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07-06-2020 , 08:07 AM
Anyone used Bestonwardticket lately ?

They still operate during covid 19?
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08-05-2020 , 12:38 AM
Yo Sam, Im releasing multiple pieces of content revolved around some things we talked about. You offered in those mails to help with some info. Could you give me your name, country of birth, pic and what stakes you play, thanks bruh! Just want to give the proper credit where deserved. Got some fire coming with some killer outlets along with mine spreading the word.

LB, I found this and thought of u. He is living your dream!
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08-05-2020 , 07:23 AM
Apparently airlines won’t let you sign waiver if you don’t have onwards tickets during covid-19 era. Just argued with that manager for 20 minutes.
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08-06-2020 , 06:56 PM
IS it crazy to want to travel later this fall/early winter due to cheap flights etc in the US? I'm from NY and I see I can go to San Fran and stay at 4star hotel w/ flight for like 700-800 dollars for a week. Most likely I will book something a week before to see how fall is with covid but I'm dieing to travel.

I have like 6-7 days of vacation left and can roll 5 over to next year (use before april 1- i think). I don't see live poker tournies being up and going by then (they might but i'm expecting the worst). I use almost all of my vacation on a yearly basis for live tournament stops.

FYI, I expect a vacation to suck but feel some perks would exist due to covid such as planes that aren't full. I like to go out normally on vacation to dance clubs/ etc but I would be fine if I can only go out to eat and maybe explore a city / shopping. I'll def wait till last second to book something because I feel covid could get worse potentially. Just wondering if people think its crazy to wanna travel in these times. I'm thinking about going to san fran/ LA/ Chicago/ another bigger city.
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08-10-2020 , 04:05 PM
Depends if you are in a high risk group and what you do on your vacations.

I'm in NYC and "outdoor dining" starts to feel pretty stupid pretty fast for places that were not great outdoor dining places before. You end up paying the same prices - or more - for a much worse experience.

But maybe if you want to see some national parks or something along those lines, it might be a decent time to go. Still... the stuff that is actually open is often restricted and crowded.

I've been doing a lot of little trips within a few hours drive and quite frankly, it sucks. Things that are open are more crowded than normal times, many things are still closed, and the real kick in the ass is that I end up paying more for accommodations and some other things because people are all flooding to the few things that are possible.

I'm not following my own advice to not travel mostly to fulfill boredom. I would not recommend it, though. A cheap flight doesn't mean much if your vacation is just ordering room service... (assuming that is not what you are looking for.)
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08-11-2020 , 03:47 PM

rickroll, I could of sworn I put the official rankings up, must of gotten deleted, like all the rest of my incredibly high quality content.

Happy to say I have an amazing piece of content coming out on Youtube with the rankings very soon and will get you the link one way or another. The link will be on a ton of other poker forums, Reddit and my media, if it doesnt get to u, Ill PM.

BEYOND epic first content roll out on this matter, more to come on many other platforms, this will take a bit to clear up, maybe by mid-2021. I tried to warn Sam and others, good thing Yellow Fever and ITT666 tapped out in an old deleted K2D thread. As for the other 11, they have the challenge of a life time coming up.

Last edited by BoboFettFanBoy; 08-11-2020 at 03:50 PM. Reason: This would be better in Cambo thread, but respect BGP request to post in this chit hole
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11-19-2020 , 11:45 AM
5 South and Sammy boy PM sent, looking forward to hearing how you enjoyed my video!
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11-19-2020 , 12:55 PM
hey! looking for people to set up a grindhouse in mexico playa del carmen from mid january for 6 months. pm me if interested
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11-19-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by BoboFettFanBoy
5 South and Sammy boy PM sent, looking forward to hearing how you enjoyed my video!
I see from Sam's Cambo post he not a fan of my video, oh well cant please all. At least he can admit its well made and funny.

Just to note, 5 South and I are cool as he had the insight to apologize. I never once asked for his info like Sam is crying about in the Cambo section as Im done with problems with 5 South, but will LOL troll him still in next video (You will even laugh Mr. South).
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06-18-2021 , 03:51 PM
I know that this forum is pretty much dead but gonna just make this post by respect for this sub-forum to maybe aware some brahs ITT. Anyway this last years I have been know here to be kinda extreme about my views/standards about dating etc (learned it from my personal experiences, never been a part of any red pill community) for being "insecure and a misogynist", JFL. Anyway liberalism is spreading like a disease, divorce rates are skyrocketing everywhere, Asia is probably the last rampart but in today age with social medias, Western propaganda and stuff, wait 5-10 maybe 15 years and it gonna spread to Asia as well. No one is safe.

This podcast went viral over the last 6 months about live red pilling a bunch of Miami sloots about dating and stuff. They are denouncing the woke propaganda, why for the Elites women are better if single (80% of the consumers base are women and a single woman spend much more on average than a women in a LTR). They are basically educating women to become a poverty version of a traditional third world country woman and educating men to stop being weak soy cucks.

Best part is with this guest, Andrew Tate, American-British 4 x kickboxing world champion, strip clubs owner and E-pimp. This is the guy that Jordan Peterson's daughter crushed hard on. Some much knowledge, gold AF.

Him red pilling sloots on the podcast:

Him alone being interviewed and dropping a lot of knowledge:

Anyway, take care your dong boyos and don't forget to drink water and eat veggies to cheat STDs. Peace
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06-18-2021 , 05:05 PM
He is a sad Tony Montana caricature. Exactly the type of guy the people he denounces want. (consumerist)

Pro tip from me: No money in the world will buy you out of 1984 once it's fully in place.

There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever
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06-18-2021 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by iLiveInAsia
He is a sad Tony Montana caricature. Exactly the type of guy the people he denounces want. (consumerist)

Watch the podcast where they interview him and he's alone, so many interesting stories like:
- learned chess from a young age from his dad to always think 2-3 steps ahead in life
- how he became a successful cam show boss
- self-made millionaire
- how a few years ago he spent more than 50% of all his money to buy a supercar that give him a membership to a super private club of super rich people and from there networks to have connections and make business with billionaires. Buying the supercar was just an investment with return to investment guaranteed in the future.
- once in said super private club, how he got respect from billionaires
- now live in Romania and give $20k per month to the orthodox church there to have powerful friends
- got multiple passports under different names, legally, and why (in Jason Bourne mode, to avoid countries lockdowns)

At the end it's probably just a persona, he flash money online but it's on purpose.

Originally Posted by iLiveInAsia
Pro tip from me: No money in the world will buy you out of 1984 once it's fully in place.


For average plebs for sure. Not so sure for people connected to the elites.
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06-18-2021 , 08:20 PM
I know the forum is mostly dead, but moved those posts here since they're not really Thailand related.
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06-18-2021 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I know the forum is mostly dead, but moved those posts here since they're not really Thailand related.
And I agree that it is definitely as low as content gets
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06-19-2021 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
And I agree that it is definitely as low as content gets
If you had watched the podcast which clearly you didn't have, you would notice that a lot of the girls are returning guests. Two possibilities why they come back to this "misogynist" podcast:
- they are just here for advertising their Instagram
- they are learning a lot hearing the uncomfortable truth from a non soy cuck male perspective and are grateful for all the knowledge about modern day dating and how to maximise their chances of success for a happy long-term relationship

I let you guess which one is the correct answer.
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06-19-2021 , 12:29 AM
Please take me off this mailing list.
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01-16-2022 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by GonZo72

Is that how you cope with life now? Get out of Moldavia ASAP!
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01-24-2022 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
Is that how you cope with life now? Get out of Moldavia ASAP!
Still in EE hehe but gonna leave soon
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01-24-2022 , 07:44 AM
Anyway boyos, this sub-forum is dead, we are building a discord with a few brahs from an other forum (Misc) who allow non Misc members (if quality posters), everyone is welcomed to join if you have been pretty active here in this sub-forum and are not a vegan or a cuck. Lulz guaranteed. Shoot me a PM for an invite.
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06-13-2024 , 05:02 PM
Any update on Central America/ Caribbean ?
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06-16-2024 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by LonelyBox
Any update on Central America/ Caribbean ?
Welcome back Mr. Box. What kind of update are you looking for?
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06-16-2024 , 11:26 AM
Anyone know if there's any PLO 5 and 6 card live games running anywhere in Asia? I'm looking to get out of Thailand for a week or 2 during rainy season and shacking up in a casino seems like a decent idea.

I know Bangkok has a private game or 2 that runs it, but I don't really trust gambling here, where it's illegal.
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06-18-2024 , 02:00 AM
Just as some general advice, you're best off not trusting and approaching cautiously any live game in Asia, legal or not. Cheating, softplaying, other forms of collusion are rife in many places, even at super low stakes. That being said, Manila might be your best bet, many different venues and some had a decent amount of PLO, at least pre-covid. But no idea the current state and whether you can find 5 or 6-card, don't be too disappointed if you only find 4-card. Else if you're looking for fully legal games, it's looking pretty bleak. Macau has some PLO at Parisian as far as I've heard but no 5 or 6 card, same the casinos in Korea. Actually you might have some luck if you follow big tourney series like WPT, they might offer it there, I think they did in the past, I was at WPT Korea last year. But it was very high stakes, and very high rake IIRC, not sure if that was even beatable.
Other than that your options are limited. Maybe Vietnam, but strictly speaking only tourneys are legal in VN. But they usually all have some not-so-secret side section (or top, bottom floor) where you can play cash. They try to make it sound legal like in they collect 10% of the entry (also rebuys) and no rake, but ofc it's all BS. The reality is they pay off the popo and as a result their chance of being raided is relatively low. Same as in Cambo.
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06-18-2024 , 03:21 AM
Thanks, appreciate the response. I guess I might have to suck it up and try some 4-card if I want to play live PLO around here.
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06-18-2024 , 07:08 AM
Okada which is a pokerstars property (in Manila) is probably the safest I've played in philippines when it comes to everything FWWM mentioned.

There's always a list for 100/200/500 PLO but not sure how often it actually runs. You should always be able to find a game somewhere in the city though. I think resorts world had a consistent 100/200 running. Not sure about 5 card.

Angeles two hours north of Manila (tourist/party city) has a 5 card occasionally but usually always a 4 card at least. But the stakes vary a lot. The last time I played I was under the impression it was 100/100 but was actually already 100/200 which got upped to 100/200/500.

Things are very hit n miss here, sometimes the games are pretty good and other times awful. Summer has been pretty bad from what I've seen so far but I haven't played much either. Not enough tourist money flowing around.
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