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Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag)

01-07-2011 , 12:14 PM
Ship, be glad I will never have a chance to head butt you.. In the same sense u laugh at 98th percentile golfers, i laugh at 98th percentile headsizes... to quote 'one size fits all is really one size fits small..' Big heads unite!
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
01-07-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeadCellKid
... 7 3/4's as well... Big Dome Crew... sounds catchy...

Planning on playing anything soon?
Going to hit balls today for the second time since putting out at second stage. Should be fun.
Originally Posted by BeerMoney
Ship, be glad I will never have a chance to head butt you.. In the same sense u laugh at 98th percentile golfers, i laugh at 98th percentile headsizes... to quote 'one size fits all is really one size fits small..' Big heads unite!
What size is your melon?
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
01-07-2011 , 08:40 PM
Bruce Bochy- 8 1/8.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
01-18-2011 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by ship---this
I have played with him before, it has nothing to do with intimidation. It purely was a decision based on what I felt was best for my performance that week. The sign up sheet for the Open is different than a PGA Tour practice round. At the Open there is a tee sheet just like your home course. When I went through registration there was a blank spot with Tiger, O'Meara and Cook....had I put my name down I would have played with them for sure. Instead I passed and my buddy from the Golden Bear Tour, David Lebeck, took the spot. I played that day with Chad Campbell and Grant Masson instead...Chad and I traveled the Hooters Tour together at the time so we were both a little shell shocked and Grant and i grew up at the same course. Our dads caddied and it was a great day.

Great practice round story from an old roommate...he(Collin Stoops) was playing with Faldo at Shinnecock. On about the tenth hole he realized something odd going on. On every hole to that point he had missed the fairway and had kicked his ball into the fairway to practice from there...Faldo had hit every fairway and kicked his ball into the rough to practice. On the next hole he finally hit the fairway and kicked it into the rough. Faldo looked at him and said "now you're figuring it out".
I work as a caddie at Alotian....would love to get that pic of grant and you know he would never show me anything like that
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
04-20-2013 , 06:39 PM
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
04-22-2013 , 11:49 AM
Great read.

Are you going to try and qualify this year?
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
04-22-2013 , 02:42 PM
Thanks for the bump
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
04-27-2013 , 05:17 PM
The bag bleeding on the shirt and ruining it happened to me too... at an US Am qualifier during a heavy downpour we played thru for 12 holes. Damn USGA!
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
04-27-2013 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
I feel like an old man sitting on a bench at a post office just telling stories…but seeing as how I don’t have anything to do right we go again! This may as well be an "old war stories" thread....

The “tell us about Tiger” question made me think of a story about him. My old roommate Grant Masson (mentioned earlier) is 2-0 against him in playoffs. One was in a junior tourney (maybe New Orleans AJGA) and the other in college at Harbor Town. The OU media guide his senior year was a picture of him fist pumping the putt to win with Tiger standing in the background…AWESOME picture, I’ll try to find a copy. Anywho…Grant is now the head pro at the Alotian Club in Little Rock. It was founded by Warren Stephens, son of Jack – former chairman at Augusta. It is an incredible place, so I hear, and certainly one of the hardest places to play or become a member in the world. Trust me, you can’t just join. How’s this for exclusive…they have a clinic each year at I believe their member/member and it has been hosted by Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Phil and Tiger. Pretty standard clinic stuff for a private club. Grant is lucky enough to be one of the guys to go pick the players up from the airport each year and spend about 30 minutes driving them back to the course. The year he picked he picked up Tiger he went with the Director of Golf (I believe). Tiger walked off his plane and said “holy sh*t Masson you work here?” The Director says “oh you two know each other?” Tiger – “know him? He F’in owns me.” During the clinic Tiger is constantly on Grant trying to get him to play him in a playoff because Grant is the only person in the world who he can't beat. Obviously a joke, but it is cool to hear of Tiger humbling himself and going out of his way to make sure every single member at the club knew Grant was 2-0 against him.

The Palmer pick up was the best though. Grant is on the tarmac as Palmer’s plane is pulling up. Grant looked up into the cockpit and there is Palmer just smiling and giving him two huge thumbs up…it caught him off guard to just see him in the pilot’s seat flying an otherwise empty plane aside from the copilot. So it’s just Grant and Arnie in the car talking and he says Palmer is the best guy he’s ever met. Palmer is asking tons of questions about Grant and genuinely interested in the answers. So he finally asks do you have a family? “Yes sir I am married with a son.” Palmer “beautiful, what’s his name?” Grant “Palmer.” Palmer “oh, it that a family name?” Grant “no sir, I named him after you.” Palmer starts crying and says that’s the nicest compliment he has ever received. THE DAY AFTER Palmer leaves a package shows up at Alotian and it’s a framed picture of Arnie signed to Palmer Masson with a full paragraph of solid stuff.

Now I’m going to go back to relaxing on my old man park bench.

wow, just found this thread and the bolded section made my eyes water
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-16-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
I have played with him before, it has nothing to do with intimidation. It purely was a decision based on what I felt was best for my performance that week. The sign up sheet for the Open is different than a PGA Tour practice round. At the Open there is a tee sheet just like your home course. When I went through registration there was a blank spot with Tiger, O'Meara and Cook....had I put my name down I would have played with them for sure. Instead I passed and my buddy from the Golden Bear Tour, David Lebeck, took the spot. I played that day with Chad Campbell and Grant Masson instead...Chad and I traveled the Hooters Tour together at the time so we were both a little shell shocked and Grant and i grew up at the same course. Our dads caddied and it was a great day.

Great practice round story from an old roommate...he(Collin Stoops) was playing with Faldo at Shinnecock. On about the tenth hole he realized something odd going on. On every hole to that point he had missed the fairway and had kicked his ball into the fairway to practice from there...Faldo had hit every fairway and kicked his ball into the rough to practice. On the next hole he finally hit the fairway and kicked it into the rough. Faldo looked at him and said "now you're figuring it out".
Hey ship I was wondering in Andy Aduddell rings a bell? He was out on hooters tour when chad was winning everything
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-16-2013 , 07:11 PM
Holy **** how did I miss this thread? So awesome, one of the best on 2+2.

Do you ever consider playing the elite amateur events like the Crump? I am far less accomplished than you (I won an AJGA & was a junior all-american and played college golf), but really want to make a push once my kids grow up a little.

Is it just a case of having too much success at the professional level to give a **** about amateur golf?
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-17-2013 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by LIL Kicky
Hey ship I was wondering in Andy Aduddell rings a bell? He was out on hooters tour when chad was winning everything
Yes I remember him. I am pretty sure we played college golf against each other too. Memory is a tad foggy on it but I do remember him for sure.

Originally Posted by Riverman
Holy **** how did I miss this thread? So awesome, one of the best on 2+2.

Do you ever consider playing the elite amateur events like the Crump? I am far less accomplished than you (I won an AJGA & was a junior all-american and played college golf), but really want to make a push once my kids grow up a little.

Is it just a case of having too much success at the professional level to give a **** about amateur golf?
That is the reason I went back to Q School. No way I don't sound like a dick here so....after chasing the dream and having the goal of winning the Masters (LOL) when I teed it up in the smaller amateur events in 2008 I just didn't care once I couldn't win. Grinding out a T-14 in the state am was just pointless to me as a 35 year old man with a kid who had played at a higher level.

However, to be competitive to the point where you show up expecting to win at the elite amateur level does take work and I just couldn't justify the opportunity cost of either putting off work or the family to practice for amateur events that don't pay. So I decided that with my new found golf intelligence from better instruction and psychology that if I wanted to see how good I could be I had to do it as a professional where I at least had a chance to get paid. That is the entire reason I entered Q School as an amateur in 2008.

I did really enjoy the US Mid Am in 2008. The USGA puts on such great events and tbh I am not sure if the main reason I liked it was due to the fact the winner gets in the Masters.

That said, I did just get my amateur status back (again) and am looking forward to trying the USGA stuff this summer.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-24-2013 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by ship---this
Great practice round story from an old roommate...he(Collin Stoops) was playing with Faldo at Shinnecock. On about the tenth hole he realized something odd going on. On every hole to that point he had missed the fairway and had kicked his ball into the fairway to practice from there...Faldo had hit every fairway and kicked his ball into the rough to practice. On the next hole he finally hit the fairway and kicked it into the rough. Faldo looked at him and said "now you're figuring it out".
haha! awesome story.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-25-2013 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by ship---this
That said, I did just get my amateur status back (again) and am looking forward to trying the USGA stuff this summer.
Wow, how rare is it for someone to get their amateur status back twice? It obviously seems reasonable in your case, but if I'm the guy opening that letter at the USGA, my first instinct would be "WTF, didn't we already go through this?"

You might be the first mid-am champion not to get invited to the Masters. Billy Payne will just say "Eff this guy, he's been a pro twice already. Let's give his spot to someone from the Asian Tour."

If you turn pro again at 50 to go for the Champions Tour, you would probably be the first golfer to turn pro three times. Maybe the first athlete in any sport?
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-25-2013 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by wamplerr
Wow, how rare is it for someone to get their amateur status back twice? It obviously seems reasonable in your case, but if I'm the guy opening that letter at the USGA, my first instinct would be "WTF, didn't we already go through this?"

You might be the first mid-am champion not to get invited to the Masters. Billy Payne will just say "Eff this guy, he's been a pro twice already. Let's give his spot to someone from the Asian Tour."

If you turn pro again at 50 to go for the Champions Tour, you would probably be the first golfer to turn pro three times. Maybe the first athlete in any sport?
It's probably not as rare as you think it is. You only can get it twice though so if I were to turn pro again that's it.

The Masters thing certainly has crossed my mind. I truly hope they don't do away with the exemption for the Mid-Am as that has become my top goal in the game at this point. I do think it is a good exemption as Bobby Jones was a career amateur and having 5 or so amateurs there is a great way to keep his memory alive. It is a limited field event obviously so the amateur presence doesn't "take away" a spot from a professional.

As for the Champions Tour I would be surprised if it is still around in its current form when I turn 50 in 10 years. The Tour has to subsidize it pretty heavily as is and I think they are getting tired of that.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-13-2014 , 08:50 PM
Brag bump for current Golf Channel programming......assuming they don't show pre-cut scores. Then it's MUCH less of a brag.

Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-13-2014 , 09:44 PM
Are you playing local qualifying this year? How's your game?
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-14-2014 , 04:02 PM
Great read.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-14-2014 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by KingJames
Are you playing local qualifying this year? How's your game?
I didn't try as I've only played about 8 rounds since last years Mid Am in early October. I've had a nasty case of tennis elbow and don't like winter golf in general. I've been working with a great chiro here in Dallas for a couple months and am finally seeing some results so coupled with the better temperatures I might start trying to dust off the clubs.

Back to the advice for the 25 year old me thread....guys, getting old sucks. Take care of yourselves and live a long fruitful life of activity. I'm certainly in the top 10% of 40 year old fitness levels and it's still really a major difference as you age.

Eat right, exercise, think clear, breathe deep, relax, meditate if need be, and remember it almost always works out in the end if you do those things.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-15-2014 , 06:01 AM
What about sex? Lots of it? At Perkins? I need to make sure I steer my life in the right direction.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
05-15-2014 , 11:47 AM
Ship - have you tried acupuncture?

My mom treats a ton of patients for tennis elbow with great results. Unfortunately, she's in Ohio so she can't help you personally.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
06-05-2024 , 12:35 AM
Unsure when the last time mr. ship---this has been around these parts but he just qualified for the senior open!
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
06-05-2024 , 09:08 AM
Yeah buddy! Getting soaked the first few holes was worth it.

Nice long wait eh?

You played those 6 par 3’s in 2-under? **** off!
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
06-11-2024 , 10:17 PM
Great OP. My only brag on tournament golf is that I used to have a recurring dream that I somehow got in a major field. I'm a hacker, bogey golfer on easy courses, and don't even know real tournament rules. So anyway I'm playing with legends and somehow skirting by with some pars early on, when I know I can't shoot 120 in this situation. Hilarious. I forget how the dream ends.
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
08-29-2024 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
Yeah buddy! Getting soaked the first few holes was worth it.

Nice long wait eh?

You played those 6 par 3’s in 2-under? **** off!
HA! I was soooo not prepared for the rain that day. My caddie didn't get there until the first fairway and I didn't think it was going to rain so I was wrestling with my pushcart, bag topper, and umbrella the entire first hole.

As for the par 3's, woot woot! Of course not as good as the guy I played with in the actual US Open who hit back to back hole in ones!

I still can't believe I was actually paired with him!
Have you ever heard I played in a US Open? (brag) Quote
