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06-27-2021 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
I got this question a lot when I was fitting, and the answer for 99.9% of golfers is don’t even think about doing it.

Two big issues: 1, you won’t have a clue how to control your short irons with the much longer shaft, especially less than full shots. 2, unless you’ve got tour type ball speed you won’t be able to get any loft or distance out of your long irons with the shorter shaft.
Watching Bryson nuke sand wedge after sand wedge over the green feels a little dumb.

It was interesting to hear Rory mention that the longer short irons helped Bryson at the US open at winged food get more clubhead speed through the rough, which is something I hadn't thought of. Just can't really see any benefit to the whole idea in general, outside of very particular course setups. Bryson is an awesome marketer though. Definitely feels like he wins in spite of some of the things in his bag.. If you drive it long and straight the way he has (the straight is the most impressive part of the distance gain, he's not wild), and putt the way he does, you'll win a lot even with mediocre iron/wedge play.
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06-27-2021 , 01:08 PM
I don't have any particular desire to mess around with a full set of one length irons but I'd like to latch onto a wedge. Understand the drawbacks and issues but still curious, I've never been a good wedge player -- I'm tall so short clubs are the least comfortable.
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06-27-2021 , 04:54 PM
This dude at my club was grinding the range today. Hard to see but he has 2 noodles, an impact bag, one of those wrist angle deals and, inexplicably, a traffic cone.

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06-27-2021 , 05:19 PM
traffic cone obviously for crowd control
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06-27-2021 , 06:31 PM
Traffic cone is typically placed along your toe line a foot or two outside your back foot to keep the swing plane from being too inside.
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06-27-2021 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
This dude at my club was grinding the range today. Hard to see but he has 2 noodles, an impact bag, one of those wrist angle deals and, inexplicably, a traffic cone.

Lol I love this
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-27-2021 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Traffic cone is typically placed along your toe line a foot or two outside your back foot to keep the swing plane from being too inside.

Welp in this case it was directly in front of the ball about 5 feet in line with what appeared to be his target
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06-27-2021 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
I thought (still do) that his group should have been able to see the roofs of our carts and hollered "fore."
Originally Posted by 14cobster
Also, it's hard to believe the guy had any idea he actually hit you with his ball, but obviously he should have yelled fore if he had any idea you were in its flight path.
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
You can almost always see the tops of oncoming carts in the fairway we were in, so that is why I am almost certain that a "fore" was in order.
Uhmmmm are you guys dumb? If you hit the ball into the wrong fairway and don't know for a fact that there's nobody there, yelling fore is always in order.
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06-27-2021 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
Uhmmmm are you guys dumb? If you hit the ball into the wrong fairway and don't know for a fact that there's nobody there, yelling fore is always in order.
In a perfect world this would probably happen. However in this universe fewer than 1% of golfers will ever do this.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-27-2021 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
Uhmmmm are you guys dumb? If you hit the ball into the wrong fairway and don't know for a fact that there's nobody there, yelling fore is always in order.
Originally Posted by ntnBO
In a perfect world this would probably happen. However in this universe fewer than 1% of golfers will ever do this.
as i said a few posts ago

Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
simple moral to all of these stories: yell if you aren't 100% positive your ball in landing in a safe area, and by 'yell' i mean yell at a volume that someone at least 300 yards away can hear.
if i'm on a parallel hole and hear someone yell from another hole, i know how to duck, turn my back and protect my head. i have no problem if a ball comes whizzing over me as long as i've been properly notified. we all know it wasn't intentional.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-27-2021 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
Uhmmmm are you guys dumb? If you hit the ball into the wrong fairway and don't know for a fact that there's nobody there, yelling fore is always in order.
Originally Posted by ntnBO
In a perfect world this would probably happen. However in this universe fewer than 1% of golfers will ever do this.
Probably fewer than that. I don't think I have ever played with anyone who did that routinely.

Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
as i said a few posts ago
I'm on board!
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-28-2021 , 01:36 AM
It's a good idea to yell fore proactively if there is any uncertainty no doubt. I need to make a conscious effort not to be self conscious about the 99% of golfers thinking that that level of precaution is unusual. It's like driving. You should maintain a proper distance from the car in front of you, but most people never do, but unlike in golf there is the consequence that some drivers will immediately start driving up your ass, so with golf I guess there isn't a good excuse.

Sometimes when I scream fore plenty loudly some people will just stand there and not react. I'm always ducking when I hear it though.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-28-2021 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
This dude at my club was grinding the range today. Hard to see but he has 2 noodles, an impact bag, one of those wrist angle deals and, inexplicably, a traffic cone.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
In a perfect world this would probably happen. However in this universe fewer than 1% of golfers will ever do this.
I mean you're just wrong, by a long shot. But I guess if your sample is just US golfers you might not be wrong by all that much.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 06:51 AM
Was reading reviews of one of the nicer public courses in my area (i've played the course plenty, i just like to read reviews). someone gave a scathing review and was complaining that a week prior the course told him his "5-some" could probably get out and then like the day before told him they couldn't accommodate a 5-some that day.

people like that shouldn't be allowed to golf.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 06:57 AM
found it. keep in mind the pace of play at this course is notoriously slow:

"All around horrible experience this last weekend at Harvest. We wanted to play with a fivesome, so when we booked our tee time we called the proshop and asked if this was okay. They said it should be fine but they will check and call us back. They left us hanging for almost the entire week leading up to the tee time, until finally they called and let us know that we could play with 5, the night before we were scheduled to play. So now we get to the course and immediately run into issues about having a big group. The starter was rude and told us we weren't allowed to play and only let us go out after calling and talking to the manager who gave us the okay. We start playing and don't even get through the first hole before the course ranger is heckling us about pace of play. Mind you we are all very experienced golfers who have been playing many years and are playing a scramble round. in fact, we were waiting for the group in front of us on every tee shot and second shot. The ranger would continue to stop us 3 more times on the front 9 to complain about pace of play and was very aggressive and rude when doing so. Eventually we just asked for a refund for the back nine because it was unplayable at that point. We were going fast enough to pass the group in front of us but the ranger was relentless. As experienced golfers we understand the connotations that a fivesome has however our pace of play was fine, if not faster that the group in front of us, and we were given permission from multiple people in management to play. However the ranger was relentless in stopping us and it was a disaster. Seems like he has been an issue for others as well. Absolutely will not be returning."
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 08:53 AM
If it's correct that they were allowed by the manager to play as 5 and they were waiting for the group ahead of them on every shot, then I can't really blame them for being upset at the course marshal repeatedly complaining about their slow play.

This seems more on the management for allowing a 5-some on a busy course.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 01:42 PM
Yeah, they just shouldn't have let a fivesome on at all. But I generally hate rangers, who in my experience are clueless when it comes to deducing who is the actual problem, so I'm biased.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
Yeah, they just shouldn't have let a fivesome on at all. But I generally hate rangers, who in my experience are clueless when it comes to deducing who is the actual problem, so I'm biased.
Earlier this year I was paired in a men's club event with a guy who is known as being the slowest player on the entire course. He takes 3 full practice swings behind the ball, steps beside the ball, takes another practice swing next to the ball, then stand over it a while, then hits it. In the past people got got in his face about it, and he denies he's slow. He's a nice guy, I think he's just legit completely oblivious. Unfortately we had another guy in the group who is pretty slow so we were way behind the group in front. The ranger literally yelled at us twice. I didn't mind because I knew it wasn't me and I was hoping it would motivate the 2 slow players. In both cases after the ranger yelled they picked it up for 1 hole and then immediately went back to the slow routines.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 02:29 PM
ok you guys make some valid points. yes, probably more the course at fault than the reviewer.

Any, the course is ALWAYS backed up. I can't believe they even entertained the thought of saying yes to a fivesome.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 03:20 PM
Yeah I'd blame the course more than anything, imo 5 balls are fine if your all semi decent and all fairly quick whilst playing but obv a good thing they are not a standard thing. The only time there is a 5 ball at my local is on the last tee time. Some how we actually got stuck behind them but they let us through by hole 3.

People do need to play ready golf more though. Today a guy was stood on the green by his ball no where near the pin but decided to watch his friend chip on the green and then decide to mark and clean his ball.

Also and I find this with mainly the older guys at my club that they don't ever really let you through which can be so annoying when it's clear as day you should let through,
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 03:29 PM
I hate playing in a fivesome almost as much as I hate being stuck behind one.

Was in one earlier this year, we kept up just fine, waiting on every shot behind a threesome on a busy course. Didn't matter, we had groups come up behind us and get all exasperated because there was nowhere to go.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 04:08 PM
I once belonged to a club where fivesomes were the preferred grouping over foursomes. It took some getting used to, but it was fine since everybody was used to it and accommodated it. But things could be worse:

Contraband Bayou

I arrived giddy, but 15 minutes before my tee time, the first fairway was slammed full with an elevensome — most of them surrounding a beverage cart to stock up on overpriced domestics. I complained at the front desk, but the cashier corrected me: “Oh that’s not an elevensome. That’s just a sixsome that met up with a fivesome.”
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
I hate playing in a fivesome almost as much as I hate being stuck behind one.

Was in one earlier this year, we kept up just fine, waiting on every shot behind a threesome on a busy course. Didn't matter, we had groups come up behind us and get all exasperated because there was nowhere to go.
Used to play 5 man wolf game which was a ton of fun, super gambly. But had to play at select times. Otherwise yeah 5 somes are the pits
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
06-29-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Used to play 5 man wolf game which was a ton of fun, super gambly. But had to play at select times. Otherwise yeah 5 somes are the pits
How do you play your 5 man wolf game? Curious as we haven't figure it out yet. Nothing seems to work well.
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