Making another trip to Cambodia soon. Played at Naga last year but considering branching out and making a trip to Sihanoukville. Are the games worth making the trip out there? Is it just 7Deuce and Queenco or are there other options? Or are there other options in PP itself?
Queenco came up on my hotel search and I know they offer free rooms for 6 hours of play. Tables (usually 2 NL and 1 PLO from what I can see) only seem to run from early evening (6 or 8pm) to early morning (2 to 4am) though, so even getting 6 hours in could be difficult.
Originally Posted by MuayThai
Hi Cambodian grinders, how is Naga those days? Action 24h/day like in good old times?
Not 24/7. Was there over CNY when I imagine its busier than usual and there was a dead period from ~6-8am until 12pm. They offer money draws for players sat from 2pm until 6pm I believe to incentivise people to show up, but obviously game quality during that time was awful so I didn't bother with that.
Room is very well run though. Dealers generally excellent. Floor very good. Safety top notch; which is an issue I am considering when weighing up going to SH.