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Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well

09-10-2009 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Thinky
Please comment on my swing and suggest areas of improvement. Thanks.
Looks fine. I can't really get a good enough slow look at everything to totally dissect it though.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-10-2009 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by bjohnson
have you ever had anger issues on the golf course? ever broken or thrown clubs?
Yes. Yes. Yes.

In college I once threw my 3-iron 30 feet up in a tree where it broke and wrapped itself around a limb. Took 5 minutes of throwing tee markers into the tree before I knocked it free. Pretty stupid.

I'm not against getting angry on the course because that means you care. But it has to be released without offending the spirit of the game, which is sometimes tough to do. Throwing and breaking clubs is just stupid.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-10-2009 , 03:42 AM
Please tell me why I get outdriven by most everybody in tournaments?


Another swing:

Is it just me, or is my swing way worse in the 2nd video.

Also, please critique my chipping in the second video.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-11-2009 , 01:29 AM
when you were taking golf seriously did you ever listen to music while practicing? what are your thoughts on people that do this, any benefit to it?

do you have any nervous habits? i chew gum or tees and that tends to help for whatever reason.

here is a tpyo to piss you off.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-11-2009 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by bjohnson
when you were taking golf seriously did you ever listen to music while practicing? what are your thoughts on people that do this, any benefit to it?

do you have any nervous habits? i chew gum or tees and that tends to help for whatever reason.

here is a tpyo to piss you off.
I can't say I've never listened to music while practicing, but only did so less than five times. I would say there is some detriment to doing so because you don't get the same auditory feedback you get on the golf course. Sound of the club striking the ball, sound of the ball falling into the cup, etc. And let's not forget you can't hear the birds sing either.

Along the same lines, I never practice putting with those little flags in the holes either because that's not what you do on the course. I also despise ranges with yellow balls for the same reason.

I have no nervous habits or vices on the course.

Since I promised to try and not be a prick in this thread I have ignored your typo.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-11-2009 , 02:59 PM

critique my swing? help me with my misses (pull/hook!)
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-12-2009 , 02:55 AM
you chip well, i chip like ****, so a few questions

generally speaking, where is your ball position, what type of stance do you use (open vs closed vs neutral?) and how different is your posture compared to your full swing?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-12-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by bjohnson
you chip well, i chip like ****, so a few questions

generally speaking, where is your ball position, what type of stance do you use (open vs closed vs neutral?) and how different is your posture compared to your full swing?
My chipping comes mostly from within, it's something I've always been able to do well although over the years I have practiced countless hours.

Stance is open but not overly so and my feet are very close together, on some shots almost touching. My ball position is slightly back although the higher I need to hit the shot the more I'll tend to move it up. I figure it's better to miss a chip slightly thin rather than chubby. The thin shots react about the same as a standard shot. I try to take most of the wrists out of the motion, especially with a standard lowish shot although there's always more wrist movement than I sense.

But when I'm chipping my best I don't think about anything other than the target. I look at the hole and decide what type of shot I'm going to hit and just get over the ball and execute my mental picture. The less thought the better. So many people tend to over analyze and tighten up so by the time they execute the shot they have no chance whatsoever.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-13-2009 , 05:00 PM
rules question for you, yes i could probably find it on usga website, no i didnt bother looking.

when im in the rough and my ball is sitting fluffed up, and i address it, it often rocks a bit but does not this a penalty? is this normal? when i have lies like this should i just hover a bit like in a trap?

what happens if i address the ball (at any lie) and accidentally move it, or it does rotate when i address it in the rough, is this a penalty, if so how much?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-14-2009 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by bjohnson
rules question for you, yes i could probably find it on usga website, no i didnt bother looking.

when im in the rough and my ball is sitting fluffed up, and i address it, it often rocks a bit but does not this a penalty? is this normal? when i have lies like this should i just hover a bit like in a trap?

what happens if i address the ball (at any lie) and accidentally move it, or it does rotate when i address it in the rough, is this a penalty, if so how much?
If the ball rocks a bit and does not roll, it is not a penalty. It actually has to end up at a different position from where it originally was.

If you address the ball and it moves, it is a penalty. You have to move the ball back to where it originally was and then it is a 1 stroke penalty. If you do not move the ball back, then it is a 2 stroke penalty because you also played from the wrong spot.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Drills ... One of my favorites is to throw down five balls and you have to get all five up and down in a row to the same hole.
I assume we're talking about the chipping green here. Do you have any other games that are outside of the box??

Sometimes I try chipping with a club laid out a few feet in front of me. Trying to re enforce the initial hop on a chip.

For putting I like to putt from 2-4 feet away and put a ball on the lip of the cup that acts as a guard. Depending on the break, I will put the guard in the middle or left/right side of the hole.

I will then try to make a putt on each side of the guard. Usually the only way to do this is to hit the ball off centre of the putter coupled with an intention push/pull. Which puts spin on the ball that can hopefully counter the break.

Originally Posted by ntnBO
one day playing with [Utley] we had to intentionally miss every green and then get up and down. Great practice.
I would love to hear about any other games within the game that can be used when playing the course.

Right now my favorite game to play is to aim straight down the fairway but hit it into the water. I am getting surprisingly good at it too.

Originally Posted by ntnBO
Spent two days with Dr. Bob Rotella in his home to help get out of my own way mentally and it helped a lot... never really found the magic and again
I am unfamiliar with who Bob Rotella is or what he preaches. Can you elaborate on his techniques? Espically pertaining to the mental aspect of golf. I am guessing it involved a lot of cross over between golf and life.

What is this magic you speak of?? ELABORATE to the point of not making sense.

Have you ever read The Inner Game of Tennis by Timmothy Gallwey?

Originally Posted by ntnBO
Pros just don't get in much trouble for the most part. If they miss a green it's in a good place for a routine up and down for par. Throw in a couple of 10 footers for birdie and a couple of birdies on par 5's and instant 68.
OK. We're playing a course for the first time. How do we judge where and how to miss shots?

I'll give the first few tips. Don't hit it into the water. The sand isn't much better. Trees are usually bad. A good lie in the rough can be better than a fairway shot if you're lucky.

Originally Posted by ntnBO
At the time, I considered it a nice compromise between those big-headed cavity backs and a true forged blade.
My initial evaluation is that cavity backs are for pussys. How can you ever have a dream of playing near the tour when you play with clubs for dummies?? I mean they don't call them Muscle backs for no reason...You need to be a man to swing those clubs.

Originally Posted by JTrout
If you could start over again, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently?
Originally Posted by ntnBO
As far as golf goes, I'd have to think about that for a bit.
You've had some time to think about it.

What would you do differently?

Originally Posted by ntnBO
Back in the day of common bermuda you really had to pay attention to the grain to even come close to making putts.

There are the standard tricks to reading greens, all things being equal, a putt will tend to break towards a nearby water hazard. On a mountain course a putt will tend to break away from the highest mountain. On grainy greens a putt will tend to break towards the west because that's the general direction a blade of bermuda grass leans.
I have no idea what bermuda grass is but thank you.
Your tip for reading greens is amazing. It crossed my mind on Sunday when I was lining up my putt. I took a step back and took notice of the entire picture. I didn't make the putt but that is not the point.

Any more tricks are always welcome.

Originally Posted by ntnBO
A quick blurb on scoring when all the pieces aren't there ... [insert a normal golf round] ... Thing is, I found a way to turn it around a bit and shot 69 ... I just didn't let it get to me too much, I knew what I was doing wrong and was determined to rectify it.
What were you doing wrong and how did you adjust? My first assumption has to do with setup to the ball. El Hozzle Shank??? What was your correction? We're you fractionally too close to the ball?? (for the swing of today?)

Originally Posted by ntnBO
the huge step I made was being able to free up my mind and body to the point where I could focus on just making the putt/shot. I've hit thousands of chips and putts over the years, I know how. It's just a matter of preparing smarter, not necessarily harder.
I am intrigued about how someone who has hit thousands of putts has managed to step through the mental slush to improve a portion his game. How did you start to clear your mind?

Originally Posted by ntnBO
Keep in mind that my golf shortcomings are probably far different than most.

Elaborate on your shortcomings please! Refrain from the mental game if applicable here.

Originally Posted by ntnBO
Along the same lines, I never practice putting with those little flags in the holes either because that's not what you do on the course. I also despise ranges with yellow balls for the same reason.
I thought I was the only one who removed the (mini)flag from the cup. The sound of the ball hitting the bottom of the cup is what you are trying to re-enforce.

As for the Yellow Range balls...I personally have no choice. The driving range with the best teacher near me coincidentally uses Yellow balls.

This thread should be on page 2 or 3 by now.
Take advantage of this thread to ask someone who knows the game stupid questions.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-17-2009 , 08:41 PM
lol at Stanek. Did nitBO bang your mom or something?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-17-2009 , 10:21 PM
thread needs more stories about gambling and golf. share some
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-17-2009 , 10:24 PM
Why didn't you beat leatherass in golf, and free roll him in poker?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:12 AM
Every time I see this thread title I get excited (throw ntnBO down a well), then I think about what it actually means and it disappoints me.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-22-2009 , 11:51 AM
I think someone on Sports Betting is calling ntnBo out!
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-22-2009 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by wamplerr
I think someone on Sports Betting is calling ntnBo out!
paging leatherass

Originally Posted by the steam
Handicaps are for guys who just can't play.Apply yourself and get better at the game.Lol at these guys (mostly poker players)who claim to be big gamblers but pee in their pants at the thought of playing golf for money's this for fear of playing unknown's,I will play any poster on two plus two for 50k medal or match I don't care at any course over 6800 yards.Anyone wanna step up?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-23-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by DrOldSchool
You mentioned having problems with confidence at times, and being able to trust dialing in your wedges. This seems to be a major problem of mine during this season, as when I pull a club from 80-125, I'm usually asking myself "how am I gonna miss this time?" and then proceed to find a new way.

How were you able to at least mentally get the confidence to hit the full and dialed-down wedges we all need?
I'm no golf pro but I do know how the mind works.

If you ask your brain a question you will get an answer, so why not ask a better question.

Ask yourself "HOW am I going to get within 3 feet of the pin" and you may like the answer you get.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-23-2009 , 04:07 PM
When hitting bunker shots, what is the one key difference between hitting shots that release vs. shots that will check?

Currently, I have "1" bunker shot that is stance open with a choked up accelerated downswing and stop the ball rather quickly. If there is very little green between me and the flag I am ok, but anything over 15 yards is basically a crapshoot.
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by varsity629
When hitting bunker shots, what is the one key difference between hitting shots that release vs. shots that will check?

Currently, I have "1" bunker shot that is stance open with a choked up accelerated downswing and stop the ball rather quickly. If there is very little green between me and the flag I am ok, but anything over 15 yards is basically a crapshoot.
Variables - length of swing, amount of sand taken, clubface open to varying degrees, loft of club used, speed of downswing to a lesser degree.

The way you hit a shot with maximum spin is to take little sand, accelerate on the downswing, clubface wide open with a 60*.

With longer shots you can adjust the variables in a variety of ways. For example, for a longer shot use a 48*. This way to ball will come out lower and fly further with less spin. You could also take a longer swing with a 60* from a more square position. Better golfers sometimes use a chunk shot where you take more sand thus reducing the spin imparted. From a tightly packed sand base you can try picking the ball off the sand cleanly with varying lofts of clubs.

But the best advice is to not hit it in the bunker in the first place.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-23-2009 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by hendrix23
Why didn't you beat leatherass in golf, and free roll him in poker?
Because he made a great wager and I stated such in his thread. It's one of those bets that almost everybody thinks is easy pickins, but if a good golfer takes a closer look, it's quite obvious he's a huge favorite.

He was a successful mini-tour player before his health problems, my equity in the golf portion would be no greater than 60% if that. And I know his equity in the poker portion is much greater than 60%.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-29-2009 , 09:16 PM

Do you find that playing with much better players or playing a tougher (than accustomed to) course makes you play better? Or is that experience unique to average hacks? Or, hell, just me.

Another way to phrase this; when you play with an average golfer do they tell you this was their experience?
Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
09-29-2009 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by Spidar

Do you find that playing with much better players or playing a tougher (than accustomed to) course makes you play better? Or is that experience unique to average hacks? Or, hell, just me.

Another way to phrase this; when you play with an average golfer do they tell you this was their experience?
Depends on the day. It's usually no issue focusing and playing well with top flight competition. But playing with golfers who don't threaten par it just depends on the day. Some days I'm focused solely on my own game and it doesn't matter if the others are shooting 100, other days if I'm just spinning my wheels and still not being threatened it's easy to just fall into give a crap mode.

Golfers of all levels are like this to some degree. In a perfect world it wouldn't matter one iota, but there is no doubt it does.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
10-01-2009 , 08:25 AM

What do you think about "other" swing styles rather then conventional.

Last year I learned the Moe Norman swing style (Natural Golf) because I was looking for something easier on my body after a surgery. I quite enjoy it and I am hitting the ball much straighter. I've also recently seen a lot of publicity around the "stacked swing".

Do you think that any of these unconventional swing styles will ever make it to the tour or are they just fades.


Sorry if I sound clueless but what does B O stand for ?

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
10-01-2009 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by wallstreetpro

What do you think about "other" swing styles rather then conventional.

Last year I learned the Moe Norman swing style (Natural Golf) because I was looking for something easier on my body after a surgery. I quite enjoy it and I am hitting the ball much straighter. I've also recently seen a lot of publicity around the "stacked swing".

Do you think that any of these unconventional swing styles will ever make it to the tour or are they just fades.


Sorry if I sound clueless but what does B O stand for ?
I am a huge Moe Norman fan and think his swing is a thing of genius. Many of the actions in his move would be great for a golfer of any caliber to emulate.

There are plenty of players on tour that have some "Moe" in their swing. Trevino probably had more in his swing than anybody, he kept that clubface square to the target for longer than anybody except Moe.

Without question Moe is the best ball striker to have ever lived.

Bo is simply a nickname ala Bo Jackson or Bo Duke, nothing more.

Throwing (nit)BO Down the Well Quote
