitely not for straight days so it took some getting used to. I also notice the Vegas distractions getting to me but I expect to get better with that as time goes by. Luckily some things went my way and hopefully my discipline gets better out here because this town will obviously eat you alive if you aren't focused.

Good luck to everyone at the tables. Look for another update fairly soon.
And you post results immediately after your latest sessions. So why won't you tell us ANYTHING about your results before this year? It can't be because of anonymity, because you don't seem worried at all about posting results at other times, like results from less than a week ago.

And why should we trust anything you post about results this month when you're clearly not being honest about your reasons for hiding results from before this month?
01-08-2014 , 09:17 PM
Fake or not, this is one of the better threads in LVL currently. Enjoy it for what it is.
01-08-2014 , 09:24 PM
I'll check in on this thread in a week or 2 to see if OP posts anything. I'll then check in a month later to see if this develops into something.

As of now, I feel this is a level or this guy just doesn't realize the time involved in posting and updating a 'track my progress' thread.

There's several reasons I don't do one of these, as much as I would love the critic and feedback from this community on my game.
01-08-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
Okay, so you refuse to tell us about past results because of that. But you've also started this thread (so much for anonymity when you do that) and you also posted this stuff:

Oh wait, so now you're talking about posting pics and posting results you had this year?

And you post results immediately after your latest sessions. So why won't you tell us ANYTHING about your results before this year? It can't be because of anonymity, because you don't seem worried at all about posting results at other times, like results from less than a week ago.

And why should we trust anything you post about results this month when you're clearly not being honest about your reasons for hiding results from before this month?
If you noticed I said to give me a chance at a proper update after I posted my results. People were curious as to how I was doing so I thought providing them the courtesy of a quick update was needed.

From here on out I will post when I feel I have enough interesting content to post. If I don't post for days/weeks it's not because I can't beat low stakes poker (almost anyone can) or that I gave up on the goal. It's because I don't feel the need to or simply don't want to.
01-08-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
I'll check in on this thread in a week or 2 to see if OP posts anything. I'll then check in a month later to see if this develops into something.

As of now, I feel this is a level or this guy just doesn't realize the time involved in posting and updating a 'track my progress' thread.

There's several reasons I don't do one of these, as much as I would love the critic and feedback from this community on my game.
I absolutely underestimated the demand. Please understand this is a very intense goal and it comes before my updating this thread. I also put my life balance before this as well. However, I do expect as time goes by that I will figure out a regular posting schedule and that this will become a better thread. I'm just getting everything together both inside and outside of the game so please allow me to get settled.
01-08-2014 , 09:45 PM
Still a cheeseball
01-08-2014 , 10:29 PM
So dumb this didn't end after my post, I hate seeing it constantly updated in my feed

Petition ban op
01-08-2014 , 11:41 PM
Lock and ban.
01-09-2014 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Turyia
i dont know who tru is but my suspicion that its shawn jacob from "rise of a degen".... there are similarities in diction, the general tenor of the posts, the stark refusal to post pics and other things....

i also talked a bit with him a couple months after he disappeared from 2p2, and out conversations after the thread kind of contribute to my suspicions that this is him.
Originally Posted by 100K2014
You got me. I'm also Backpack Steve and Codizzle.
Im sure youre Aeppoker as well.

But lets look at the similarities between this and the Shawn Jacob thread

the shawn jacob thread -- a brand new account starts a thread with a very short post telling us he is going to be in vegas in a few days, and asking us to follow his adventures as he pursues an exceptionally unlikely goal -- making it in vegas with like 1500 bucks to his name

Originally Posted by ShawnJacob
Follow me as I take my entire net worth of $1500 to Las Vegas to take a shot at becoming a professional poker player. I will be heading out from Southern California on a bus with nothing but what I can fit in my bag. If I go broke I will head back with my tail between my legs. However, if I make it you will be able to join me as I experience the exciting life Las Vegas has to offer.
Any questions?
this thread -- a brand new account starts a new thread with a very short post telling us hes going to be in vegas in a few days, and asks to follow his adventures as he pursues a different, but equally unlikely goal.

Originally Posted by 100K2014
Goal: Roll into Vegas and make 100K playing low stakes 1-2 no limit poker in 2014.

Genius Math: Play 50hrs/week at a win rate of $40/hr equaling 100k and a remainder of two weeks to spare.*


*Math subject to change at any time without prior notice.
**Let the flaming begin.
the shawn jacob thread -- our hero arrives in vegas. But with all the pokering going on, and him getting settled and such, he tells us that he is going to have to demur from posting updates for the first week.

Originally Posted by ShawnJacob

I don't really feel like writing much now or over the next week or so but I'm sure I will. I may throw up a couple videos and quick updates but knowing that I'm on such a short roll I'm starting to psychologically enter an extreme state of focus. Hopefully I won't have to play more than 60 hrs my first week but we'll see how it goes. Honestly, the goal is to have a few big sessions early so I can have at least one crazy night out in the near future. It would also be nice to prove the naysayers wrong. This isn't as difficult as most people make it out to be.

This thread -- our hero arrives in vegas. But with all the pokering going on, and him getting settled and such, he tells us that he is going to have to demur from posting updates for the first week.

Originally Posted by 100K2014
I will not be providing any updates until after the first week unless something major happens.
The Shawn Jacob thread -- We wait with baded breath for an update, but when it finally comes, we are dissappointed. It is nothing but "I am up about 3K" no discussion of hands, details, etc.

Originally Posted by ShawnJacob
Need sleep. Up over 3k from less than 1k when I sat down only 5 nights ago. Have played massive hours. Will provide a detailed update when possible. Sorry I cant do it now but its an understatement when I say massive hours.
this thread -- We wait with baded breath for an update, but when it finally comes, we are dissappointed. It is nothing but "I am up about 3K" no discussion of hands, details, etc.

Originally Posted by 100K2014
5 days in played a total of 61 hrs +2855

I guess I wasn't joking when I said I plan on running good. I had two major pots I ended up winning that I was behind on when a significant amount of money was in the pot. One I still had decent equity and the other I sucked out on big time but got a lot more in the pot after I sucked out.
The Shawn Jacob thread -- We are all understandably dissappointed, and call him out on the suspicious lack of detail. He tells us that the particular demands of the task before him have consumed all of his time, but promises to provide more detail later.

Originally Posted by ShawnJacob
As some have already said I'm working against the clock because my expenses are high. So when I take a day off Ill provide some details as to what is going on.
Originally Posted by ShawnJacob
Give me a little time but I will deliver a solid report soon. I'm starting to feel obligated because there are obviously people that are truly interested in how I'm doing.
this thread -- We are all understandably dissappointed, and call him out on the suspicious lack of detail. He tells us that the particular demands of the task before him have consumed all of his time, but promises to provide more detail later.

Originally Posted by 100K2014
I absolutely underestimated the demand. Please understand this is a very intense goal and it comes before my updating this thread. I also put my life balance before this as well. However, I do expect as time goes by that I will figure out a regular posting schedule and that this will become a better thread. I'm just getting everything together both inside and outside of the game so please allow me to get settled.
what i can't believe was that i fell for it both times.

Last edited by Turyia; 01-09-2014 at 12:43 AM.
01-09-2014 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by thenorcaljew
Petition ban op
01-09-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Saklad
not even give him a chance to fail first?
