Originally Posted by numberonedonk
My use for it is that sometimes I'll be playing, take a bad beat, and start playing bad. I catch myself pretty quickly and will often just take 10-15 mins to go relax or whatever. When I come back, I would like to start a new session. I don't really think it's in any of the other trackers so it's not really that big of a deal, especially if the 30 mins will reset it but, if the feature was there I would use it.
Thank you and have a great day!
Gotcha, makes sense. Well, if you wait 30 mins it will start a new one. It's probably a better length of time really any ways to mentally reset. It's good to actually just completely walk away and do something else for a bit.
Did you happen to see our video on Tilt by Jared Tendler? It has some really good tips and points when you have some time: