After Spokane, it started getting smoky/hazy around Coeur d'Alene. Not so I couldn't see, but obscuring the scenery.
Plowed across Idaho and western Montana through Helena. Here's an example. Helena would be down there in the distance if clear.
And here's the Montana state capitol. Colorado's is better.
After going through Ringling (Ringling bar closed that day
), went down to Livingston and found a campsite. Super nice guy running the place, we had a nice conversation while I was setting up and then relaxing after. It's right off I-90, so some road noise, but a nice site too--lots of shade.
Contacted the daughter of one of my Seattle friends who is going to graduate school in Billings. We decided to try to meet for lunch the next day. Got to town a little early, so drove around a bit. This would be a nice overlook if not for the smoke.
It was nice to see her again and hear a young person's aspirations. She's hoping to get her doctorate after this. I can't remember the title of her program, but it's physical therapy/injury sort of stuff.
From there, I plowed down into Wyoming. Was planning to stop at a real nice campground I'd been to a couple years ago in Greybull, but it was early, and there was a wind blowing--i knew that would frustrate me getting set up.
Eventually going through the Bighorn Mountains. Went through on highway 14A last summer, this year tried highway 14. Both really scenic, recommended if anyone's in that area.
Eventually came upon Shell Falls. A nice short hike to several vantage points.
Got back to I-90 about 5 ish. Stopped at a rest area, made a sandwich for dinner, looked at google maps--a little more than 6 hours home. So, now I've got a decision--plow through and get home late, or stop for the night.
I haven't driven this car at night yet, so popped a Mountain Dew and plowed along. Got to Casper about sunset, first two gas stations I went to were having some kind of network issue and could only take pre-pay. Well, I don't know how much to fill. Eventually found one with pumps in working order.
This new car has auto-on headlights, which I've configured to minimum (i.e., come on as early as possible). Testing that, it was getting a little hard to see (not terrible). When it got fully dark though, no problems--LEDs really light up the road compared to old-style lights. I assume the issue earlier was just my vision, and not that the car wasn't doing a good job.
Anyway, plowed along. There's a lot of nothing in Wyoming. Some stretches, not even lights of a town or farmhouse, like you'd usually see at night. Got home about 11:30, dragged most of the stuff in the house. Put away important stuff that needed refrigeration, had a couple beers and went to bed.
Up to the store this AM, off to the Post Office to get mail. Back to my boring life for a while.
Don't have another adventure planned, kinda thinking I'll go somewhere warm when winter gets here.