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More 6 max mid stakes videos by the top guys please More 6 max mid stakes videos by the top guys please

06-24-2008 , 06:25 PM
Seriously, I thought the people were at least half intelligent in the world of business. Is putting up another MTT vid just a slap in our face or what's going on? Make a damn 2-4 vid or something and put it up to at least quiet the rumblings of us complainers. It will take 45 minutes, and while it's not going to solve the problem long term, it will at least show that you are listening. Instead you put up another microstakes vid and another MTT vid.

Seriously, I wish I didn't purchase a year long subscription already, because I would cancel RIGHT NOW. Because apparently nothing else is going to get our point across.

I've also looked at the poll (and voted) in the CardRunners forums and while the option that says "Mix of Games" is leading, it's pretty ignorant to actually think it is ACTUALLY leading. If you combine the votes for NLHE only and NLHE + PLO, they are crushing by 60-70%. I think it's pretty obvious that a vast majority of people want NLHE and maybe a few PLO thrown in here and there since a lot of serious players are starting to make the transition.

But honestly, I don't know why I'm typing all of this up, because CardRunners has already shown they don't give a damn.
06-24-2008 , 09:19 PM
Seriously, I wish I didn't purchase a year long subscription already, because I would cancel RIGHT NOW. Because apparently nothing else is going to get our point across.
haha, i know how you feel I don't think I've watch a video all month. If nothing else, it's a matter of principle. Having a microstakes full ring and MTT up these last few days are like a slap in the face to this thread.

I gotta check my subscription but I think I got 8 Looong more months of this LOL. Anybody know how to cancel a subscription if you paid for the year? I read somewhere you have to contact CR support to cancel your subscription otherwise they will just continue to keep charging your credit card monthly. Just a FYI for those that don't know.
