This might be kind of sporadic, but I'll try to keep posts going.
In March 2014, I took a trip to Southern Africa to see what the lions and elephants were doing.
In case anyone's interested, I actually started working with my local travel agent in about May 2013, and it looks like we finalized in July. She had a contact with someone at a place which specializes in African trip, we went through a few iterations of ideas I had, fitting together a schedule, etc etc. (Of course, it wasn't constant contact, but I think starting close to a year out isn't atypical, though I freely admit to being kind of OCD when planning big things like this).
I went in with the notion that "this will be nice, but isn't something I'm super psyched to do" (I've been fortunate to do all that stuff already). Once I went though, I'll say it was a great experience (except the actual travel), and I'm really glad I had the chance.
One of the nice things about Denver is we have several direct flights to other parts of the world. However, getting to South Africa is just tough from the US. It's a long ways, and I think requires transfers from anywhere here.
As I have quite a few miles on United, and any path was going to be multi-day, I chose Lufthansa to Frankfurt, train to Munich (I had something like 10 hours to kill), then Lufthansa again to Cape Town. (Lufthansa is a partner).
So, on a nice spring day, my neighbor Ralph dropped me at the bus stop, and my adventure began.
A few days before going, I'd met some friends for dinner, and one mentioned that it was good to get the seat behind the bulkhead for extra room. They must've reconfigured, it was miserable. I got very little sleep on the overnight.
Tip: on these long flights, it's pretty typical they will come around with a drink service followed by a meal after you've been in the air a while. I've found it's pretty helpful to get some OTC sleep aids, and have one with your meal and a beer or two. Usually can get
some sleep. Unfortunately didn't work great this time.
Before going, I'd seen on both German airport's websites mention of shower facilities. I've done this on other transoceanic flights--even though you're still tired, you just feel a little better with a change of clothes and a wash.
Stumbled through customs, didn't find the shower, figured no big deal, there's one in Munich. Got on the ICE, caught a few Zs here and there, and saw some of the countryside.
Got into Munich's main train station downtown. Still had several hours to kill. Walked around a bit, got something to eat. Noticed a shower facility in the basement, but thought, "I'll wait til the airport, then wash up just before we leave to be clean as possible for the next long-haul." Kind of cool and breezy, so I didn't stay in town too long.
Wandered around the airport several hours. Never did find the shower there.
Another overnight to Cape Town. Slept a bit here and there, but not great. Got in, met the company's representative, Fuad, who went over some papers with me and handed me off to the driver, Chappie. I was foggy enough I forgot to tip Fuad. I still feel bad about that; that's what these people live on.
Chappie and I had a nice chat and drive into the city. He pointed out some things along the way, like the hospital where the first human heart transplant took place, Table Mountain and Lion's Head. Got to the Portswood late morning or early afternoon, not sure which.
The room wasn't ready yet, so I asked where I could go to find a Coke and walk around a bit. Fortunately, the Portswood is about a five minute walk from the Victoria & Albert (V&A) waterfront, which is a big shopping/restaurant/bar/tourist area. Apparently Queen Victoria and Prince Albert dropped by back in the day. They still had a plaque on the first piece of the pier where they set foot.
No word on whether Prince Albert was in a can.
Walked into the mall, and practically the first thing I see is a Crocs store, whose headquarters are an hour away from my house, in Loveland. 'Murica #1.
I'm really foggy by now. About the only thing I really remember is being approached by a young man asking for a few rand to help him get into a hostel. I pulled out my roll and peeled off a few for him.
He then said, "how about giving me the whole roll?" or something very much to that effect. To this day, I'm not sure if I missed a half-assed mugging attempt because I was so sleepy, or if it was a half-assed joke.
Among the stuff I found was this:
Apparently, it's supposed to be a giant postcard frame which you climb into and have somebody take a personalized postcard photo.
Got back, and the room wasn't quite ready, so I sat in the lobby, nodding off now and again. After a while, they got it ready and took me up. It was a pretty nice place.
Keep in mind, I have very simple needs and tastes, so maybe what I think is nice doesn't match up.
Laid down for a little while, then went out for dinner. Found Mitchell's in the V&A:
A fun little pub. Music, but not too loud. Met a couple locals, had a nice conversation. Upstairs bar had sports on the TV, a nice patio area outside. The downstairs bar interior was wallpapered with money from around the world, on which patrons had written the name and date. At the time, I worked with a guy named Jim Mitchell who liked to have a beer now and again and would've really dug this place. So, I left one for me & Jim.
Still pretty tired, so a fairly early night. Managed to find my way back in the dark, no worries.
Next time: more V&A and Robben Island.
Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 03-10-2019 at 01:32 PM.