Originally Posted by whitelime
Any advice? I am attempting these again Tues or Wed.
The first pull (from the floor to a bit above the knees) should be relatively slow and controlled. Really it's just to get you into position for your second pull.
For the first pull you're supposed to stay over the bar, this pretty much means that you're not laying back and pulling the bar backwards, but that the bar has a relatively vertical path.
The second pull should go hip extension and knee extension happening around the same time as shrugging hard with the traps and as the bar is going up the elbows are ripped through as quickly as possible.
Since the second pull is the real engine of the movement, a good way to train it/figure out wtf you're supposed to be doing is to get rid of the first pull via placing the bar on blocks. This means you're in a perfect position and don't have to worry about getting into it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IuO5VCTkQA has some clean pulls off blocks strewn throughout, pause them at different points and look at what their bodies are doing, and try to think what it might feel like to be in those positions.
You'll note that they're not jumping, but that they're fully extending. As in they're fully shrugged and on tiptoes before ripping under the weight.
I dunno I'm just rambling, but I found it's pretty necessary to have a clue what you're trying to do and feel like throughout the movement before you can have any hope doing it. As part of developing that feeling you can use different exercises. Blocks are good for second pull, pulls are good for getting the feeling of extension without having to worry about what happens once the bar passes the pelvis, stuff like that.