My entry for the PCA 2+2 Choice Contest
"Pot-limit Discard 8/b"
This game is 8 max due to the amount of cards dealt out.
It is structured like a hold'em game with 4 rounds of betting and you end up showing down 2 cards but with additional steps.
1) Each player is dealt 5 cards pre-flop & a normal round of pot-limit betting occurs. When action is complete, all players left in hand discard 1 card, leaving them 4.
2) A normal 3 card community flop is dealt; when action is complete, all players left in the hand discard 1 card, leaving them with 3 cards.
3) A normal turn card is dealt; again, after action is complete, all players left in the hand discard 1 card, leaving each player 2 cards.
4) The river is dealt and the last round of pot-limit betting occurs. Showdown occurs and players show their hands to determine high and low hand.
Example showdown hand:
Board: A
Player 1 shows K
for 8-4-3-2-A to win low hand.
Player 2 Shows K
for an 8-5-4-2-A for a worse low but the nut flush to win high hand.
The river showdown is exactly the same as hold'em, where 1 or both cards in a player's hand may be used and any A plays as high and low. Wheel is the nut low (A-2-3-4-5).
Self-promoting reasons why I think this will be fun for all involved:
1- lack of experiencing with games that have you discarding cards will make people over-value their hands pre-flop, meaning more people will end up playing to the turn.
2- it's a high/low game which tends to have more people involved per hand
3- it's pot-limit which is always fun and fast
4- it's a marriage of both omaha and hold'em with forward-thinking necessary
5- it's 8-max which is a nice compromise for those who argue between full ring & 6-max.