if you are playing $50 max for 2 years, you are prob. not cut out for poker in the 1st place. So I guess OP finally wizened up.
That's part of it. I've been generally disenchanted and unmotivated to play and improve for a little over a year now. I probably should've quit sooner, but I just didn't know what else I wanted to do. I credit the living-in-a-van impulse to helping me realize how much I like cooking, and how much I miss it when I can't. I had always wanted to learn how to be a badass cook but I was complacent with the easy lazy poker life.
I was playing mostly 100nl and a little 200nl in 2007 and up until about April of last year. Then I was like **** this I don't care I don't want to invest any time or effort into studying or outplaying the regulars. So I moved down to 50 where the regulars suck and I don't have to think or try that hard. My winrate at 50 is the same as it was at 100, it's always around 4-4.5 ptbb/100.