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***Official Grim Containment Thread*** ***Official Grim Containment Thread***

12-03-2014 , 08:29 PM
Now even donating teh sb is a grim. Those are grimmy days these days
12-03-2014 , 09:00 PM
for that to be true you have to assume the guy folds AA there.. he never does. It's just a grim, plain and simple.
12-05-2014 , 12:05 PM
so is this a grim or also not?
willingly posting blind and only playing SB not the BB
i got to play 1 hand and just because i won that doesnt make it less of a grim right??

Dealer: TonnaMunz posts small blind €2
Dealer: $-Twackle-$, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds to act
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ posts big blind €4
Dealer: Dealing Hole Cards
Dealer: EtniX111 folds
Dealer: TonnaMunz raises €7.40 to €11.40
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ raises €22.60 to €34
Dealer: TonnaMunz calls €22.60
Dealer: Dealing Flop: [4d Tc 3d]
Dealer: TonnaMunz checks
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ bets €39.38
Dealer: TonnaMunz folds
Dealer: Uncalled bet (€39.38) returned to $-Twackle-$
Dealer: Hand #126317912998: $-Twackle-$ wins pot (€66.75)
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ doesn't show hand
Dealer: Starting new hand: #126317954080
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ posts small blind €2
Dealer: EtniX111 is sitting out
Dealer: TonnaMunz is sitting out
Dealer: Hand cancelled, bets returned
Dealer: TonnaMunz leaves the table

Last edited by Slugant; 12-05-2014 at 12:06 PM. Reason: teamgrim by etnix and tuna imo
12-05-2014 , 02:58 PM
This was a game breaking, im not sure what you want me to do, clearly Etnix and I both realized the game was breaking and pressed sitout next bb. What is the problem here?


Last edited by TonnaMunz; 12-05-2014 at 02:59 PM. Reason: #TeamGrim
12-05-2014 , 03:24 PM
Teh problem here is that u r a scumbag and people who r playing max 4tables tiled and max 8.5k hands per month rightfully expect u to neglect ur other 19 other tables (of which around 5 need immidiate action and on one u have a decision to play for stacks) despite tis one obv breaking and reverse teh checkmark for "sit out next bb" (which possibly wasnt even clicked by urself but rather a script) in order to let them play their button so that they dont have to come crying to 2+2/stars or in slugs case their mum after...
12-05-2014 , 04:16 PM
Don't you lot have a script for sitting out next bb when god forbid you might have to play a hand at a table without a fish?

Or are scripts only for increasing your ev at everyone elses expense so you don't care about this spot?

Just curious.
12-05-2014 , 06:19 PM
Meh, tim, it doesn't really matter how many tables you play. If people are quick enough to play their btn but sit out before playing their BB (the usual grim) then they have time to just not post their btn in the first place.

That being said, that's an issue for table starting, not tables closing. It's just a free for all when tables close, looks like table was closing here (Etnix sits out too before tonna) so i don't think tonna's done anything wrong tbh.
12-05-2014 , 08:17 PM
been discussed many many times but if table is breaking and you had sit out next bb i dont think it should be classed as a grim. I will show respect to those who will play an extra hand like ponty and co and post my bb if its just us 2 at table once a game breaks. so basically, if im friends with someone i will play again, if im not, **** them. they wont do it to me sooo

However, too many tables argument timstone used is obv ******ed tho
12-05-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Teh problem here is that u r a scumbag and people who r playing max 4tables tiled and max 8.5k hands per month rightfully expect u to neglect ur other 19 other tables (of which around 5 need immidiate action and on one u have a decision to play for stacks) despite tis one obv breaking and reverse teh checkmark for "sit out next bb" (which possibly wasnt even clicked by urself but rather a script) in order to let them play their button so that they dont have to come crying to 2+2/stars or in slugs case their mum after...
We get it, you don't starts tables and don't care about anything except Tim Stone and Tim Stones bottom line. Some of us do business a different way, pls stop.
12-05-2014 , 09:52 PM

Last edited by pontylad; 12-05-2014 at 10:45 PM.
12-05-2014 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by jrockhaf
We get it, you don't starts tables and don't care about anything except Tim Stone and Tim Stones bottom line. Some of us do business a different way, pls stop.
Well no. I just have a different opinion.

I see the problem if u start table, somebody comes, plays button, leaves. This shouldnt be allowed and should be reported.

However i have a different stance on when a table breaks or fish sits and instaleaves b4 first hand is dealt
12-05-2014 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Now even donating teh sb is a grim. Those are grimmy days these days

life is rough itt
12-05-2014 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Add FTPbannedMe to the list zzzz
sorry it was a mistake
how much do I have to pay you?
12-05-2014 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by curcubeu
sorry it was a mistake
how much do I have to pay you?
Ah ****, how could i be mad at anyone when they insta apologise like that.

It's all good, I just appreciate the sentiment. no hard feelings and nothing owed. gl.

Last edited by pontylad; 12-05-2014 at 10:46 PM. Reason: removed the above post too.
12-05-2014 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Ah ****, how could i be mad at anyone when they insta apologise like that.

It's all good, I just appreciate the sentiment. no hard feelings and nothing owed. gl.
happens to me @ 200 6max and 9max alot daily, but I can't take the time to report everyone.
I started writing in chat "don't leave after this hand" and they still go with no problem
So,,, I'm on your side
12-06-2014 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by TonnaMunz
This was a game breaking, im not sure what you want me to do, clearly Etnix and I both realized the game was breaking and pressed sitout next bb. What is the problem here?

uhmm game breaking?
its the very first hand, you deliberately posting your blind since you were asked to do that.. we post blinds.. we play 1 hand and its over:

Dealer: TonnaMunz posts small blind €2
Dealer: $-Twackle-$, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds to act
Dealer: $-Twackle-$ posts big blind €4
Dealer: Dealing Hole Cards

if i sit down to grim someone that isnt scummy?
12-06-2014 , 10:44 PM
Sometimes games break b4 they even start aka fish sits and leaves, table is already in my mainstack. You still autopoast blind while script autositout next bb. I wouldnt even realize this and im sure thats pretty much exactly what happend this hand.

We pretty much all know who gives action and who doesnt and if you dont want to get grimmed you should write in chat pls play bb since chance is v slim tonna will stay at that table but v high he will let u play the button.

Given how this played out it looks moar like u fistpumping while shouting "pls grim that i can out u on 2+2"
12-07-2014 , 07:48 AM
yea always looking to get grimmed obviously
and once again, the blind wasnt auto-posted, it was asked to post 3handed
but i get it tim, you like grimming and bumhunting
12-07-2014 , 10:00 AM
TonnaMunz long con action plan
1. Pretend to be respected member of poker community
2. Become 2+2 mod
3. Make grim containment thread and pretend to care about griming
4. Be as scummy as possible and grim everyone at every chance I get
5. ????
6. $$$$$$ Laugh all the way to the bank $$$$$$$$$$

Maybe you are right and instead of the game breaking a fish joined and left, but at the tables and looking at this now both have fooled me into thinking the game was actually breaking. But Cheese and rice man pull your fkn head out. I know you are developing a personal vendetta against me now but honestly this is beyond absurd. You do realize I am in the small blind 3 handed? You do realize I didn't get to play my button either? You do realize I am losing money in this situation? The dream grim!!!!





12-07-2014 , 11:18 AM
Siq poast, siq spoilaments
12-07-2014 , 08:11 PM
Tonna, you shouldn't bluff on a poker forum
12-08-2014 , 10:21 AM
Tonna when you grimmed me and I called you out, you said I didn't like you because our personalities clashed and that was my reason for calling you out. Now your claiming slugant reason for mentioning you is that he has a personal vendetta against you. Im thinking you should try to change the way you go about your business and you will stop being mentioned in this thread.
12-08-2014 , 02:56 PM
fwiw i dont have a personal vendetta at tona at all.. always thought he was a fun guy and i enjoy most of his posts, i enjoyed his grims and table camps significantly less
but maybe i am the off one out here since there seem to be more and more timstone's and less and less jrockhaf's unfortunately
12-08-2014 , 03:26 PM
Difference is at least timstone just admits that he is out for himself and himself only and doesn't give a **** about anyone else. Gotta admire that.

Others just make excuses for their dumpy behaviour whilst pretending they are the nice guys of poker instead of manning up.
12-08-2014 , 09:37 PM
Getting a compliment from u makes me consider retiring abd moving my action to sportsbetting 💜💜💜
