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any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :)

12-17-2008 , 07:40 PM
hi, I am a reg at nl200 fullring on stars but have recently gotten board and totally lost any drive to keep playing nl... it simply doesnt get my mind working anymore!!

looking to do something different I have been trying to decide if I wana do MTTs or SnGs or play some Limit Poker!

was wondering how hard would it be to transfer from NL to Limit poker, what level should I start? I have a decent enough br online about 8k and will probably play 10tables+, is $3/$6 a good starting point? or should I go to $2/$4?!

what sort of variance do you guys experience playing at these levels? or limit in general? I have heard you can go tens of thousands of BE poker playing Limit even if you are a very good player?

what is an average WR for $3/$6 or $2/$4?

any books/threads I should read?

thanks all in advance I appreciate the help
any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) Quote
12-17-2008 , 07:53 PM
It is odd that there are a bunch of threads that look like this. If I didn't know better, I'd think there was a LC thread contest about who can get the most earnest advice from the SS community.


If these threads are a level, well played, sir.

If not, we've had this conversation a few times in the last month or two. I think there are some pretty good responses in the threads. I'd also start on the forum FAQ. It is hard to recommend books for 3/6 OL games, and you are picking very tough limits to start. If you aren't an established winner in these games, you're in for something. No one moves to limit because the games are soft and plentiful; not at 1/2 and above.

If you have any Q after reading those threads, I'd be happy to help if I can.


any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) Quote
12-17-2008 , 08:46 PM
wow thank you for the links, looks like I got my work cut out for me!

oh and I promise this is not a level

I think alot of the nl players are attracted by the prospect of making SNE playing limit and also getting alot of fpp's but if it was that easy I guess there would be aton more tables at higher stake limit games

but who knows if someone can beat limit 5/10 3/6 mass tabling they can do it I guess,, BIG IF I assume?
any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) Quote
12-18-2008 , 12:15 AM
I think (but I'm no expert) that it is much easier to multi-table NL than it is to do so in limit. This is especially true in 6m; you make so many decisions in a 6m game that it is hard to multi-table. I'm not aware of a lot of winning 3/6+ players who play more than 4 tables. Maybe the real studs here don't brag. I know some .5/1 players who play 20+ tables, but they're playing FR.

If you're thinking of multi-tabling 6m, I'd check with the good players on SSSH. I'm not aware of any of them playing 10+ tables; not that I'd know.

You've got a big roll. I suggest trying some 6m limit, trying a session review, and seeing what you think. If you can walk in and beat 5/10 off the bat, you're a much better player than I am.

Also, given the amount of money involved, hiring a coach might be a no brainer. Someone who plays both limit and NL could be a big help.


any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) Quote
12-18-2008 , 01:58 AM
but who knows if someone can beat limit 5/10 3/6 mass tabling they can do it I guess,, BIG IF I assume?
I think it used to be possible. Now I that most of the players who mass table are probably breakeven and the rely on rakeback and incentives to make a profit.

I've found that my sweetspot is around 3 or 4 tables, and if I play more, things break down. I still occasionally crank up a bunch of tables, but it more an excercize in playing under pressure.

If I were you, I would probably start playing, at 1-2, and move up from there when you feel comfortable. I probably wouldn't start with 10 tables either, because your decisions at least at first, are going to be ones that you aren't as familiar with, so you will get behind one, then have to make a bunch of rushed decisions while you try and catch up.
any advice for a NL player trying MinBet poker :) Quote
