Need some advice. I'm using these irons (purchased new in '01):
This driver: (used 2004)
This 3W: (used 2002ish)
My only other club is a 54 degree Wilson wedge, not sure of the model but its from '01ish.
My handicap is in the 20-25 range.
My struggles are pretty standard. Short game plus consistency everywhere else. Probably have a worse short game than even the average player in that range.
I don't know MPH but I think I have pretty high swing speed? I had it checked back when I bought them and they said I absolutely needed stiff shafts (might have been x-stiff, I don't remember). On a good, full, swing I hit my PW ~135 and my 3I ~230. I don't know if this makes any sense but I also think I hit the ball with a lot more loft than most people I play with.
How much would I benefit from upgrading my clubs? Since its been about a decade I wonder whether getting something from '11/'12 might be cheap and a fair improvement.
I asked this in the BS thread too, but I'm also interested in shoe recs, its time for a replacement. Walking comfort is probably my biggest concern.
Last edited by SL__72; 09-17-2013 at 08:40 AM.