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Official Rosarito Thread Official Rosarito Thread

08-17-2013 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Giving cash to someone who registered this month in exchange for money on Stars is a great way to get scammed, imo.
LOL no kidding... suicide king status right there
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-17-2013 , 07:57 PM
You can get a Neteller debit card, or trade
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-17-2013 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof
Just an FYI for people itt
Thanks for the comment, but I would like the opportunity to add to your story here since its not complete, I agree that the deposit refund took a bit longer than expected but since the unit was left under the condition that you already know, which was part of the reason the owner was quite upset and was refusing to refund your monies, we still insisted you receive back which is why it took longer, (not 3 months) minus the obvious payments for services you left behind, nothing less and you know this of course since we exchanged many emails outlining the details of this of course. assuming your one of the four that lived there. Bottom line you received your deposit just as I mentioned to you in several emails that you would and that it would take a bit longer which you were ok with so surprises me that you are now upset and write this gross comment since I kept you in the loop at all times. My way of working may not be to your standards, but I treat people the way they treat me regardless of who they are, with respect. Anyway since we didn't get a chance to speak very much in person since yes I was not there the times you stopped by to make your payment, (I dont sit and wait for tenants to make their payments, unless they call me and let me know they want me to be there) I would like the opportunity to buy you a beer and see if we can make things right after the fact, I am always around town as I'm a local here, let me know if not I am sure I will run in to you sooner or later as I was here before you and will be here once you leave, and just so you know I have not been in business 8 years here by screwing clients deposits. You can always stop by the office as well if you have any concerns whatsoever.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-18-2013 , 03:35 AM
Haven't read that yet but it wasn't my comment/story, I was quoting something from earlier in the thread
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-18-2013 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by joselopez
Thanks for the comment, but I would like the opportunity to add to your story here since its not complete, I agree that the deposit refund took a bit longer than expected but since the unit was left under the condition that you already know, which was part of the reason the owner was quite upset and was refusing to refund your monies, we still insisted you receive back which is why it took longer, (not 3 months) minus the obvious payments for services you left behind, nothing less and you know this of course since we exchanged many emails outlining the details of this of course. assuming your one of the four that lived there. Bottom line you received your deposit just as I mentioned to you in several emails that you would and that it would take a bit longer which you were ok with so surprises me that you are now upset and write this gross comment since I kept you in the loop at all times. My way of working may not be to your standards, but I treat people the way they treat me regardless of who they are, with respect. Anyway since we didn't get a chance to speak very much in person since yes I was not there the times you stopped by to make your payment, (I dont sit and wait for tenants to make their payments, unless they call me and let me know they want me to be there) I would like the opportunity to buy you a beer and see if we can make things right after the fact, I am always around town as I'm a local here, let me know if not I am sure I will run in to you sooner or later as I was here before you and will be here once you leave, and just so you know I have not been in business 8 years here by screwing clients deposits. You can always stop by the office as well if you have any concerns whatsoever.
I respect you for defending your reputation and business interests. Working in the business for 8 years and explaining your side of the events definitely helps your credibility.

I do have one concern. Are you still using Geo as an assistant/Remax partner? I am sure from the all the negative events involving him the past few months that you have discovered his true character and swiftly disassociated yourself from him? Does he still work for Remax?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 03:17 PM
Room Available in 4br Unit in Corona Del Mar Just south of downtown Rosarito. PM me for details, $350 +util a month. Looking to fill ASAP
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 06:16 PM
What content can be advertised itt? I see a lot of deals advertised, but the minute I mention selling stars money for cash, it is an instant 20 point violation.

Weird I see marginal players exploiting stakers on this site daily, along with out right con artist operating, and someone with my gambling resume and integrity gets violations over pettiness.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
What content can be advertised itt? I see a lot of deals advertised, but the minute I mention selling stars money for cash, it is an instant 20 point violation.
It's because nobody knows who the **** you are and these threads aren't techinically supposed to be used for trading money (that belongs in the Internet poker xfer thread and HSNL xfer thread). What are your sn's, who are your references, etc...the 2p2 sn 'PlayaHata1' means nothing to me and your registration date is this month, based on the little info I have on you, you are a random and I wouldn't trust you.

Does that mean you're not a trusting person? No, you're probably fine...but without more info, I personally wouldn't do business with you. Not trying to be a dick at all, just posting my thought process
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
It's because nobody knows who the **** you are and these threads aren't techinically supposed to be used for trading money (that belongs in the Internet poker xfer thread and HSNL xfer thread). What are your sn's, who are your references, etc...the 2p2 sn 'PlayaHata1' means nothing to me and your registration date is this month, based on the little info I have on you, you are a random and I wouldn't trust you.

Does that mean you're not a trusting person? No, you're probably fine...but without more info, I personally wouldn't do business with you. Not trying to be a dick at all, just posting my thought process
The process usually goes like this. I make an offer, someone interested responds. If they are concerned with references and sn's, I provide them.

Otherwise I am wasting time trying to prove my spotless rep to someone who is not going to do business anyway. I have already sold well over five figures just within Rosarito, and have several regs who know me from Commerce before most of you were playing poker.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
The process usually goes like this. I make an offer, someone interested responds. If they are concerned with references and sn's, I provide them.

Otherwise I am wasting time trying to prove my spotless rep to someone who is not going to do business anyway. I have already sold well over five figures just within Rosarito, and have several regs who know me from Commerce before most of you were playing poker.
This still means nothing to me, but okay
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
This still means nothing to me, but okay
Are you looking to do business(pm's work best) or just trolling?
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
Are you looking to do business or just trolling?
Neither, I'm trying to protect the community while also trying to prod you in the right direction. I gave you legitimate opinions/reasons on why you were given a 20 point infraction based on my time and experiences with 2p2.

I don't need 'to do business,' I already cash out many guys down here myself, ty though
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
What content can be advertised itt? I see a lot of deals advertised, but the minute I mention selling stars money for cash, it is an instant 20 point violation.
Originally Posted by jdawg91
these threads aren't techinically supposed to be used for trading money (that belongs in the Internet poker xfer thread and HSNL xfer thread).
try the Rosa skype chat? Lots of xfers take place there

Last edited by Larissa; 08-19-2013 at 07:28 PM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:22 PM
Thanks for the advice and help, your good intentions are respectable.

I walk the beaches everyday here and go to town at least once a day and literally have never see anyone I would recognize as a card player. I built a team of online sports betting runners without using anyone from 2+2, but I have experience and social skills. I assume many of the people here live hermetic lives indoors and only get out to eat or go to TJ and get laid for pay.

Hopefully the 2+2er's can protect themselves, but I respect you for looking out for the good of the community. The process of doing business is quite easy when someone is willing to meet at any safe location, do the entire process in front of your face on an IPad or laptop, then receive your funds AFTER the transfer has occurred. Simple game, foolproof.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Larissa
try the Rosa skype chat? Lots of xfers take place there
Thanks, a little older here, never Skyped, but may try it. Thanks again, you are always helpful itt.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
I walk the beaches everyday here and go to town at least once a day and literally have never see anyone I would recognize as a card player.
Was out today running errands with 1 other player and literally ran into 9 other players/people associated to the poker players while out and about at different points

Although yea obv a lot are grinding all day long and don't make it out til late night or are hermits.

But yea, no worries and I wasn't trying to be a dick. Def get skype as that's the easiest way of communication for almost everyone down here.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
The process usually goes like this. I make an offer, someone interested responds. If they are concerned with references and sn's, I provide them.

Otherwise I am wasting time trying to prove my spotless rep to someone who is not going to do business anyway. I have already sold well over five figures just within Rosarito, and have several regs who know me from Commerce before most of you were playing poker.
The point of making your screennames/etc public (as is required in the Trading thread) is to make sure you haven't scammed anyone in the past and to make sure that if you do scam anyone it comes back to bite you in the ass. You can't expect complete anonymity while making cash transfers.

And someone could still get scammed even if they watch you transfer the money. They have no way of knowing its actually your account and that you didn't fund it through a stolen credit card or chip dumping from a hacked account. Pokerstars can reverse a transfer days or even weeks later if irregularities pop up.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
The point of making your screennames/etc public (as is required in the Trading thread) is to make sure you haven't scammed anyone in the past and to make sure that if you do scam anyone it comes back to bite you in the ass. You can't expect complete anonymity while making cash transfers.

And someone could still get scammed even if they watch you transfer the money. They have no way of knowing its actually your account and that you didn't fund it through a stolen credit card or chip dumping from a hacked account. Pokerstars can reverse a transfer days or even weeks later if irregularities pop up.
Fair points. Thanks for all the input. Never really considered all the ways that I could potentially be scamming, honestly my mind doesn't work that way, but that is also something a scammer would say to gain credibility.

Where did you see 9 players from this site? I am not doubting you, just weird to have never seen anyone yet in the months I have been here. Hell I am living more of a hermetic life myself as NCAAF approaches. Sorry if I pissed anyone off.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by PlayaHata1
Where did you see 9 players from this site? I am not doubting you, just weird to have never seen anyone yet in the months I have been here. Hell I am living more of a hermetic life myself as NCAAF approaches. Sorry if I pissed anyone off.
Player/gf at mongolian grill, joe the pro walked in a bit later, another grinder walked in a bit later, 1 walking by mongolian grill to go to pasion cafe as we left, go to stevem's and then 3 more walking by to get food, go downtown and 2 more down there

Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 09:18 PM
Game selection FTW.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 09:46 PM
I would rather not get involved, but I would recommend anyone considering dealing with this 'PlayaHata1' person check out this thread:

It would seem he has had/has several sn's and in general seems pretty shady to me. Based on the discussion in that thread, it would seem he is also 'MeatWad1' and 'EarlyCuyler' or some such, and doesn't seem to garner much respect from the other established peeps there.

Just my two cents, draw your own conclusion.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by lrgatsby
I would rather not get involved, but I would recommend anyone considering dealing with this 'PlayaHata1' person check out this thread:

It would seem he has had/has several sn's and in general seems pretty shady to me. Based on the discussion in that thread, it would seem he is also 'MeatWad1' and 'EarlyCuyler' or some such, and doesn't seem to garner much respect from the other established peeps there.

Just my two cents, draw your own conclusion.
Lol good one. Now go find anyone who will ever claim I have ripped anyone off or have done anything shady. To get actions in sports betting sometimes you have to "recommend" bets for your friends to place, this is not having multi accounts. This is not the case with poker, as you are never banned for being a winning player and I would never use multiple accounts.

If you notice, old school pro's barely use this site. I am the exception. If my account was banned here, it had nothing to do with shadiness or cheating anyone. I speak my mind in person and on the web and that rubs insecure people the wrong way apparently.

I have met a handful of people on this site, and I challenge anyone to find one bad or shady thing about me. Also notice that the 2 best/most winning posters in sports betting never tangle with me and that is for a reason.

I will never offer the stars money with 10% added again, so please ignore that offer. I have an established clientele as is and do not want to interfere with anyone's business.

Last edited by PlayaHata1; 08-19-2013 at 10:19 PM.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 10:20 PM
Shady has a lot of shades, as the saying goes.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-19-2013 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by lrgatsby
Shady has a lot of shades, as the saying goes.
Wow what a novel idea. So your are telling me that subjective evaluations have an infinite number of possibilities? My worldview is black and white and very simplistic. I have traveled extensively, am a member of Mensa, Phi Beta Kappa, was nominated for a Rhodes scholarship, have read thousands of books, but perhaps I will broaden my perspective by recognizing that the world is a continuum of possibilities that you refer to as "lots of shades of grey." Thanks for the epipnany, my worldview will never be the same.

In all seriousness, I will probably be banned soon, love contributing while it lasted. I suck at posting, apparently I have troll qualities, but I will leave the scamming and dishonesty to all you stake horses who hopefully won't end up like Eskimo or Grizzle.
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
08-20-2013 , 12:28 AM
Lol, yeah you're not insecure at all. What a character. Personally I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot clown pole in any business dealing ... or any dealing at all.

You seem like a very lonely and bitter person. Perhaps in the future you will find whatever you need to stop compensating for your feelings of inadequacy by vaunting your ostensible 'achievements' when confronted with a threatening perception from a neutral external source.

And don't worry, if/when you're banned you'll just make another account ... and another ... and another ...
Official Rosarito Thread Quote
