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05-27-2011 , 08:01 PM
Mike and Adam, Im suprised this "MS Paint Online Poker Players Before and After Black friday Thread" NVG hasnt gotten a mention in forum static. I have no choice but to assume you havent seen it yet but now you have

comedy gold imo
05-30-2011 , 01:51 AM
Mike and Adam,
Rich Muny (TheEnigneer) has started a few threads in poker legislation, NVG and the zoo forums. Rich is giving US players a daily action plan they can take to help the fight for poker right in the US can you plug these threads in the next podcast.
05-30-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Thew92
Mike and Adam,
Rich Muny (TheEnigneer) has started a few threads in poker legislation, NVG and the zoo forums. Rich is giving US players a daily action plan they can take to help the fight for poker right in the US can you plug these threads in the next podcast.
On this topic, I'd be happy to go on the show to discuss this initiative, the Fly-In, and anything else on anyone's mind.
05-30-2011 , 01:55 PM
Keeping mentions of the Vancouver Canucks to a minimum would be a blessing
05-30-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by guth poker
Keeping mentions of the Vancouver Canucks to a minimum would be a blessing
"Like that's going to happen"

Renodoc, when I told him about this post
05-30-2011 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by guth poker
Keeping mentions of the Vancouver Canucks to a minimum would be a blessing
The more hockey talk the better!
05-30-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by guth poker
Keeping mentions of the Vancouver Canucks to a minimum would be a blessing
06-01-2011 , 05:41 AM
this obv - Phil Ivey statement
06-03-2011 , 02:19 AM
Is it just me or the next show will be really interesting. So much thing have be said about FT recently, I can't even follow everything. Last thing I read is that Antonius had multiple account. That is after Ivey statement, after tiltware statement, after Tony G said he was done with FT on poker news, after Rainey said all the shady thing about FT...
06-03-2011 , 09:41 AM
I am sure Mike and Adam relish the thought of being accused of being biased again for commenting on the truth ....
06-03-2011 , 10:06 AM
I really wish the show could be done twice a week during WSOP.
06-03-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Langerdang
I really wish the show could be done twice a week during WSOP.
I'm sure for a small weekly donation from each listener so they don't have to have day jobs that could happen. Even if we all paid .99 per show that might at least get Bunner some Subway
06-03-2011 , 11:59 AM
Hopefully the guys can track down the real losers of this years WSOP:


Mel & Pat Humphries
06-03-2011 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Langerdang
I really wish the show could be done twice a week during WSOP.
If they do the show twice a week, will Bunner then double his food intake for the week?
06-03-2011 , 01:45 PM
You guys are going to have a hard time finding content this week.
06-03-2011 , 05:51 PM
Pretty slow week in pokers I guess. You could always fill us in more about hockey. Really, there's surely a handful of people outside of Western Canada who deeply care about that... Really!
06-03-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by ArztMac
Pretty slow week in pokers I guess. You could always fill us in more about hockey. Really, there's surely a handful of people outside of Western Canada who deeply care about that... Really!
Seems a bit unfair considering we spent about 15 seconds of a 3 hour show last week gloating about them
06-03-2011 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by ArztMac
Pretty slow week in pokers I guess. You could always fill us in more about hockey. Really, there's surely a handful of people outside of Western Canada who deeply care about that... Really!
Welcome to 2+2. Your first 24 hours have been very productive.
06-04-2011 , 03:53 AM
Jason Alexander, perhaps?

More seriously, Michael Moore has made a bit of a cult following for himself in the blogs. Maybe he's been interviewed before, in which case, eh. If not, make it so.

Nothing wrong with hockey talk, though. If you could just give us the start time on the podcast so we know where to find it?

Last edited by capedr; 06-04-2011 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Don't deny MM a third time...
06-04-2011 , 03:57 PM
From the few short interviews I've seen, I don't think he'd be feature guest material (though he may prove me wrong), but maybe a short interview with Jake Cody would be good since he's now won WSOP, WPT, EPT, SCOOP and UKIPT high roller in the space of 18 months.

Also, not sure if Gus Hansen does interviews ever? But he's had a ridiculous year, poker million and wsop win, plus deep run in the $25k, plus a great run online last time I'd heard. Would be great to get him on the show.
06-04-2011 , 11:33 PM
what about the controversy about Girah (aka "Portguese Poker Prodigy"- the thread in NVG is now ~15 pages, with a turn over the past few weeks - where it's alleged he ain't who he says he is, and was caught multe-accounting in 1 of his sponsors (Lock Poker) comeptitions

nvg thread is here

Some of the cliffs/posts:

Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
Ok, here's my 'artistic impression' of how it all happened. Please note it is a work of fiction only based on a true story - any resemblance to real people, and any plausible explanatory power in relation to the holes in the official story, are entirely coincidental.

Some years ago, post-UIGEA, some high-stakes player in the US - let's call them "Munglejan", "Bashee" and "Cause" were solemnly looking back on the good old days when they could crush at 10bb+/100. It was becoming ever more difficult to maintain a decent edge; the swings could be utterly brutal. They lamented at the enormous pool of European players on other sites on which they were not permitted to play. So many wonderfully ******ed donks... so close, yet so far.

One of the players decided to throw caution to the wind and set up an account on a Euro site using a young friend's information and playing behind seven proxies. In exchange for the use of his information, the youngster would be offered 5% of all profits made.

The first few weeks entailed levels of plunder not witnessed since the Viking era. "You would not ****ing believe the **** these morons will call you down with!!!!", he exclaimed to his buddies. Months went by without a problem.

Eventually the other two were overwhelmed with temptation and decided to join in, sharing the same account and then creating new ones for the various skins the network had to offer. This was beyond their wildest dreams; not for years had making money from poker been so effortless.

A year or two passed. By that time, the plucky trio had amassed a whopping $2 million in profit! The saying goes, however, mo' money, mo' problems. There was a growing concern that their luck would soon run out and they would be caught. Word would surely get around about these accounts the more they cleaned up. It was only a matter of time before people would ask who the mystery millionnaire holdem wizard was...

Rather than wait until questions were asked, why not 'out' the young fellow pre-emptively as some kind of 'poker prodigy', so that the story could be controlled from the very start? The 'outing' would need to be subtly done though, and certainly not by one of the trio themselves. So one had the idea of a fake 2+2 account from Portugal claiming to be someone 'searching' for this young poker prodigy. A young poker player, he claimed, had won over $2 million over the past 2 years, and was willing to pay money in return for information regarding his whereabouts. Of course, this worked like a charm, and the collective balls of NVG gurgled with delight at the prospect of discovering who this child genius was.

Finally, this thread arrived, with a beautifully written biography on José written by Bashee along with screenshots of the trio's epic motherf***ing winrates. But no screennames were provided for obvious reasons. How to explain this omission, he asked? "Say your lawyer has forbidden you or some sh*t, they'll lap it up" was the response. He also asked what to say when people saw he wasn't wallowing in riches despite having apparently won over $2 million. Hmmmm... "just say you don't really buy much stuff, you're not into that consumer crap", one of them suggested. "Hey", said the other, "just tell them you got scammed for a ton of cash! Credibility and sympathy in one stroke, booya!"

It all went smoothly for some time, with José even acquiring a sponsorship deal from Lock Poker! Worrying times were afoot however, when some players had claimed that the player they had seen on the Girah account was an 'average', 'weak' or 'meh' reg at best, who was playing far below the kind of stakes indicated in the initial screenshot, and, moreover, losing substantially. This was, of course, the real José playing at those times. An ok player at those stakes, but certainly no genius prodigy. Fortunately, just in time for the Bluff challenge with a day to spare, Munglejan logged in and tore some dude a new one heads-up, giving the girah account the prize. Some people questioned this sudden amazing last-minute run, indicating that they had not even seen girah play heads up before.

Finally, Lock disqualified José from the competition, citing 'another player using his account from another location' as one of the reasons for the disqualification. They didn't mention the other reasons. José tried to explain what happened but it all seemed a tad unusual, with holes creeping in everywhere. Some posters asked specific questions in order for his name to be cleared.

The trio let out a collective "fffuuuuu" and told José never to post in the thread again. And he never did...

Originally Posted by DublingUp

-Elaborate scheme w/ some real kid (Girah) acting as a front (for a cut obv) for High Stakes players to take advantage of unknowing players on euro site/sites

-Possibly including well known US High Stakes players such as Jungleman, Sauce, and Haseeb.

-Stay tuned, more to come.
06-05-2011 , 12:00 PM
Maybe a few minutes with Barry about the Ivey mess.
06-05-2011 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by guth poker
Keeping mentions of the Vancouver Canucks to a minimum would be a blessing
guth poker on making friends in the pokercast forum
06-05-2011 , 12:52 PM
The poker boom in Canada is closely associated with the 2004-2005 NHL lockout. This may in fact account for what I perceive as a higher percentage of players in Canada. And the lack of an NHL team in Winnipeg may account for the overabundance of angry 30 to 40 year-old men.

I would expect MJ & Adam to be as loyal to their core fans as they are to their teams and let us know what it is like to be on the cusp of winning.

And if you don't understand, again, go **** yourself.
06-05-2011 , 04:47 PM
If PS Steve is on can you ask him if he has had a chance to watch any of the Isle of Man TT racing?
