Originally Posted by Phresh
I'm pretty sure pattay almost never takes this line and calls with any range you're ahead of. Even if he can make that 3-bet and fold, I think he does it with hands that he calls your shove with more often, and when he calls you're crushed.
All of this can be true and it still be correct for CDL to shove.
Board: Qc Jd 4h
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 31.306% 31.05% 00.26% 25821 213.00 { AKs }
Hand 1: 68.694% 68.44% 00.26% 56913 213.00 { JJ, 44, AQs, QJs, T9s, AQo }
The FE necessary for CDLs shove to be break even is given (I think lol) by the solution to the equation
300x + 528(.31)(1-x) - 338(.69)(1-x) = 0
Solving this gives x=.185 which means CDL only needs Pattay to fold about 19% of the time for this shove to be +EV.