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The Micro Grinder
Last Activity: 09-11-2014 10:35 AM
Biography I'm a 32 year old, tall, skinny, pretty unhealthy male, with a passion for poker. I'd love to be a Semi-Pro, but I'm a more of a profitable recreational player that played his first hand in 2003, and was instantly intrigued. The intrigue hasn't faded, but some of the passion has.
Location England
Interests Music, multi-genre expert here! Coffee, I love coffee... I love trying new coffee. I once traveled 78 miles to try a new type of coffee. Was horrid.
Occupation Nightclub Manager.
Games & Stakes I play Zoom Micros mainly. Small BI STT's, MTT's & sats. All HENL
User Notes
General Information Last Activity: 09-11-2014 10:35 AM Join Date: 08-21-2014