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10-09-2012 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by WhoIam
Gillette blades are notably more expensive than in the US. The price difference isn't huge and it wouldn't matter if you were only staying a few months but razor blades aren't bulky at all so no reason not to stock up. 99% of skin care products are "whitening," have no idea if this is BS, but I'm white enough already. The Thai deodorants I've tried aren't nearly as effective as my normal brand, etc. None of these things take up much space.

If you have a favorite kind of booze it may not be available so I'd consider bringing a few bottles.
Ya thanks, I will stock up on a few things. WRT booze I have a weakness for single malt scotch and nothing beats duty free at the US airports. I'm doing a stop over in L.A. so I'm going to splurge.
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10-09-2012 , 03:01 AM

when are you arriving? depending on my week i should be in Thailand with the quickness ready to bang some hookers
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10-09-2012 , 03:37 AM
razor blades are more expensive in thailand than in the US ??

they are like half the price in thailand compared to finland..
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10-09-2012 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lessu
razor blades are more expensive in thailand than in the US ??

they are like half the price in thailand compared to finland..
To be fair, Finland is one of the biggest fish countries out there and you pay though the nose for a lot of stuff....
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10-09-2012 , 03:43 AM
yeah i know but i didn't know we were this ****ed lol
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10-09-2012 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Lessu
yeah i know but i didn't know we were this ****ed lol
Come to the USA and you will see that you don't need to go to a developing country like Thailand to pay cheap prices. USA is cheaper than Thailand for most goods and most skilled services, soapies and agogogs excepted. The best value in BKK is probably rent, nightlife, and possibly some condo complexes but prices on condos seem to have skyrocketed already.
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10-09-2012 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by dc_publius
Come to the USA and you will see that you don't need to go to a developing country like Thailand to pay cheap prices. USA is cheaper than Thailand for most goods and most skilled services, soapies and agogogs excepted. The best value in BKK is probably rent, nightlife, and possibly some condo complexes but prices on condos seem to have skyrocketed already.
well the nightlife is only cheap if you dont decide to drink. otherwise I think its quite expensive, I spend approximately the same as I do in England in BKK on a night out, maybe more in BKK if I go spicy and swing.

food is dirt cheap here and so is taxis and transport

If I stay in all day and just grind, eat 4 meals a day and do a bit of swimming, I only spend like 600baht a day (included accommodation) , which no way I could do in England unless i stayed at home with family. Never been to USA though,guess it would be tough to live there on $15 a day?
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10-09-2012 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by dc_publius
Come to the USA and you will see that you don't need to go to a developing country like Thailand to pay cheap prices. USA is cheaper than Thailand for most goods and most skilled services, soapies and agogogs excepted. The best value in BKK is probably rent, nightlife, and possibly some condo complexes but prices on condos seem to have skyrocketed already.
can't play poker online in the US of A.
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10-09-2012 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Lessu
can't play poker online in the US of A.
land of the free..whoever told you that is your ...
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10-09-2012 , 05:48 AM
in the US you could probably live on $20 a day if you lived in the midwest (or any cheap area), but your life would be awful (unless you area 9.5 out of 10 like peoples)

i was at about $30 a day (lil less actually) in vegas at the end when i was saving up money to come over but thats because i got so many comped meals at the casino (can get 3 decent sized meals off 1 dinner from the grand lux at the venetian) and literally spent no money on anything other than necessities ever

ebffs 144 condoms not enough imo, if you really are that picky and need the certain brand and are staying indefinitely then you should double that
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10-09-2012 , 06:01 AM
144 condoms? so what you going to do in week 2 ebffs?
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10-09-2012 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
well the nightlife is only cheap if you dont decide to drink. otherwise I think its quite expensive, I spend approximately the same as I do in England in BKK on a night out, maybe more in BKK if I go spicy and swing.

food is dirt cheap here and so is taxis and transport

If I stay in all day and just grind, eat 4 meals a day and do a bit of swimming, I only spend like 600baht a day (included accommodation) , which no way I could do in England unless i stayed at home with family. Never been to USA though,guess it would be tough to live there on $15 a day?
You can get like a bottle of Jack + mixers for less than 2k everywhere. How is that not cheap?

EDIT: Actually I only know the prices in Pattaya and I guess BKK is more expensive, but even if it's like 50% more expensive, which I doubt, it's still really cheap.
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10-09-2012 , 08:32 AM
yeah its cheap compared to back home, but compared to the rest of Asia its still pretty high.

on average a bokkle of whiskey and mixers is around 1.8-2.2k. which yeah is cheap, but comapred to SEA prices, prob one of the highest.

the average price to get into clubs is around 300-400baht (£6-£8) back home were I live (not in london) its anywere between free-£5.

and England is ripp of chitty

however a bottle in the uk would cost £120/5k+
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10-09-2012 , 09:19 AM
Has anyone dared to try a direct transfer from Stars to a Thai bank?? All last year I was using Moneybookers but obv there's extra charges from moving it all twice. What about the Moneybookers Pre paid Mastercard?, does that work out economical cutting out your current account?
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10-09-2012 , 11:11 AM
It's $12 a pint now in Aus. I'll stick with Thailand.

The US is the cheapest by far of any developed country for basically everything (except medical care and college).
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10-09-2012 , 12:01 PM
i don't think you really save much buying a bottle since buying an individual drink at 200 baht they often mix them pretty strong. gotta still tip and buy mixers with the bottle.
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10-09-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by PokerSpiv
Stocking up on condoms, for example, seems like a pretty poor idea. You can buy them anywhere here, and you'd get funny looks from customs when they see you turning up with 144 condoms. They sell ****ty condoms in 7-11, but you can buy the good ones in most pharmacies.
is there a quality issue with durex condoms? never had a problem with them breaking. i know size is a problem for all but the blue box ones.
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10-09-2012 , 01:05 PM

.....only one way to find out for sure I guess.
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10-09-2012 , 01:07 PM
i saw a footjob-bang today strolling through this random neighborhood

i could tell it was a footjobbang because the sign had feet and the swirling barbershop brothel thing`
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10-09-2012 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Turlock
Has anyone dared to try a direct transfer from Stars to a Thai bank?? All last year I was using Moneybookers but obv there's extra charges from moving it all twice. What about the Moneybookers Pre paid Mastercard?, does that work out economical cutting out your current account?
Done direct transfers to Kasikorn with no problems. usually takes < 3 days as well. Definitely my preferred way.
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10-09-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
If I stay in all day and just grind, eat 4 meals a day and do a bit of swimming, I only spend like 600baht a day (included accommodation) , which no way I could do in England unless i stayed at home with family. Never been to USA though,guess it would be tough to live there on $15 a day?
No, you can't. That's why I said rent is one of the big savings in Thailand. To save on rent in the US, you really feel it. You have to move to some really craptastic areas to pay low rent. (rural or ghetto, your pick.) Of course in the US you can also just buy your own house in some low property tax area and pay almost nothing for your housing... And condo prices have really gone up in BKK since the first time I've been in BKK, plus they have that stupid 'foreign ownership papers' scheme that costs you 10-15% more than Thai person ownership. I'm not sure they are good values anymore... I thought about picking something up, but at the current prices in BKK, it's too much money for too little considering uncertain future. (increasingly bad visa rules, eminent government changes coming pretty soon.)

Food savings are primarily because you have a ton of low-end options that don't feel like low end options in Thailand. If people in the US were allowed to serve from food carts with no hygiene standards/inspections and wash their dishes in dirty water as rats ran by near the plates, USA could probably have comparable take out costs as well. (Not to mention that Thai portions are like 1/3 size of US portions.) I love the food culture in Thailand in part because I'm lazy and a nightowl, but I do recognize the fact that I'm paying less because I'm actually getting less.

I'm actually amazed how cheap food is in the USA overall. When you consider the variety, portions, food safety standards, and venue decor/atmosphere, USA is much cheaper than Thailand. There are some good expat restaurant offering good value to be sure, but they are exceptions, not the rule.
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10-09-2012 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by dc_publius
No, you can't. That's why I said rent is one of the big savings in Thailand. To save on rent in the US, you really feel it. You have to move to some really craptastic areas to pay low rent. (rural or ghetto, your pick.) Of course in the US you can also just buy your own house in some low property tax area and pay almost nothing for your housing... And condo prices have really gone up in BKK since the first time I've been in BKK, plus they have that stupid 'foreign ownership papers' scheme that costs you 10-15% more than Thai person ownership. I'm not sure they are good values anymore... I thought about picking something up, but at the current prices in BKK, it's too much money for too little considering uncertain future. (increasingly bad visa rules, eminent government changes coming pretty soon.)

Food savings are primarily because you have a ton of low-end options that don't feel like low end options in Thailand. If people in the US were allowed to serve from food carts with no hygiene standards/inspections and wash their dishes in dirty water as rats ran by near the plates, USA could probably have comparable take out costs as well. (Not to mention that Thai portions are like 1/3 size of US portions.) I love the food culture in Thailand in part because I'm lazy and a nightowl, but I do recognize the fact that I'm paying less because I'm actually getting less.

I'm actually amazed how cheap food is in the USA overall. When you consider the variety, portions, food safety standards, and venue decor/atmosphere, USA is much cheaper than Thailand. There are some good expat restaurant offering good value to be sure, but they are exceptions, not the rule.
Ya USA destroys Canada on costs for consumer goods. Booze, food, electronics, gas, vehicles, everything.
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10-09-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by ebffs
Ya USA destroys Canada on costs for consumer goods. Booze, food, electronics, gas, vehicles, everything.
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10-09-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by dc_publius

I'm actually amazed how cheap food is in the USA overall. When you consider the variety, portions, food safety standards, and venue decor/atmosphere, USA is much cheaper than Thailand. There are some good expat restaurant offering good value to be sure, but they are exceptions, not the rule.
Pretty much this. Fast food is much cheaper in the USA; whereas, they nickel and dime ya for everything here in Thailand.. Big Breakfast at McDo's in LOS they don't give you pancakes and the coffee is tiny. Most of the value menu items are missing too..

About the biggest ripoff I've encountered so far in Thailand was this pizza joint that charged an arm and a leg for some barf on a cardboard crap that you can get for $2.99 back home at the grocery store..
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10-09-2012 , 04:33 PM
I would like to know if there is a cash game in Phuket, Thailand ??? I would like to join, so if u could leave an e-mail or any numbers that i can contact, i would be appreciate much.

Thank you in advance
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