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Last Activity: 03-31-2014 10:50 AM
Biography I am a 37 year old male, I am married for 7 years and have 2 kids(4 and 1 ½).

I am here bacuse I have been away from poker for a long time because I wanted to use time with the kids when they were small. But now I feel ready to give it another crack. I feel I am +ev on 10$+ level but I am willing to start out small so you can "test" me
Location Denmark
Interests Football(soccer)
poker ofcourse
Occupation Supervisor in a callcenter
Games & Stakes NLHE is my main game preferred stakes would be for the 10$+ level but willi
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General Information Last Activity: 03-31-2014 10:50 AM Join Date: 03-27-2014