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YeBlessChildren's Profile Picture
Last Activity: 12-12-2024 06:04 PM
Biography Painter, pianist and poet from Boston, MA US.
Variation on an artistic of an autistic SAVANT. please ask if interested, for art website.
Philosophical, wishes he had been comedian in another life (((((
comedy is a politically correct way of saying the truth, that is repressed, or sometimes not allowed in any surveilled society.
perhaps underused resource:

the stanford center for computational linguistics

check and see what they've found using CS is my mail
Location boston, US
Interests humor, audiobooks, virtual hikes on youtube, virtual tours on YT, films, documentaries, anything interesting on YT, QUORA (find out who I am on there,
Occupation couch potato/abstract painter, mostly the former
Games & Stakes three nicknames:
Baby Kavorkian, The Cambridge Pessismist, The Self-Interr
User Notes
General Information Last Activity: 12-12-2024 06:04 PM Join Date: 11-05-2024