Originally Posted by DrOldSchool
Bear's Best was great when I played it last week. Paid $150.
I had never seen so many rabbits and pigeons on a golf course than at Angel Park. It was also sloooooooooooooooooooooooow at just over 5 hours Friday afternoon.
Tuscany was alright out towards the lake. It has some elevation changes, and a few neat holes, though some are a little bland/straight.
I got a sandwich from the drink cart lady on sat at Angel Park and she goes "be careful with that, leave it in the cart, ok?" Being pretty new to golf, I'm like "is that a rule or something?" she goes "you know, because of the birds".
Also, theres a hole on Palm (10 or 11 I believe, the par 4 with the water all along the left side and the hole tucked behind it) that has birds all over the left side of the fairway every single time.