Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
dude you are a moron. I am a PGA professional. I graduated from the PGM (professional golf managament) program at Clemson University and yes, I have given plenty of legit golf lessons in my life. You are the one that has no in-depth insight about the subject. Give me a freakin break. You have in-depth knowledge but i recall seeing a post from you that you shoot in the 90s. Some in depth knowledge at work right there. HA!
Everything i said in my first post is 100% true. Without solid fundamentals such as grip, posture, stance, you have no shot of being a decent golfer. Period. End of story that is why every PGA professional starts there.
I found this post written by Splenda about a month ago so obv he isn't anywhere near a 90 shooter. Don't really know why he wrote that in response to my question...guess he just felt like being a douche...
"Guess I'll post mine, best handicap ever was like +2.2 but I was playing/practicing a ton for a 12 month stretch to go from scratch to ~+2 range.
My biggest strength is I have no ego in golf. I'm the guy that hits more 2-irons off the tee than drivers, even on a 7,000+ yard course. My other biggest strength, as you could guess, is my middle/short iron game is very good. Surprisingly I drive the ball quite well, but I am very risk-adverse on the course. Also, my wedge game is not a whole lot better than my short-iron game which means I'm not as willing to hit driver/3-wood as others might be.
Weakness: putts from 8+ feet. I'm very confident in my ability inside of 6-8 feet yet I have a horrid feel for speed. This kills me when I play a course for the first time, as I typically can ballstrike my way around nicely but seem to average 33-34 putts a round."