Originally Posted by KingJames
Any thoughts are welcome/appreciated
My 2 cents: Change these things in order, one shouldn't be done without the others.
1. Grip is too weak, left thumb and forefinger V should point between your right ear and right shoulder. The club has to be in the fingers and yours is in the palm. NTNBO gave some good info on this. I always like to keep a club around the house when making a grip change. While you are watching TV then you can keep doing it until it feels more and more comfortable. It'll feel really strange at first but this is normal. Like the famous saying "if you made a grip change and it feels good, then you haven't made a grip change."
2. Your clubface is open at the top which = death and this is from the weak grip and once you get the grip right, this will square up.
3. Your athletic motion is not something that you can think "swing athletically" but its a result of proper technique. On the downswing, you are out of sync and the clubhead is the first to move when it should be the last.
Your left heel comes off the ground a little on your backswing which is fine but the weight to your left side HAS to be the first move down. Power comes from the ground up. Here is an image that will help you better understand what the proper sequence should be.
4. Your follow through is a little chicken winged and it's from not releasing the club correctly. You are coming over the top like 99% of all golfers and why 99% of golfers hit a slice. The downswing has to start from the ground up with your lower body being the first move on the downswing. This creates power as well as gets the club on the proper plane and in the "slot".
To correct this, make your normal swing but rotate your left forearm to the left after impact. If you do this correctly, your first couple of shots will be a hook. Don't think you did it wrong because you hooked it. The hook is because you are actually releasing the club properly but coming over the top. Once you come down the right plane which will "feel" to you like you are swing out to the right. Once you get this then you are golden. You will gain about 15 to 20 yards with the driver and your days of slicing will be only a memory. When I teach this to my students, I can get them from a slice to a nice draw in only a few swings. This is more difficult because I can't watch you in real time obviously but you get the idea and I'm sure you'll get it without a problem.
Your swing is good and you aren't far off. I'm guessing that you shoot about mid 80s and by making these little tweeks then you won't be far off from shooting in the 70s. Very solid swing and you have a good base and don't have much to correct. Your swing plane is excellent on the backswing and everything else looks pretty good. Couple other things will need to be addressed at a later time but right now just focus on the #1 grip, #2 proper sequence, #3 releasing the club with rotating your left arm after impact.
Let me know if you have any questions and GL GL