Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
LOL I already stated some of the good posters and Stadler is another good one because he is a young good player. Has nothing to do with anything you said. I knew you wouldnt be sticking around anyways cuz they never do. My argument stays and that there are more valuable clubs than a 64. Does Mickelson even carry it week in and week out or just specific tourneys?!
Alright, so Mickelson is your only "go to" player that you'll refer to and you're the authority on when he carries the club? Ok, moving on... Since you continue to attack me... the reason Stadler is a good poster is because he is A) young B) good and C) a player? By your definition then that means everyone who is not young or a good player (defined by being a +6???) is not a good poster. My guess is you are obstinate in more areas that just golf and have very few people who are interested in being around you and your opinions, and as such you lurk around a golf forum and pounce on people who are "good players." My guess is that you are a not a young good player.
I would further posit the reason people "don't stick around" is people like you are abrasive toward people like me. Further exacerbates the abrasiveness when you don't make an attempt to come across as intelligent (notice you don't spell correctly [cuz is actually because] and don't punctuate [wouldnt is wouldn't]) and that is an insult. In the same sentence, how can you talk
to me ("I knew you wouldn't be sticking around because...") and
for all others ("...they never do")? If you're going to try and tell me "how it is", please do it with skill and perhaps an attempt to display a mastery or at least knowledge of the English language. Thanks?
Last thing on this, the reason why people like me (low round this season is 64, and my scoring average this season is 70.08) beat the pants off of the average scratch golfer is:
a) people like me practice the short game by hitting minimum of 500 green side short game shots per day (chips, pitches)
b) are open to new ways to get it close when par or better is absolutely necessary
Don't believe me? Stats don't lie. Look at the following and especially at around the 3:00 mark where the author discusses the difference between a person who chips to 3' vs a guy who chips to 6'.
If BreakYaNeck rides me once more, I'm done with this forum and will not return.