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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

05-27-2023 , 12:41 PM
53/9. Was having a decent round Thursday. Had two pars in a row. Then on a sloping par 3 from a temp tee. I knock it on two feet below the pin. By the time I got up to the green, it had slowly rolled off. Proceeded to 7 putt the hole.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-27-2023 , 04:40 PM
44-43-87. No birdies, several double bogeys. 69.3/124/6111

Swing has gone AWOL, no other part of the game stepped up to cover. Lots of ugly golf. About the only positive was that I managed to par all four of the par 3s.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-28-2023 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by KingJames
Played today with a client and two of their friends and they wanted to play the back tees at a hard course which I have no business playing.
Well hello, speaking of playing tees you have no business playing......played yesterday at my course with a plus handicap. He wanted to play from the tips. I said fine. It adds 300 yards which isn't the hugest deal. But....I knew 2 holes were going to kill me. A par 3 that is going from 200 to 230, and a par 4 that is going from 400 to 430.

And oh boy did they kill me. Triple on both.


And I don't even think I played THAT bad.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-28-2023 , 10:28 PM
41-38-79. No birdies, no double bogeys. 70.3/133/6100

Figured out the issue with my swing, took about five minutes on the range. Ballstriking wasn't perfect but it was a thousand percent better than the last two days. Made a putter change and also putted decently.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-29-2023 , 11:53 AM
Played my match vs a 30+ handicapper today.

Had to give him 7 shots.

He turned up like ****ing Tiger Woods

He made Par/Par/Bogey/Par on the 1st 4 all shot holes. So yeah I was 4 down after 4

5th he doesn't get a shot and he messed this one up 120 yard Par 3. Pin in a tough position, He chunked it off the tee giving him about a 50 yard pitch. Shanked that duffed the chip. Chipped on. I landed short and got up and down for a 3. Back to 3.

6th shot hole, tough Par 4 into a stiff breeze. Both get our drives middle of the fairway I got about 50 on him. He probably had about 240 in and he topped his wood 90 yards. I hit hybrid just short of the green but about 30 yards from the green. He shanks his next shot pin high but like 40 yards right of the green. I decided just to play a safe pitch onto the green to leave myself around 12 feet for Par no need to get to aggressive in this situation. He has a couple of duffs and is on the green with a 10 footer for a 6. Thankfully I hole the Putt for a Par. Back to 2.

7th No shots. It's a 100 yard par 3. Today is a tough pin and a tough wind. You only have about 15 feet of green to play with, Short is a Bunker and a ditch. Slightly long and your OB. I hit mine looked good but a little strong but holds on the fringe. He hits a identical shot but goes a little longer but holds on. We both have very cute chips down hill hitting off a up hill slope to a pin that's 5 yards away. He hits 1st and was way to strong with it and puts it to like 20 feet. I play a semi decent chip and have about 2 1/2 feet. He Putts his and raced it passed the hole and was still on him he missed and gave me my putt. Back to 1.

8th Shot hole, 250 Par 4, I hit 8 iron off the tee leaving me 90 in. Can go for it but hedges and trees right in the landing zone so I have to be straight. He hits a 5 wood and actually hits it sweet but cuts a bit and lands short of the hedges (One day someone I play with will be punished for hitting to much club on this hole ) I should of hit my 2nd a bit closer but with a a flag left and a drop off 5 paces from it it wasn't a bad leave to be pin high with about a 25 footer. He hits a good shot from where he was had no view of the green and had to get it up quickly. He has about 35 feet. He leaves about 15 feet short. I put mine to like 3 feet. He putts to like 2 feet I give it to him and hole my putt for a halve. Still 1 down.

9th Shot hole. OB left. Bunker that will catch your ball about 40 short and Bushes on the right that will grab any ball that is cut. Pin is tucked left side right behind a greenside bunker. It's about 260 and down wind today. I thought well I probably need to Birdie this to get a halve out of this match. So I had to go for it and thought to myself the bunker short of the flag isn't a bad leave. Hit a really good drive down the throat of the flag and landed in that bunker. He hits a cut and was playing with fire with the bushes, I tell him he should hit a provisional and hits a identical shot to my drive but 20 short. We walk up and find his 1st. He actually has a great angle into this flag now. Hits a decent shot but has about 40 feet left. I hit a really good bunker shot and nearly hole it for a eagle. Have about 3 feet for a birdie. He putts and hits a really good putt but puts it 5 feet past the hole. He hits his putt and leaves it just short of the hole. I just went full focus on this putt now. I didn't hit that great of a putt hangs on the edge of the hole and then drops!!! We halve the match.

Probably the most enjoyable match I've played so far. He was kind of a weird guy but once we got talking we got a long great. I gave him some tips along the rounds (Not before he was taking his shots mind, Didn't want to coach myself into a loss ) I think we both come out of that match quite happy. He said after he told his Wife he was going to get beaten pretty badly today and me being 4 down after 4 that feels like a win to come out with a halved match.

I sit in 2nd, Once updated I will be 1 point and 1 game in hand behind 1st, So doing pretty good.

What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-29-2023 , 06:31 PM
50-47-97 (par 73). No birdies, many doubles, 2 or 3 triples. 70.9/136/6205

The neurons and muscles were not on the same page today, not much went well. Putted acceptably, that was about it.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-30-2023 , 03:55 PM
Shot 80 around a 66.4/108/5700 4 over handicap.

I play alright in spots. Greens were firm and fast.

I was really struggling though. Picked up a injury in my right hip from football/soccer the night before and I thought it was nothing but after that around a hilly course I'm really feeling it. Think it might be time to hang up the boots for football.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-30-2023 , 04:51 PM
Saturday - 40-44-84
1 birdie, lost $30

Sunday - 39-43-82
3 birdies, lost $10

Today - 40-38-78
3 birdies, lost $15
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-30-2023 , 06:03 PM
well at least your back nine was better today
and you've had six birdies in the past two rounds
looks like you paid someone else to knock rust
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-30-2023 , 09:06 PM
45 (par 36). No birdies, no double bogeys.

Most boring round recap ever: I made a bogey on every single hole.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
05-31-2023 , 09:50 AM
^^ Consistency

vvvv Lack of consistency

43-43 86 Monday afternoon. Hit 11 greens and 7 fairways (just off on two others) but the 5 holes with big tee misses were 1 unplayable, 1 opposite fairway, 2 lost balls and 2 OB (same hole one right one left, fun)

Iron play has come around and it was a golf metrics +4 hcp approach day. Might have a lesson today or in the next week for a check in on alignment and setup with driver (althoght spoiler, tale as old as time, it's mental and my lack of commitment).

Putting was awful - 7 3-putts. I had some long ones to start with (outside 30-40 feet I have a hard time getting it inside 4-5 feet and even then I miss a lot of those).

Lots to build on.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-02-2023 , 07:08 PM
40 (par 36). No birdies, no double bogeys.

All shots were acceptable, just not super close so the putt count was too high.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-03-2023 , 09:01 AM
72 +3 in the unofficial comp today. I did put in a general play score though. Knocked a score diff of 10.5 off and put one back on

Played pretty solid, Disappointed in the Par 3's today, +3 on them today and they are not super difficult holes. 3 Birdies and 6 Bogeys.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-03-2023 , 04:56 PM
Played in a scramble today, Par 60 course. Tough setup, I've never played a course with that many par 3s over 200 yards. We were -5 with no bogeys. Not a bad result all things considered.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-03-2023 , 05:40 PM

Crap round. Driver was way off. Hit 3 drives OB which cost me 6 shots. Putting was bad. Chipped good, irons OK. Just one of those days, the swing felt like a rusty gate.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-03-2023 , 06:07 PM
41-38 79 - hit 5 fairways, 9 greens and 34 putts. Played the par 3s -1 but the par 5s +3 without any penalty shots - just ugly drives that mostly needed recovery layups

Iron play was solid and putting was good. Just need to square away the driver and 3w
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-04-2023 , 04:54 PM
Day 2 of scramble event. -5 again, this time with two bogeys. Doh.

Will be interesting to see where we finished in our flight.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-05-2023 , 05:44 PM
50-57, 107 today.
Five bogies in a row on the front. Haven't been posting scores because I've been really stinking it up lately. Playing partner likes to scoop pond balls as much as I do.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-06-2023 , 04:58 PM
Played 27 today,

1st 9 holes was a match vs a 30 handicapper, Had to give him 7 shots through 9 holes.

Halved the 1st and the 2nd,

3rd was interesting, Both hit our tee shots what seemed like a little off the fairway in semi rough. Get down there and we couldn't find any balls after a couple of mins search. I just said lets just halve the hole and walk to the 4th he agreed.

4th Par 3 shot hole. Normally around 200 but they bumped the tees up to about 170ish. I took way to much club and go through the green I hit 5 Iron probably a 7 or 6 given how bouncy everything is at the moment. He goes into a bunker. He gets it out but ends up with a 5, I get up and down for 1up.

5th short Par 3 like 120. I get to front edge about 40 feet away not a good shot. He blades it and goes through the back and has a tough shot up against some bushes. Duffs it out, Duffed it again, Got it on the green for 4 he has about 10 feet for a 5. I'm just thinking just get it to like 5 feet and we are good do that. Miss the Par but win the hole with a 4. 2 up.

6th Shot hole 420yards par 4 hardest hole. Today into a crosswind. I nail the tee shot and it's gone pretty far for into wind. He has a nightmare off the tee and has to go 3 off the tee and puts it down the middle. Hits his next shot and then his next. So he has played 5 before I've played my 2nd. I tried my hardest to throw this hole, I duck hook a 6 iron into some thick stomach high rough. Eventually find it and just chop it out and put my 4th past the pin 20 feet and have that for a 5. He's short short sided in a bunker and gets it out but like 25 feet. Long story short he ends up 3 putting for a 8 I get a 6. 3 up with 3 to play.

7th 100 Yard Par 3 no shots. I put it to like 8 feet. He hits it to like 10 feet. He leaves his putt short in the jaws of the hole. I do the same but was never going to race it by as a half was good for the match. Win 3&2.

Now this is where its a bit funny. I don't think he actually knows how match play works. We play 8 and 9 I was just hitting for the fun of it. Like I tried to drive the 8th green but pulled straight left OB (I would never really pull this club on this hole) He is like now I have a chance (I'm thinking in my head he knows we just shook hands surely he knows the match is over, I see it he's just having a laugh). He hits a driver to, He pulls it left into the trees but some how it's come like 30 yards before the green. He ends up getting a Birdie. He fist pumped and I was so happy for him until he said now he is 2 down. Then I had to explain to him you can't win or draw now it's just not possible, So by now you think he gets it right? Well no

So we get to the 9th I drive it into the green side bunker. He gets onto the green in 3, He has about 15 feet for Par. I hit a good bunker shot and have about 8 feet for Birdie. Before he takes his putt he says "I need this for the win don't I?" I couldn't be bothered explaining it again. Thankfully he missed and I holed my birdie putt.

Puts me top of the league now.

Played another 18 after that. I shot +5... It was a weird one though. Level Par through 8 holes, Spank it OB on the 9th end up getting a triple. 12th is a Par 5, Hit it into some hedges off the tee hit another one and duck hook it onto another fairway very long way out. Hit a 6 iron to just get it back into play, Hit a good shot but still have like 195 in. Had a funny uphill lie. Shot to the green kind of wanted a fade so I played for one I knew if it didn't happen though I could be in trouble. It didn't happen and just went straight. Thankfully not to bad just in the greenside bunker but with and crappy lie I put it over the green on the other side of the flag. Chip on 2 putt ended up with a quad. After this I get another 2 birdies to save the score a little.

Going away on a golf trip for a 2 days to play 2 courses. Never seen what they are like so should be interesting.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-06-2023 , 06:53 PM
No scores, but this update says it all: I've been soft capped, lol.

Actually had a really productive lesson today. Before everything went really shitty I thought I had a good lesson, but learned today that the "good lesson" change was leading to an even worse error. Luckily it was caught with my first swing, and after about 5-10 minutes working on it, was flushing it. We'll see, but one thing it did confirm for me is the importance of 2-3 lessons and not just outliers.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-06-2023 , 10:20 PM
40 (par 35). No birdies, 1 double bogey.

Unusually good for weeknight golf. Yanked one into the water on the double. Highlight was threading a 3 wood onto the green from 210 on a long par 4, too bad I left the birdie putt one revolution short.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-08-2023 , 12:47 PM

2 birdies, 1 double

First round in a week and a half. Lost $1. Lipped out a 12 foot birdie putt on the last, would have had a $4 profit.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-08-2023 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
First round in a week and a half.
Who are you and what have you done with Scott?
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-08-2023 , 04:33 PM
39 at league last night with two pretty hard lip outs but I also made all of my 3-8 foot putts. Rained the first 3 holes and was cold/windy the whole evening so I'm pretty satisfied with how I hit it.

My record is now 2-3-1 and I'm feeling more comfortable with the 9-hole match format, the tees we're playing from, etc. I'm out of town next week (US Open) but excited to get back at it in two weeks!
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
06-08-2023 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Who are you and what have you done with Scott?
I know, right? I was visiting my dad and then had a work trip on the end of that. I get to play Saturday and Sunday, then I'm leaving for the West Coast for 15 days. Don't think I am going to golf at all.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
