Originally Posted by restorativejustice
"Schindler the swindler" gets taken down.
Truly a scum-bag move because it makes it harder for players that have legitimately been done wrong to be taken seriously and it is a slap in the face to all the US players that made personal sacrifices to pack up and move to keep playing the game.
this has been discussed at length many times in the past but this point is true, sure there are a lot of Americans who made sacrifices etc to move, so it's unfair in that sense that some just vpn.. but the actual act of vpning if not combined with multi accounting etc is barely unethical. most people ITT hating are just annoyed OP lied and posted this which is understandable.. from reputable sources I would feel fairly confident saying this is much more common than most of you think.
also +1 the arbitrary punishment of acc. balance seized whilst maybe the easiest thing they can do, is unfair since someone can have 0$-1m (or more I guess) in their account and two equal crimes can be punished vastly differently.