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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

02-01-2016 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by tabbaker

American Beauty gave us the GOAT Katy Perry lyric.

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?"
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Is there really such a thing as "GOAT Katy Perry lyric"?

Sent from my 0PJA2 using 2+2 Forums
I know almost no Katy Perry, but brief googling suggests:

"It's time to bring out the big, big, big, big, big, big balloons."
02-01-2016 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by tabbaker
Sisters was disappointing coming from Amy and Tina. It was ok and made me laugh at times but nothing special. Would redbox it only.

Also I almost completely agree with the review of The Boy posted above. First half was ok and better than I expected from the previews but it goes downhill quickly.
I liked sisters ok. If only for

Tina: "do you have any kids?"
John cena: "I'm sure I do"
02-01-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Is there really such a thing as "GOAT Katy Perry lyric"?

Sent from my 0PJA2 using 2+2 Forums
Yeah that's true they're all so good picking one just doesn't make sense
02-01-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
I liked sisters ok. If only for

Tina: "do you have any kids?"
John cena: "I'm sure I do"
Oh yeah John Cena was the best part of the movie. Him or Alex.
02-01-2016 , 08:20 PM
Best part of Trainwreck as well.
02-01-2016 , 09:01 PM
Thanks legend and everyone else. My internet skin has been pretty thin lately.

This is easily my favorite thread in 2p2 and hopefully I'm able to contribute in a positive way.

Here are my latest........

For Whom The Bell Tolls Adaptation of a Hemingway novel about an American assigned to blow up a bridge during the Spanish civil war.

I enjoyed this but I felt like each scene was about 20% too long.

I haven't read the novel but it seemed as if it struggled to present what Hemingway was trying to say. There are so many nuances to a written work that are difficult to present in film. I think this happens with a lot of adaptations.

I would recommend this to people that really love movies but I think a casual movie watcher might not enjoy it so much.
The Notebook Famous "chick flick" about an elderly man who reads a story of a young couple who fall in love to an elderly lady in his nursing home.

I'm not a huge chick flick fan but this one gets mentioned so much that I've been curious about it for some time.

I sort of tried to keep this at arm's length but it sucked me in. Although it skirted the line of cheesiness, it never crossed it. Even though you knew where this was going (to a certain extent) the journey was wonderful.

If this one don't make you cry then you ain't human.

Would recommend to anyone.
The Last Samurai Tom Cruise is an alcoholic ex-captain of the US Army in the 1800s with a past that haunts him. He is recruited by Japan to fight for the emperor against the rebellious samurai. During a battle he is captured by the samurai and grows to respect and admire them.

This is a beautifully shot movie. The story is solid as was the acting but it gets very Hollywoody in parts, especially during the fight scenes. Nothing earth shattering moviewise but a good popcorn flick.

Cruise is a very polarizing actor and I know a lot of people can't stand him but he's one of my favorites. He was great in this role.
Night of the Hunter Robert Mitchum is a preacher/serial killer who shares a cell in prison with a man who killed two people and took a significant sum of money. Before the man was arrested he hid the money and made his two young children promise to never tell anyone where it was. When Mitchum is released from prison he goes to the man's family in hopes of recovering the loot. The story takes several twists and turns before finishing where you never would have expected it to go when it started.

This is a very very strange movie. Although it was filmed in 1955, it is black and white. Some of the scenes seemed somewhat normal followed by others that are just surreal. One shot of a woman tied to a car in the bottom of a river was somewhere between hauntingly beautiful and downright bizarre. The dialogue, interspersed with singing, was all over the place including a bit of breaking of the 4th wall.

The wiki said that directors such as David Lynch and the Coen brothers were influenced by this film and I understand why.

Ultimately I liked it. I was sort of wtf'ing during a lot of it but it certainly held my attention. I think anyone that is really interested in movies should probably make this a must see. But I'm not sure everyone will like it.
02-01-2016 , 09:17 PM
Sisters was way better than Trainwreck
02-01-2016 , 10:21 PM
Tale of Tales: Italian/French/British fantasty/horror. Based on a book from the 1600s. Feels like a movie from the 1600s. Italian "artistic" approach to filmmaking. Truly godawful. I was literally loling at the scene where the king kills the dragon, it was so bad. Avoid at all costs. John C. Reilly, how did they trick you into doing this? Almost turned it off midway but decided to punish myself for giving it a chance and stuck it out until the end. Punishment was excessive. The necromancer was pretty good.

Air: really, really bad as a sci fi movie. Marginal to mediocre as a generic drama. Split down the middle with how it was made, so it never gets the chance to be an effective version of either. Poorly written in general.

Self/less: Always had a soft spot for Freejack and I haven't yet gotten tired of how Ryan Reynolds plays himself in every movie. That will probably happen after Deadpool. Self/less makes me sad because they could have done so much more with it, and instead went with standard boring stuff like inane car chases. It's not terrible, but it's pretty bad. Kingsley & Reynolds did well with what they were given. They just weren't given much to do well with.
02-01-2016 , 11:48 PM
Thief: It's hasn't aged very well and obviously isn't Mann's finest film, but still a highly enjoyable crime drama. James Caan was fantastic. LOL at Tangerine Dream's score being nominated for a Razzie, it was brilliant and I'm not even a fan of them. 7.5/10

The Martian: Pretty underwhelming movie IMO. Not a bad film by any means and visually stunning, but I don't understand the critical acclaim (and I love sci-fi films). I thought the poor attempts at comedy relief really detracted from any sense of tension it was trying to build throughout. It's certainly watchable, but ultimately a mediocre film. 5.5/10
02-02-2016 , 12:20 AM
Night of the Hunter is a really underrated suspense/thriller. Deeply unsettling in ways that are hard to put your finger on. Must-see for anyone who likes classics and/or film noir.
02-02-2016 , 01:05 AM
I guess a better way of categorizing films like American Beauty and Forrest Gump, they are good movies that dumb people often enjoy and rave about, which rubs film snobs the wrong way.
02-02-2016 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I guess a better way of categorizing films like American Beauty and Forrest Gump, they are good movies that dumb people often enjoy and rave about, which rubs film snobs the wrong way.
I'd put Shawshank in there too, although I kinda think American Beauty is slightly better than that characterization.
02-02-2016 , 02:34 AM
Crazy Heart I really had little to no interest seeing this when it came out. Happened to catch it the other night and from the opening scene of Jeff Bridges emptying his piss bottle at a bowling alley couldn't turn away from his performance.

Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia When a Mexican crime boss learns that his aide, Alfredo Garcia, has impregnated his daughter, he offers a million dollars for Garcia's head.

that plot drew me in, fun ride from Peckinpah

Caine Mutiny was suprised to see the influences on A Few Good Men
02-02-2016 , 02:58 AM
Re: The Martian, Yeah Matt Damon attempting to be funny is pretty cringeworthy. It's hard for me to think of an actor who has done more with less than him. Good Will Hunting is his only really notable role I can think of (not that I don't like some of his other movies).
02-02-2016 , 03:16 AM
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Bourne?
02-02-2016 , 03:20 AM
Note the disclaimer at the end. Those are great action movies, but I don't think Damon brings much more to them than a non a-list or even unknown actor would have (besides box office numbers obv). I like Rounders too but no one is giving him any awards for Mike McD.
02-02-2016 , 03:22 AM
was just in response to you saying will hunting was his only notable role.
02-02-2016 , 03:28 AM
I guess I just meant in terms of acting chops. Like Keanu Reeves has starred in some big movies I liked a lot (Point Break, The Matrix, Devil's Advocate) but no one would accuse him of being a good actor. People often mention Nic Cage in this same vein, but I think he can really ****ing act when he wants to (Leaving Las Vegas, Adapation, Joe etc.)
02-02-2016 , 03:33 AM
I love Matt Damon, but yea he's just a solid actor. He was great in the Bourne series, but I agree he didn't really do anything 50 other actors couldn't equal, he just has the star power over most of them.
02-02-2016 , 03:49 AM
Watched The Conversation last night. Even though it was an interesting film that made me feel uncomfortable all throughout it which is undoubtley a merit of the filmmaker, I was expecting something more as is mentioned in several places as a masterpiece. I see what people fall for and recognize its merit, but it was not as outstading to me as it was for the majority of critics and movielovers.
02-02-2016 , 04:30 AM
Damon did pretty good in The Departed.

How can such a good movie have such a terrible trailer?

02-02-2016 , 07:19 AM
OMG has anyone seen We Are Still Here? I think I liked it, really not sure. This is a weird one.
02-02-2016 , 07:27 AM
How about Team America:World Police? He was memorable in that at least.
02-02-2016 , 08:54 AM
The Good Earth A simple farmer, in a pre-arranged marriage, marries a kitchen slave in early 1900s China. The film follows them through life as their fortunes rise and fall with the land (and a little fortunate second hand looting).

Great story. Tight script. Great overall movie.

Although it seems crude by today's standards, the special effects were pretty impressive for that era of filmmaking.

would recommend
02-02-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by ITT666
How about Team America:World Police? He was memorable in that at least.
don't forget Eurotrip
