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04-24-2009 , 02:39 PM
The only time I'd tee up an 8iron-Wedge on a Par 3 is if the tee box is chewed up
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04-24-2009 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
The only time I'd tee up an 8iron-Wedge on a Par 3 is if the tee box is chewed up

What do you normally shoot on a 7000 yd par 72?
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04-24-2009 , 08:54 PM
~95 if I'm playing well
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04-24-2009 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
~95 if I'm playing well

tell me the advantages of not using a tee. feeling more comfortable is pure bs...okay? are you teeing it like you do for your driver? if you are then find another sport.

he says he isn't a very good golfer. you seem to be an average golfer. i just want to know an advantage (other than the bs of feeling more comfortable) of not using a tee when you are allowed to use a tee.

fluffy grass? wtf good is going to come out of hitting off fluffy ****ing grass besides airmailing greens and having no backspin?
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04-24-2009 , 09:46 PM
I just grip it an rip it, but I like to dial down my wedges for control
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04-25-2009 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by SL55 AMG
What do you normally shoot on a 7000 yd par 72?
Eh, I shoot in the 70's pretty consistently and I don't tee it up everytime. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.

Obviously it's kind of lie dependant. I don't hit it off the ground when playing on a sandy tee box.

Last edited by ZBTHorton; 04-25-2009 at 03:42 AM.
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04-25-2009 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by SL55 AMG

fluffy grass? wtf good is going to come out of hitting off fluffy ****ing grass besides airmailing greens and having no backspin?

whoa man calm down. It's more of a preference. I almost never hit the ball off a tee on par 3's just because I'm not great at hitting irons off a tee. I play bogey golf (not that it's important) and I like placing my ball in a teebox with fluffier grass it makes it easier not to top the ball imo. Yes, I will never get spin on it but people who are my equal in ability rarely get spin on it anyway. Only time I get spin is when I'm in the fairway and hit a perfect shot which does not happen very often.
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04-25-2009 , 02:54 PM
Apologize if I came off a little crazy on this subject's not like I'm losing sleep over it. I guess we can agree to disagree.

ps....tee the ****ing ball up, lol.
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04-25-2009 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
god ppl that say "always use a tee" tilt me to no end, he already said he hits it better off grass than a tee, so why do you tell him to use a tee?

Just like 90% of golf instructors that see a student walk up with a non-standard grip and immediately flip it to where they want it, despite the fact that the guy is hitting a 40-yard slice with an azinger-esque strong grip.

the bold part of this post is so incredibly lol. You will not be able to play good golf without solid fundamentals and guess what... the grip is where you are connected to the club so its um, pretty important. Golf professionals are taught to work on things like grip, stance, posture right off the bat bc without these u have no chance of being any good. There is a reason for this sequence. Why would you fix someone's swing so that they hit the ball straight with a ****ty grip so that later you have to go back, change their grip and start all over again?

and from the other side of the spectrum. It is not tilting but incredibly hilarious when you see your average golfer trying to give and receive tips to and from their buddies. Most of it is complete bs and will hurt them more than help.

as for the tee it up argument, why dont you watch a PGA tournament and see if anyone doesnt tee it up. Theyre doing if for a reason and so should you. Why would you not take a perfect lie any chance you can get one?

Last edited by NxtWrldChamp; 04-25-2009 at 03:28 PM.
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04-25-2009 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
the bold part of this post is so incredibly lol. You will not be able to play good golf without solid fundamentals and guess what... the grip is where you are connected to the club so its um, pretty important. Golf professionals are taught to work on things like grip, stance, posture right off the bat bc without these u have no chance of being any good. There is a reason for this sequence. Why would you fix someone's swing so that they hit the ball straight with a ****ty grip so that later you have to go back, change their grip and start all over again?

and from the other side of the spectrum. It is not tilting but incredibly hilarious when you see your average golfer trying to give and receive tips to and from their buddies. Most of it is complete bs and will hurt them more than help.

as for the tee it up argument, why dont you watch a PGA tournament and see if anyone doesnt tee it up. Theyre doing if for a reason and so should you. Why would you not take a perfect lie any chance you can get one?

amen brother.
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04-25-2009 , 05:33 PM
one of my buddies always gives me crap when i dont tee it up, he says if jack always did it so should you....

on short par3s, if im hitting 7 iron in or less i just have more confidence without a tee. i mentally focus more :|
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
the bold part of this post is so incredibly lol. You will not be able to play good golf without solid fundamentals and guess what... the grip is where you are connected to the club so its um, pretty important. Golf professionals are taught to work on things like grip, stance, posture right off the bat bc without these u have no chance of being any good. There is a reason for this sequence. Why would you fix someone's swing so that they hit the ball straight with a ****ty grip so that later you have to go back, change their grip and start all over again?
You don't get it, I don't blame you, b/c you've never taught a single golf lesson in your life, but you're wrong. It's great that you plagiarized something word for word from Golf Digest of the Golf Channel because hey, that's all you know. You haven't taught 3,000+ lessons in your life, so I cannot really blame you for being wrong, but the reason the grip is worked on first by 90%+ of golf pros does not boil down to fundamentals, it boils down to factory-produced golf pros not understanding people and the golf swing. It's a topic I'd rather not get into but if you want to argue with someone you should probably pick a person who doesn't have a lot more in-depth insight on the subject.
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04-25-2009 , 10:15 PM
Idle question time. (tl;dr)

I've been doing a little experimenting with fairway woods since last season. Before that, I hadn't carried a fairway wood in at least ten years, for a very simple reason - I really struggle to hit them. I have no problem making a 1 iron do what I want, but a 3 wood, forget it. When I hit a 3 wood, it's going to draw. If I don't put a real good swing on it, it's going to hook. Often wildly. I am not able to hit a straight ball or a fade with any 3 or 4 wood I've ever tried - I own probably four or five and have demo'd a dozen or so.

The logical thing to say is that this is a swing problem and it may be (lack of practice is also a logical reason), but I don't have any trouble working any of my other clubs. Also before I picked up my FT-5 I had an older driver that I'd hit off the deck and I could hit bananas with it when called for. This isn't a major issue - I only use the 3w about 1-3 times per round, but there are additional times that I'd use it if I could hit it straight, plus there are always scrambles and stuff.

I'm giving some thought to reshafting. Going from a whippier shaft (Graffaloy BiMatrix) to a Prolaunch Blue in the driver has really helped my ability to control direction, and I'd like to see if I can find the right match for the 3w also.

I don't know much about shafts. Think it's worth trying a Prolaunch Blue in the 3w? Other ideas? FWIW I have a pretty slow swing speed - only looking to get 205-220 out of a 15* 3w.
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04-25-2009 , 10:31 PM

I think anybody that can make a 1 iron do what they want should be able to rule every club in their bag.

1 irons are the debil.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
You don't get it, I don't blame you, b/c you've never taught a single golf lesson in your life, but you're wrong. It's great that you plagiarized something word for word from Golf Digest of the Golf Channel because hey, that's all you know. You haven't taught 3,000+ lessons in your life, so I cannot really blame you for being wrong, but the reason the grip is worked on first by 90%+ of golf pros does not boil down to fundamentals, it boils down to factory-produced golf pros not understanding people and the golf swing. It's a topic I'd rather not get into but if you want to argue with someone you should probably pick a person who doesn't have a lot more in-depth insight on the subject.
dude you are a moron. I am a PGA professional. I graduated from the PGM (professional golf managament) program at Clemson University and yes, I have given plenty of legit golf lessons in my life. You are the one that has no in-depth insight about the subject. Give me a freakin break. You have in-depth knowledge but i recall seeing a post from you that you shoot in the 90s. Some in depth knowledge at work right there. HA!

Everything i said in my first post is 100% true. Without solid fundamentals such as grip, posture, stance, you have no shot of being a decent golfer. Period. End of story that is why every PGA professional starts there.

Last edited by NxtWrldChamp; 04-25-2009 at 11:33 PM.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
dude you are a moron. I am a PGA professional. I graduated from the PGM (professional golf managament) program at Clemson University and yes, I have given plenty of legit golf lessons in my life. You are the one that has no in-depth insight about the subject. Give me a freakin break. You have in-depth knowledge but i recall seeing a post from you that you shoot in the 90s. Some in depth knowledge at work right there. HA!

Everything i said in my first post is 100% true. Without solid fundamentals such as grip, posture, stance, you have no shot of being a decent golfer. Period. End of story that is why every PGA professional starts there.
I found this post written by Splenda about a month ago so obv he isn't anywhere near a 90 shooter. Don't really know why he wrote that in response to my question...guess he just felt like being a douche...

"Guess I'll post mine, best handicap ever was like +2.2 but I was playing/practicing a ton for a 12 month stretch to go from scratch to ~+2 range.

My biggest strength is I have no ego in golf. I'm the guy that hits more 2-irons off the tee than drivers, even on a 7,000+ yard course. My other biggest strength, as you could guess, is my middle/short iron game is very good. Surprisingly I drive the ball quite well, but I am very risk-adverse on the course. Also, my wedge game is not a whole lot better than my short-iron game which means I'm not as willing to hit driver/3-wood as others might be.

Weakness: putts from 8+ feet. I'm very confident in my ability inside of 6-8 feet yet I have a horrid feel for speed. This kills me when I play a course for the first time, as I typically can ballstrike my way around nicely but seem to average 33-34 putts a round."

MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-26-2009 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
dude you are a moron. I am a PGA professional. I graduated from the PGM (professional golf managament) program at Clemson University and yes, I have given plenty of legit golf lessons in my life. You are the one that has no in-depth insight about the subject. Give me a freakin break. You have in-depth knowledge but i recall seeing a post from you that you shoot in the 90s. Some in depth knowledge at work right there. HA!

Everything i said in my first post is 100% true. Without solid fundamentals such as grip, posture, stance, you have no shot of being a decent golfer. Period. End of story that is why every PGA professional starts there.
You're just another from the factory, don't worry, it's not your fault, we all went through the factory, most just never realize it. One day it'll hit ya, and then who knows, you might have a thought of your own about the golf swing instead of what the PGA Education Kit taught ya. I'd rather not crush your dream but I've lived the life and I don't live it anymore, good luck to you.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-26-2009 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Spenda
You're just another from the factory, don't worry, it's not your fault, we all went through the factory, most just never realize it. One day it'll hit ya, and then who knows, you might have a thought of your own about the golf swing instead of what the PGA Education Kit taught ya. I'd rather not crush your dream but I've lived the life and I don't live it anymore, good luck to you.
go ahead. Crush my dream. I dont live the life either. You act like the golf swing is the most complicated thing in the world, its not, like there is some magical secret to it that you will never learn from the PGA education kit. Its also funny how you are somehow talking down to me.

Originally Posted by Spenda
but the reason the grip is worked on first by 90%+ of golf pros does not boil down to fundamentals, it boils down to factory-produced golf pros not understanding people and the golf swing
also pleaseeeeeeeeee further thoughts on this. Explain to me why you are not working on a students set-up right of the bat.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-26-2009 , 01:45 PM
good luck building a solid house without a good foundation
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04-26-2009 , 04:04 PM
best golf aids that can be used in a house/apartment?
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04-26-2009 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Borden
best golf aids that can be used in a house/apartment?
the putting arc is awesome
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-27-2009 , 09:15 AM
has anyone here heard of Warrior Custom Golf?

i got a promotion in the mail, "free" tester club for s/h charges, which is like $23. the club is described and looks like a callaway rescue 3h. probably a clone of a knock-off.

is this a scam, or just a bad deal that they are marketing as a great deal? $23 doesn't seem like a lot, but if it's a cheap club that i want, i could pick one up from the used or clearance rack for $35-$50.
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04-27-2009 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by sylar
has anyone here heard of Warrior Custom Golf?

i got a promotion in the mail, "free" tester club for s/h charges, which is like $23. the club is described and looks like a callaway rescue 3h. probably a clone of a knock-off.

is this a scam, or just a bad deal that they are marketing as a great deal? $23 doesn't seem like a lot, but if it's a cheap club that i want, i could pick one up from the used or clearance rack for $35-$50.

I've got a couple of members that have gotten these clubs through the promotion, and they are happy with the clubs.

I would expect a high-torque, flexible shaft. If that works for you, give it a try.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-27-2009 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp

also pleaseeeeeeeeee further thoughts on this. Explain to me why you are not working on a students set-up right of the bat.
PGM grad, ex-teaching pro, etc, etc here. This one is pretty simple.

Goals of the student.
MISC/RANDOM/BS Golf Chatter Thread Quote
04-27-2009 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by sylar
has anyone here heard of Warrior Custom Golf?
Once you get on their list of suckers potential customers, they'll send you very regular emails. They sponsored a scramble that I played in and now I hear from them several times a month.

As part of that event I received a free wedge. It's OK, I guess.
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