Many people are going to ask why he seemingly flaunted the rules of the road and drove around various vehicles. Well, when you have a courtesy car and a player's pass, that's exactly what happens in the vicinity of the course. You are constantly waved around barricades, past multiple police cars blocking the road, etc. In short, you can drive anywhere and everywhere you want normally with the OK of anybody in charge.
So probably in his eyes, he was doing exactly what a tour player does every single day at a tournament until somebody "attached himself" to his courtesy car. And from everything that has come out, the officer(s) didn't seem to notice the courtesy car and player's pass since they had zero clue it was a player inside and had to ask a reporter on the street who it was.
I'm all for strong policing especially when it comes to the rules of the road, but this seems to have needlessly escalated to a silly point.