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What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread)

02-07-2023 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by TremendousSlouch
Didn't play. Went for a walk near the local muni. Still found balls.
That looks like a muni collection alright. You're just missing a Noodle XD
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-07-2023 , 06:55 PM
mix in a company logo ball of some sort, an inexpensive titlest, and a mojo purchased second hand and lost again.
some kids just kick ass at easter egg hunting
the most popular muni in town is two courses, and there's a guy who parks in a wide spot in the road near the entry selling used balls out of his trunk. he even hangs a special sign when he has pro vs available.
still haven't been there
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-09-2023 , 07:27 AM
Just remember, buy used instead of refurbished.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-11-2023 , 04:17 PM
75 +6 40 points in the stableford.

Greens have just been punched again so putting on them was a bit meh I didn't putt that bad just never really made anything. I got 2 doubles that pretty much killed me, 1 was a super bad mishit off the tee and then the other was a 2nd shot on a par 5 in the rough and took to much club for the lie and just put it in a hedge and had to take a drop.

I played with a senior guy who won the thing and got two 2's he shot a 75 as well he is off 17 and got like 47 points and blew everyone out of the park It was great to watch.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting, Tee'ing off for this team format at 8am and tee'ing off for another 18 at another course at 1:30pm will be a long day. I didn't really want to go but a bit of a distance friend is going away for maybe like 8 years for dealing (Idiot) so basically it's his last hooray before he gets sentenced on Tuesday. Crazy I've been trying to get this guy to play anything but our local course but he's never come with us until now
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-12-2023 , 08:00 AM

1 birdie, 4 doubles

Not the greatest. 3-putts were bad which rarely happens to me, a total of 4 of em.

Did manage to close out the round with 6 straight pars, including going for both par 5s in 2 and putting in the water and proceeding to get up and down for par.

Bad break of the day was hitting it 303y off of the 4th and having 72 yards in, right in the middle of a divot just in the rough, couldn't get the club on the ball and bladed it 30 yards over the green in death.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-12-2023 , 04:22 PM

2 birdies, 2 doubles

Sustained 20 mph winds. First hole was dead downwind. 500y par 5, had 167y in.

In my quest to birdie all 36 as soon as possible this year.

North - 13.5 rounds, missing birdies on 6 holes.
South - 9 rounds, missing birdies on 9 holes.

YTD birdie count sits at 36 through 22.5 rounds.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-12-2023 , 08:54 PM
1st 18 holes went well today, like +3. Few birdies starting to hole some putts again. Birdied the hardest hole on the course today and it's very very rare I'd birdie it, If I'm honest give me Bogey on the hole and I'm relatively happy. It's about 420 Yard Par 4 I had about 180 in and stuck it to 5 feet.

Finish the round, drive about 40 mins to the next course get to it and the wind gets up and it's pretty cold. Much harder course than I've just played. Long walks between a few of the holes got me pretty tired by the 6th then basically the wheels come off. Was still hitting the driver pretty well all throughout the round though. Don't even know what I shot probably mid 80's.

Was funny 7 of us went and on like the 15th is a Par 3 about 160 to the middle flag was 145 into wind so probably playing 155, Hitting over water to cover it though it's only like 130ish so shouldn't be in play. We waited for the other group to catch up and thought we'd do nearest to the pin all 7 of us miss the green
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-13-2023 , 12:09 PM
Played a scramble over the weekend. Was pretty windy, and we just couldn't get that many good opportunities. Only hit 7 greens, ended up -1 with 2 birds and 1 bogey.

I've been driving well for my ability lately, and that continued after I hit mediocre or bad drives on the first four holes.

I had a range session last Thu and made a bit of a breakthrough on my pitching and worked a ton on chipping as well. That carried over, as I hit a lot of very good chips, which felt great. Also hit a really nice 3/4 GW pitch that was an all carry 90 yard shot with a tailwind and gave us a 15 foot look at bird, which we unfortunately missed.

My irons were mostly bad, face well open at impact for some reason. Will work on that this week, hopefully can get those working before driving, shortgame, or putting takes its turn to die haha.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-14-2023 , 05:45 PM
Probably the best day here weather wise this year.

Started off comfortable today going Par Par Par but then followed by a Double and a Bogey on back to back Par 3's then another double on a Par 4. Next was a Par 3 hit it to 5 feet but missed the putt. Then went Birdie Birdie Birdie. Had a chance for 4 in a row but it was more of a lag put as it was pretty swift and then greens are a bit funky as they've just been punched. Other than that little flurry of good stuff it just went back to average.

Think I've recovered from Sunday now, Thinking back, I woke up at 6am tee'ed off at 8am, Then tee'ed off at 1pm at the other course got back around 6pm watch the last round of the golf. Then hopped over to the superbowl, I watched the 1st and 2nd quarter then fell asleep until the 4th quarter. I forgot to reset my alarm so I woke up at 6am then went back to sleep and woke up at 9am, At about 2pm I went and played 9 holes then at 8:15pm I had a Football/Soccer match. Safe to say I slept like a baby that night.

1 thing I will say about my golf today. My grip felt super light and my swing just felt super easy.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-14-2023 , 07:02 PM
Actually have a decent course here open tomorrow. Unfortunately I can't go.

I gotta say that besides the two storms with a total of over 100" of snow it's been a mild winter.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-14-2023 , 09:31 PM
I think this counts under "what'd you shoot today." I got crushed yesterday in our quarterly indoor trackman match play tournament. I seriously might not play any of them again. My pro makes fun of me for this, but I KNOW my ball doesn't go even close to as far on trackman as it does with "real golf." If it's the same, both our course yardage markers and my laser are way off, like 2 clubs almost.

The way we handle putting also hurts me, along with trackman short game generally. We do auto putts: 10ft or less = 1 putt (generous), 65 ft - 10 ft = 2 putts (VERY generous). We played St. Andrews, and there were two holes where we pushed when I was 11 feet away and 12 feet away and he was 52 feet and 50 feet, so we both two putted. I lost the final hole when I was 11 feet away and he was 20 feet. Yeah yeah, get it that extra foot closer. It's just frustrating to pay into something where my edge on the competition is taken out.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-14-2023 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Actually have a decent course here open tomorrow. Unfortunately I can't go.

I gotta say that besides the two storms with a total of over 100" of snow it's been a mild winter.
that last paragraph is amazing
how boggy would conditions be right now from melt? what's the soil like on local courses?
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-15-2023 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
that last paragraph is amazing
how boggy would conditions be right now from melt? what's the soil like on local courses?
We really haven't had snow on the ground for weeks. The ground is changing from frozen to thawed. I think the conditions would actually be fine. I know the ground will be a lot better today than my typical season opening mid to late March round.......muddy, balls constantly plugging, clothes and shoes filthy, etc.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-16-2023 , 01:34 PM
37-34-71 +2

4 Birdies 6 Bogeys

-1 back 9, Feels like it's been a while since I've put a decent score around my local. Didn't strike it all that well to be honest but I putted well even if the greens are a bit ropey at the moment.

Hopefully I can do that on the weekend.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-16-2023 , 01:41 PM
Nice! ...and my RKO moment...


5 birdies, 2 bogeys

Started the back 9 birdie, birdie, birdie. Now I need 2 more birdies on the back to beat personal 9 and 18 holes bests. 13 is easily reachable par 5. I have 6 iron in, miss the green 1o yards left but in fringe cut. Don't get up and down. Miss 15 footer on 14, 20 footer on 15, 30 feet from off the green on 16. Par 17. Then get over water in 2 on 18th (par 5) . Made birdie. So tied my 9 and 18 hole records.

Probably at a time where I am hitting driver better than ever in the recent past, leading to some really short irons into greens.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-16-2023 , 01:43 PM
Great rounds guys!
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-16-2023 , 02:24 PM
Monthly team play: 42 - 39 = 81

Nice to know (maybe) that my 98 and poor trackman performance were indeed outliers. I played better than my score, one double, and two bogeys with water hazard penalties. There's always something I have to work on, and it looks like it's mid irons now. Before my "winter break" I was hitting them very consistently good, but was laying them out yesterday way too much. Driver took a bit of tweaking but my last several were exactly how I want to hit it. My wedges are dialed in (can you say that when you haven't really been playing?) and the putting top notch.

In short: I'll take an 81 coming off playing one other round in two months.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-16-2023 , 02:32 PM
I'd take an 81 after playing all summer!
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-18-2023 , 08:57 AM
36-36-72 +3 (43 Points)

3 Birdies, 2 doubles, 2 Bogeys

In a comp came 3rd in the end,

2 stupid doubles. 1 on a Par 3 hit it to 20 feet and 4 putt came out of nowhere as I putted really good today. Funny thing was I 4 putted on the 4th and the guy or is similar level to me he 4 putted the par 3 5th and I holed a 2 on that hole.

Next double came on the hardest hole. Hit a leaky spinny right drive so didn't really have any distance. I had a long way into the green for my 2nd and landed it in a bunker about 30 yards before the green. Got it out not a very good shot. Chipped it on but left myself a nasty down hill putt and missed it. On the 8th I holed a really good birdie putt. Then Holed another Birdie putt on 10.

Bogey on 17 hit a fairly decent drive but wind and fairway kicked it left close to OB and was basically snookered with over hanging trees and a bunker guarding the green. I've tried to punch something up there but caught a little fat, Pitched on and 2 putted.

Was a good battle with the other guy in our group he ended up beating me by one but we both played pretty well just a few mistakes here and there. He does get a shot on me as well. It was almost like a match play between me and him. 17 cost me though he hit it to 3 feet with his 2nd.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-18-2023 , 11:09 AM

First round since I developed the serious shanks so was pleased
Only three true shanks today

Putting was bad. Some tough greens.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-19-2023 , 06:05 PM
the 60's, 70's, and even early 80's are great decades for golf.
keep it up folks and find a way to make it just a wee bit better next time
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-19-2023 , 06:43 PM
Team game today we just won in the end.

Struggled really bad with the driver today, I was hitting a lot of "good bad ones" not putting me in a lot of danger just striking it all over the face. When I did strike it out the middle it went straight left into a bush. Made a good bogey 6 from it though. Might put some loft back on the driver now currently have it on the lowest setting.

My best shot of the day had to be out of the bunker on a 165 yard par 3. Short sided and in the back end of the bunker downhill lie about 10 yards of bunker to go over and about 10 yards from the bunker to the pin all downhill. Landed it just on the green and rolled down to the pin to like an inch.

The weather was stunning today, Even played in just a T shirt could have worn shorts quite easily.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-20-2023 , 10:29 AM
Dropped just my fourth nine in the 60s since 2010 yesterday yikes! Felt like I just kept getting unluckily stymied, and a few compounding errors. Went 60-49. Much better on the back, had a sad 3 putt from 15 feet on my only GIR of the day plus a 4 putt from 30 feet on an absurd pin location, plus somehow hit a drive 300+ yards to reach a creek when I normally hit 235-240 on a good one, and still shaved 11 shots ha.

Strokes gained compared to a 15 (I'm 21.4 currently):
Driving -1.8
Approach -16.6 (LOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Short -0.7 (this was positive if you exclude sand, I was actually chipping and pitching quite nicely)
Putting - 1.7

So not that far off other than approaches. 3 penalty strokes with an 8 iron in hand, and one with a wedge in hand is suboptimal. 1 GIR (which was hit with a chip not an approach) also suboptimal.

On to the next!
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-20-2023 , 01:30 PM
Played a 2v2 match today,

Was really good. I was paired with a 25hc and I'm off 10 vs a 12 and a 16.

1st Hole they tee off 1st guy Par 4 just a straight 300 yards. He hits about 290ish about 8 feet from the flag makes eagle

Then we just played a bunch of holes where we got it back to level and kept going 1 down till about the 15th where we were 1 down. Par 5 I hit my 3rd to about 4 feet for Birdie. They are in for 5 and I choked it and missed the putt.

Next hole 16th Par 3 like 100 yards or something. They go first 1 just short of the green. The other goes over the back pretty dead. Partner who is the only one who gets a shot put its to like 20 feet. I hit it to like 5 feet. They chip on and then my partner holes the 20 footer to win the hole to make it all square. (I made sure I holed my 5 footer after the last hole )

17th 350ish Par 4. Tight driving hole with OB left, Partner gets 2 shots on the hole everyone else 1. Was into the wind today. I hit a high draw middle of the fairway everyone else hits scabby drives but in play. Partner doesn't end up doing much. The other 2 stick it right in some thick rough. I had about 135 in but playing more 150ish. I hit a iron with a small draw and lands 6 feet short. I go up mark my ball. Stand aside waiting for these guys to play out the rough. They are short sided with a mound in front of the flag, A good shot would be like 25 feet long of the flag to give yourself a chance. 1st guy does just that. 2nd guy chops it out and this was probably going to land about 10 feet away. However he has only gone and hit the flag and has stopped dead and it was good for a 4. Thankfully I holed my putt for a 3.

18th everyone gets a shot but me. I make 4 and partner makes 5 and they make a 4 to win the hole making the match finish all square. No one had time to play anymore so we just called it a day.

Match play is so fun though such a good format.
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
02-20-2023 , 09:38 PM
if everybody is into the excitement of competition at the same level, that sounds like a fantastic round
What'd You Shoot Today?  (Golf BBV Thread) Quote
