Hi Devilboy -
We realize that our Digital Rights Management (DRM) software is an imperfect attempt to strike the balance between protecting our intellectual property and your enjoyment of our videos. However, we believe that it's the best answer for most people at this time (until a better answer arrives in the future, which we would happily adopt). You might think of it as analogous to a padlock on a backyard shed. Such a lock won't keep out a determined thief with a hacksaw and a sledge hammer, but it prevents "opportunistic" or "casual" theft. Similarly, the DRM prevents causal theft [1] of our videos.
Please note also that you can use DRM videos away from your computer for 14 days at a time, so they really are mobile to some degree.
Finally, as regards your iPod, most of our material really wouldn't be appropriate for such a format anyway - the cards and chip stacks would be virtually illegible. However, we are planning to make some material specifically targeted for iPods and similar media players; obviously such material would not be DRM'd.
Again, we don't consider DRM to be a perfect solution, but it's the best compromise we can find now to give our customers reasonable access to our material while preventing casual theft our intellectual property. We will certainly continue to look for better solutions.
We appreciate your taking the time to write us, and we really appreciate your being a CardRunners member.
Best regards,
Lee Jones
COO, CardRunners LLC
[1] I use the word "theft" purposely. It is nothing less and those who "pirate" videos from any "pay for play" site are thieves.