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***The Official 2012 Merge Regulars Thread*** ***The Official 2012 Merge Regulars Thread***

01-26-2012 , 02:35 PM
This was a team event, he should of been there to support his TEAM... He only pulled the no show for his own personal selfish political statement...
01-26-2012 , 03:34 PM
lol at this ChexxWithxRaisins reg
01-26-2012 , 04:47 PM
01-26-2012 , 05:43 PM
I'll address the parts that weren't angry rants about the media or Obama, but it's worth noting that you chose to ignore those in your response. Also I'm not sure that you understand the crux of my point but if necessary I'll elaborate on it at the end of the post. FWIW I think it would be better served if you simply reread what I previously wrote through an unbiased lens and realized that I'm focused more on Thomas's decision to use his absence as a form of political protest and draw attention to himself, and not on the actual skipping of the event for whatever reasons.

tl;dr cliffs: almost everything you said was a logical fallacy. You're entitled to your opinion but don't attack mine with absurd claims and personal attacks.

Originally Posted by Jah Onion
If the team decides to commit hari kari and he declines to follow suit is that also being selfish? He declined an invitation. It's his prerogative to do so. that's why they call it an invitation and not forcing someone to go somewhere.
this is a straw man argument. It has little in common with the actual situation and doesn't address the subject at hand. Obviously no one is suggesting that being a good teammate extends to participating in moral/ethical (if not federal) crimes in order to "stay in line".

also note again that I have not once suggested that his declining the invitation to be my problem with his actions.

It makes me lol that I haven't seen people give OBAMA 1/10th as much stick ITT for not holding up his pre-election promises (which is what his campaign was basically centered around), but this poor bastard gets hung up from the balls for not getting in line w/his teammates to give good ole mr president some nice publicity and a tongue cleaning of his arsehole
This is clearly a red herring argument. Regardless of whether or not this is true it doesn't change the judgement of his actions. Also note that whether or not I agree with the media's "punishment" for Thomas's "crime" it doesn't change my opinion on his actions. It's an appeal to pity, and even if it worked it doesn't change the fact that I don't agree with his using this team event to draw attention to his personal political beliefs.

nope, the media did that in their constant search for something that can be spun into some sort of drama and everyone gobbled it right up like a hungry black pothead with a bucket o nuggets in front of him*
Here you are clearly confusing cause and effect. While you might disagree with the editorial opinion of Thomas's actions you are falsely claiming that they created the story. Thomas created the story and we'd have to assume he's a simpleton to believe that he did it with no idea that any media member would notice or comment. And considering that everyone discussing this agrees that this was an intentional politically driven action, I doubt you're trying to argue that his intention was that no one discuss his absence and statement. The media simply reported on his actions as he intended for them to do, and whether or not you agree with some members editorializing of the issue you can't deny that if he had not made the statement the story would not exist, and the resulting fall out would not land on his teammates or impact the enjoyment of the fans.

(also note that your metaphor is racist, unoriginal, and not in the slightest bit funny)

Ummm and who the **** cares exactly what these people think of him?
this comment doesn't make any sense. It is a response to a statement in an attempt by myself to draw a personal parallel to help illustrate why people might react this way to Thomas's actions (and why those reactions might be justified). I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but I think if you reread my post you might have a better understanding of what I was suggesting.

why? because you say so? what makes you any kind of authority on this?
first off this is nothing more than a personal attack and doesn't counter a single thing that I've said. Secondly, I said it before and I'll reiterate that I'm the authority on my own opinion and I've given my opinion in response to someone's question. If you disagree with it and have some logical or reasonable argument to the contrary I'll happily discuss, but claiming that my opinion is worthless because I'm not an authority is just silly.

Oh, because he's the president and he's doing something to get himself some positive publicity than we should automatically stick our noses up his ass and take a hard sniff?
this is another ad hominem but is more in the circumstantial vein. Whether or not this is the case you can't deny that Thomas's statement and the resulting publicity did not create a positive or favorable situation for his teammates or organization. I'm not trying to defend the tradition, or claim that Thomas should be beholden to it (although if you'd like we can have a separate discussion about the intent of the POTUS in having these events). What I am claiming is that it was not classy to use this opportunity to make a stump speech.

And here, we see how the media have succesfully spun it into this huge thing. Why is this worthy of being considered a mistake, or what does it matter that he might or might not change his opinion later? It's not like he's deciding to bomb a country, or declare war on one. He didn't take a goddamn trip to the WH and blogged about it. Now the media says this is a big fugging deal and everyone jumps on the bandwagon b/c hey what's moar important than dodging a trip to the WH?
this is kind of a "poisoning the well" fallacy which is another form of ad hominem. You're not debating whether or not his decision was good or bad, selfless or selfish, or whether or not it had a negative impact on his teammates. You're debating whether or how the media should have covered his (essentially) facebook press release of a political stance. You're also trying to make this into a relativistic argument. Basically because there are more important topics or people are doing worse things what he is doing is ok. That really doesn't have any relevance to the discussion. I'm not arguing that Tim Thomas is a bad person or morally corrupt because of this decisions. Quite the contrary I've expressed that I believe him to be a good person and possibly a good teammate. But the question was not what did I think of Tim Thomas the man it was what did I think of this action.

But hey can't blame the media outright really, i mean they prob get their orders from up top to do their very best to keep the masses away from any real issues, from having any constructive thoughts. And what do the masses love more than sports and drama? well, it's boobs, but they already get that on their computers so this was the next best thing,
Why have the country discussing stuff like SOPA or PIPA when we can create this artificial scandal over nothing at all?
and one last parting ad hominem for good measure.

I'm fine dropping the topic that we started with since it's clear that you disagree with my opinion and that is entirely reasonable. But if you're going to make some absurd rant post that has a strong air of personal attack in it I'll happily just break it down into the fallacious rhetoric that it is. I won't lie I did enjoy writing this response.
01-26-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
I accept that this is your opinion and that if I disagree then we just agree to disagree, but do you mind explaining:

a) What the 'detriment of the fans' is
b) What the 'detriment of his teammantes' is

There's a saying: Any publicity is good publicity. Sure, dump millions of gallons of oil into the sea or go on a mass murdering spree and exceptions to the rule can be found, but this is not the case.
point by point:

a) detriment of the fan would be turning what should be a pleasant story that would create a positive feeling or memory into a political debate having nothing to do with the original purpose of the event. I believe this likely happened for some Boston fans as a result of the local media covering Thomas's politically charged action and press release.

b) detriment of his teammates would be something to the effect of a distraction from their celebration of a group accomplishment because of one person's self interested action. I'm sure they've had to answer questions on the subject, been involved in discussions about it, and it could have possibly created divisiveness in the locker room (comments coming from the Bruins organization would suggest it might have).

finally you essentially contradict your last point by quoting an oft repeated phrase and then showing that it doesn't hold up. While that phrase makes a larger point in certain context I don't think it sheds any great truth on this situation. I think your point would be better served if you could give a list of reasons why the media reaction to Thomas's action and statement could be a positive result for the team, the fans, and the organization. That would (hint hint) be a great route for a proponent of his side to take this discussion.
01-26-2012 , 06:24 PM
i havent followed the story but whats the big deal?

thomas is using this platform to make a political statement. no big deal imo

i mean if he was going to the whitehouse with just his wife for this stuff then yeah....awkward. but none of the bruins showing up (that matter :-) are even american. shake hands, kiss babies, take photos, and play grabass

as far as team publicity goes i think more people are pissed at the government than not so i can't see the back lash being negative overall
01-26-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
i havent followed the story but whats the big deal?

thomas is using this platform to make a political statement. no big deal imo

i mean if he was going to the whitehouse with his wife for this stuff then yeah....awkward. but none of the bruins showing up (that matter :-) are even american. shake hands, kiss babies, take photos, and play grabass

as far as team publicity goes i think more people are pissed at the government than not so i can't see the back lash being negative overall
it's not a particularly big deal. I simply thought it was in poor taste as he could have picked other opportunities to make a political statement without drawing attention away from his teammates and the honor they were receiving.

I will say that across the political spectrum the local media and fan reaction has been almost overwhelmingly not in favor of Thomas. And it's now become an organizational issue because the topic of whether or not he has a future with the team has become more prominent (something that would have eventually been brought up either way) as a member of the organization made some disparaging comments about him as both pertaining to this action and as a teammate in the wake of this story.

fwiw I only engaged in this long winded argument because I was bored and thought that breaking down how absurd jah's response would be entertaining.
01-26-2012 , 08:07 PM
bbj hit 15 min ago again on 100fr.
bbj was a bit over $300k+ now at $63k.
two fish hit it. horse of mine was sitting and got $9k.
01-26-2012 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion

It makes me lol that I haven't seen people give OBAMA 1/10th as much stick ITT for not holding up his pre-election promises (which is what his campaign was basically centered around), but this poor bastard gets hung up from the balls for not getting in line w/his teammates to give good ole mr president some nice publicity and a tongue cleaning of his arsehole

But hey can't blame the media outright really, i mean they prob get their orders from up top to do their very best to keep the masses away from any real issues, from having any constructive thoughts. And what do the masses love more than sports and drama? well, it's boobs, but they already get that on their computers so this was the next best thing,
Why have the country discussing stuff like SOPA or PIPA when we can create this artificial scandal over nothing at all?

Last edited by nsoshnikov; 01-26-2012 at 08:42 PM.
01-26-2012 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by djo
bbj hit 15 min ago again on 100fr.
bbj was a bit over $300k+ now at $63k.
two fish hit it. horse of mine was sitting and got $9k.
There goes my WR. Bye bye fish. Congrats on the bink
01-26-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
because if he hadn't said why he was sitting it out no one would care. Missing an event doesn't hold any significance and wouldn't have drawn any attention. Intentionally declining and then releasing a statement claiming that your absence was a part of a political stance (no matter how he claims it wasn't about politics) draws attention away from your team and it's moment and puts it on you and your stance.

He brought politics and divisiveness into a situation that called for class and celebration. And he did it for purely personal reasons. If you feel that his justification for missing the event is reasonable (and I don't but whatever) you have to at least agree that he and everyone on his team would have been better served if he kept his reason to himself. If he wants to make political statements he could simply use his standing as the Finals MVP and Vezina trophy winner on one of the most popular NHL teams in the country to make them whenever he pleases. He could endorse candidates, donate money, and continue doing things like putting the tea party symbol on his helmet (which he does). But none of those things would require him to skip this event, or more importantly use it as a political symbol to distract from the celebrating of his team's accomplishment.

tbh there isn't much reason in discussing this anymore. I like Thomas despite my opinion on this decision, and maintain that it was simply a poor decision from a seemingly good guy. But if you don't agree with me you're not going to, and vice versa.
I am not sure what you mean by distraction. The team still got their glory. All it shows is that he is a thinking individual, and actually cares about his country. The media choose to make it a big deal. Just because he is Tim Thomas, doesn't mean he can't blog on the internet and explain his reasoning for missing the event.

His statement was worded perfectly, if its what it takes to wake some sheep up, then why the **** not? We can even make an argument he is doing it for the greater good. But who cares about liberty, when we got sports to watch all day, lots food to chew on and we are willing to give up freedom for security? Yeah Tim Thomas is the villain and Obama is the hero!
01-26-2012 , 08:53 PM

01-26-2012 , 08:58 PM
rakebackpro no more!
01-26-2012 , 09:47 PM

Just curious, were you this upset when players chose not to go to the white house when bush was president?

oh and when they didn't go, the media also went and got their reasoning for skipping the event.
01-26-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by BWillie
There goes my WR. Bye bye fish. Congrats on the bink
So we are now grinding 100nl? What happened to 50nl?
01-26-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by **********

where can you get access to who won?

who are these people?!?
01-26-2012 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
where can you get access to who won?

who are these people?!?
someone i know was on the table, and sent me the picture of it.
01-26-2012 , 10:58 PM
i picked the wrong week to stop grindin the hundo

(young guys prob wont get the reference)
01-26-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by **********
someone i know was on the table, and sent me the picture of it.
someone else you know was on the table too, but the dumbass got up 30-45 min before jackpot hit.
01-26-2012 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils

Just curious, were you this upset when players chose not to go to the white house when bush was president?

oh and when they didn't go, the media also went and got their reasoning for skipping the event.
lol clearly ad hominem.

but here's a couple of things:

1) fwiw I'm a registered republican, identify as a libertarian, and am not happy with Obama. I would vote for Ron Paul if he got the republican nomination, but if it's Mitt or Newt I'll likely just abstain from voting.

2) No one asked about my opinions on past players skipping a visit with the president, but if you have a case that you'd like to discuss I'd be happy to do it. But if you'll reread things that I've written you'll note that I said that Thomas was not the first person to choose to skip a trip to the White House he was just the first that (I believe) that had used his absence to draw attention to a political statement.

3) Instead of trying to express disagreement by changing the subject, asking unrelated questions, attacking my potential political affiliation, or whatever other fallacious arguments you guys have chosen, how about someone actually address what I've said? Juan Valdez came the closest, and I responded as to why I think the action and the related press might be a negative and a positive. But at least he had a reasonable and on-topic opinion, that (while I disagree with) I think merits consideration.

This has nothing to do with party affiliation, who is president, or the stance of the person that took the action. I have no love for Obama, or TBH either main party in power. I don't necessarily disagree with Thomas's assertions that there is something very wrong with how the country is being run. I just disagree with his choice to use this situation to make a stump speech because of the detrimental effect I think it had on his teammates, the organization, and the fans. I believe if he had said he skipped the event to stay at home and rest up it would have been just fine.

Last edited by thepizzlefosho; 01-26-2012 at 11:32 PM.
01-26-2012 , 11:43 PM
vote Mitt pizzle be a pal
01-27-2012 , 01:37 AM
I'd bet my roll Obama gets reelected.
01-27-2012 , 01:39 AM
while we are on the debate of politics, is it just me or does Newt Gringrich strike you guys as like an internet troll? the guy is really good at getting off topic and talking about something not having to do with the question.

also, I am too lazy to do research but is Romney really as pro-government as Santorum pointed out today, or is that just muck-raking at its finest?

don't say let me google it for you lol
01-27-2012 , 01:42 AM
Anyone know how long BCP wires are taking these days?
