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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

02-05-2015 , 08:31 PM
^^^ I got those same shorts I think. I wear them around the house and to play basketball in.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-05-2015 , 10:42 PM
Shark - You are bringing the forum average down, bud. I don't think anyone hasn't been laid in under 8 hours of landing in Asia. We have a rep and stats to protect.

I'm not buying the weed angle. Do you not like Asian birds/ men/ ladychaps?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-05-2015 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by MrGrant94
For anyone living in cambo right now. what is ur internet situation like? prices, speed, reliability
I was using my apartments free wifi & phone's 3G as back up but it was hit & miss for grinding/youtube and stuff so went with a company called Opennet, it was like $20 for installation including a router and It's $24 a month for a 6mbs connection and thus far it's been fine for me... guy in the apartment next door goes halves with me and we're both happy with it so at $12 a month you can't complain. I tested the speed and it's actually nearer 10mbs too. They do various packages the lowest being 3mbs for $12 per month I believe. Also if you're staying long term you can pay for 6 months in advance and get a month free or 10 months and get 2 months free.

Last edited by samcx; 02-05-2015 at 11:59 PM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheLandlord
Shark - You are bringing the forum average down, bud. I don't think anyone hasn't been laid in under 8 hours of landing in Asia. We have a rep and stats to protect.

I'm not buying the weed angle. Do you not like Asian birds/ men/ ladychaps?
Im waiting for the right one
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 12:59 AM
It takes most people a while to get used to the idea of paying for sex for the first time.

Once you've broken that seal though, it's like opening the Hoover Dam.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 01:06 AM
shark i think you should be listening to spiv (and everyone) about where you are living

when i first got to asia i went to sihanoukville and was like wow this is awesome i love it, then after awhile i decided to look other places

liked phnom penh more

liked pattaya more than sihanoukville, not more than PP

like angeles more than any i had been yet

liked cebu more then angeles though like hopping back and forth between the two

basically dont just stay where you are because its better than where you have been, it doesnt cost to much to travel around, you can get a bus to phnom penh for $10 or less, and a bus from there to snooky for the same, and both those cities are super cheap also

why not go check those two places out and then decide?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 01:59 AM
Ok well ive booked hotel here for 1 month. My sister comes here in april for a holiday so i might travel around then.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:09 AM
Have you even seen Ankor Watt?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:14 AM
No lol, the only touristy thing ive done was get wasted on cocktails and walk around pub street markets.

Maybe when i get bored of poker il go have a look lol i do like that sort of stuff
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:17 AM

Damn it, i was just about to shoot up some heroin but then i saw this sign and decided no too lol
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:31 AM
i know a good tuktuk driver in siem reap, spoke ok English, had a nicer tuktuk than other guys, leather seats, a business card, email on the side, wore a helmet, professional well-presented guy. would recommend

took me on the all day angkor wat tour for $12 and said he could find any girls i wanted

Last edited by jspill; 02-06-2015 at 02:37 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:46 AM
You sexyyy beast jspill

Sent from my D6503 using 2+2 Forums
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:54 AM
Did he find that blonde girl for you?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:57 AM
hehe that's not me just some random pic on his profile
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by dogarse
Did he find that blonde girl for you?
beat me to it
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 05:15 AM
Shark, I have a feeling you are a virgin. You don't have to confirm or not.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 06:52 AM
No im not a virgin, i lost my v when i was 16. There is a few reasons. Weed kills your sex drive and i smoked so much weed since i was 11, my mum use to be a dealer. I would def not bring a prostitute back to my hotel because it just feels to shameful especially if im going to be seeing the same people everyday. and because no one has asked me. those are few reasons why, im not out there looking for it and even if someone ask me i prob say no because of hotel, id much rather go into a parlour and even then i think i might be too embarassed/scared/shamefull whatever you call it. maybe in a few months my sex drive will increase from the break from weed.

I was just at pizza shop again hahaha and this time it wasnt called specail happy pizza or happy herb pizza it was called ecstatic pizza and i think its already the best because you can choose the amount at the other resturants you cant.

So there where two guys sitting next to me debating wether or not to get 1 spoon or 2 spoon. and they choose one spoon and shared pizza. lady came to me and i was like il have 4 please lol. cost 2$ extra per spoon. and when guy came out with pizza he said its too much ahaha. Im hoping he wasnt meaning that there was too much weed to cheese ratio and it wouldnt cook properly and hoping that he meant im a ****** idiot for ordering that much lol.

Anyways i got my bag of weed now im going to chop up and roll some joints and wait for pizza to kick in. But honestly i dont know if its going to be what im hoping for.

Would be awesome if they had hash here???

Why is the sunset so red?
Why is it so foggy in siem reap?
Seems like its either bushfires or like smog from china or something. that was first thing i notice when i hop off plane.
You should watch russel brand on youtube

Last edited by shark4045344; 02-06-2015 at 07:00 AM. Reason:
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 07:09 AM
I just finished russell brands audiobook and like all liberals he diagnoses the problem correctly but the govt is protecting the corporations so I think he should be focusing on eradicating the govt more so

I found h@sh in patts but havent found it anywhere else yet, it made for the best js

last year i found h@sh oil 1000 miles south of sri lanka in maldives, i mention it bc if that is there then we should be able to find h@sh/shr00ms everywhere in SEA
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by shark4045344
No im not a virgin, i lost my v when i was 16. There is a few reasons. Weed kills your sex drive and i smoked so much weed since i was 11, my mum use to be a dealer. I would def not bring a prostitute back to my hotel because it just feels to shameful especially if im going to be seeing the same people everyday.
in cambodian hotels the staff will think there's something wrong with you if you DON'T bring girls back.

even female staff at the reception desk will give me a knowing smile (since they are the ones calling my room when my long-time leaves).
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 07:54 AM
If your low sex drive is really due to drugs the good news is that at this rate it should be back in no time.

You're there for a month I thought... if some hotel staff sees you bringing a girl who cares?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 08:04 AM
Weed always use to make me horny.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 08:07 AM
Not the weed making you lose your sex drive bro. Makes me feel horny. I'm not the only one either.

Master P confirms "Feel like the weed makes a young ***** horny" at 2mins of this song
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by shark4045344
That t shirt cost 14$. seems good price for Australia but what about cambodia?
In Cambodia I paid $5 for 3 t shirts. If I felt like bargaining more probably could have gotten each one for a dollar. This was in the markets though. If your buying real authentic clothing in Asia at the retail stores expect it to be more then it would be in your home country.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 04:46 PM
lol at weed killing your sex drive, smoked 99.9% of days before i showed up there and i was horny enough when i got there i believe

as others have said not taking a girl to your room will look way weirder than taking one
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
02-06-2015 , 04:54 PM
also theres nothing shameful about banging a hooker (people really need to get out of this mindset imo). who cares. the hotel staff will of seen about 100000 expats before you do it.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
