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Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return

03-07-2008 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
I'm usually not interested in people's blogs because I don't care about weights lifted or whether they've crammed an extra cupcake into their idiot hole lately
Man, why you gotta be hatin?
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-07-2008 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Man, why you gotta be hatin?
Its cause you don't have Assani come and post in your thread "LOL" randomly. Find your own ****** (Yes, I am saying that Assani has a genuine handicap) to troll you.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-07-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by shemp
Here is what I've felt in myself and what I think I've observed in others. The first rep or two are awkward and acquiring proper depth is a problem. The bar hasn't found the right track and this creates core stability problems. Once one finds the right spot and has a good rep under one's belt, it is easy to pump them out rapidly, with good depth.

I think the answer is a proper warm-up and better focus. In addition to taking care of those things, widen your feet a bit, point your toes out a bit more, and force your knees outward as you descend. You can also pay attention to keeping as upright a torso as possible in a body weight squat-- one drill is squatting with toes facing and only a couple inches from a wall.
very true.

added points........

sometimes the first rep or two at any weight still feels weird to me, but then no problem (has been getting easier and easier on all ohs regardless of wt.)

wall squats are essential for learning to stay upright. work on them with your arms close to but not touching the wall. focus on all the stuff shemp said.
i have used them to warm people up a lot lately and have seen great results with those who have air squat/ohs technique issues.

improved on and constantly worked on shoulder flexibility will make your problems start to get better too.

i had a weird foot thing like you for a bit and it went away with some diligent practice.

very nice goal btw, jeez they are some tough ones!!
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-10-2008 , 02:07 AM
So I've had an ear infection which sucks. Oh well. Life goes on. I don't think its like a ZOMG going to die. More of a "You're not getting enough sleep, and in recompense... I'm giving you a cold in your ear." Regardless, I did some exercise.

100 Pushups/100 Situps/100 Squats


Not too happy, but whatev. I still can't really get good pace on my pushups. I crash and burn very quickly. I broke them down today into 25s for each exercise and crushed the first 25 pushups, but by the fourth segment I was grinding out like a 5/3/3/3/3/3/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/lost count type pace with a couple seconds rest. I also realized I can hook my feet under my TV stand so that makes it easier to do situps which is pretty hot. They're still fairly slow. The squats cruise pretty quickly.

I also did a handstand hold since if I'm ever gonna do a free handstand I need to have shoulders that can keep me atleast up there. I hung on for a shade over a minute. My forearms were kinda spasming so I stopped since there's no point in grinding out a few seconds when I'm not sure whats going on. I'm still really not sure what it was... Oh well. Maybe I just took and awkward angle with my hands. On the plus I'm staying almost perfectly upright and may be able to actually do a real handstand soon. Maybe I'll even be able to get in one without risking serious bodily injury like I am currently.

Starting last bulgarian squat cycle, lest I see gains like I did previously (no chance), but even decent gains will demand a third cycle. As much as I hate doing this program, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-10-2008 , 07:43 PM
So I went to the doctor. I have a pretty bad ear infection, like swimmer's ear so I'm told. FU to all the people saying to go to the doctor. Though after a bit of a search and some reading, it appears that waiting a few days is the correct MO, with 1-3 being the appropriate range. No one dies in that time frame and it appears some cases clear themselves up. Basically I over Q-tipped my ear and it got infected. I don't know if the fluid is infected cause my **** is too ****ed to tell.

Gym time.

DB Snatch


Front Squat

Lotsa high intensity and volume. Tough workout. Didn't help that I felt like I was gonna rupture my ear drum during squats. But I pozz.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-11-2008 , 05:01 PM
Another day

DB Snatch


Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-12-2008 , 08:35 PM
So my diet sucks since I'm worried about dying and my brain rotting away more than how amazing I look naked, which makes me saddened. Though "sucks" is pretty loose now since I had a steak salad, some coffee, and a chicken finger salad today. So nothing really great, but considering I ate two meals out... I'm still probably ahead of the average person considerably.

I'm in the debate for this evening. I may do tabata squats and see if I can break 150 (though I wouldn't be stunned if I don't make 140 as well :/) or I may go run and see how pathetic it is... again.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-12-2008 , 09:55 PM
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-12-2008 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by d0nkaments
I liked it better when I had a collegiate athlete doing this instead of a pretentious fat guy. But thanks for the thoughtfulness.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-13-2008 , 03:34 AM
Are you seriously offended by what I said that you had to type that?

Lol, "pretentious fat guy." When was 6'1 200 lbs fat?

I was on NCAA Men's Crew last season, actually. But at least i'm not one cheering myself up about my poor eating habits by comparing myself to the "average person" out there.

Hey, good luck though!
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-13-2008 , 11:39 AM

Plz don't die, I your posts. :/

I get ear infections just out of the blue if I don't sleep a couple of nights in a row, so you might redouble your emphasis on resting up.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-13-2008 , 01:07 PM

I don't think your funny and I think you're a clown. I especially enjoy when you make fun of the "Joseph Log", when you have essentially the weightlifting version of it. If you added some smith machine squats and some behind the neck pressing you'd have included just about every pointless unsafe exercise I could imagine.


I think part of it is growing my hair out and not blow drying it. That and I'm pretty sure have a weakened immune system is a quick shot to getting diseased. Though I'm pretty sure that I didn't actually have to worry about my brain or bones getting infected. I did forget to ask the doctor. I'll make a note.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-13-2008 , 07:10 PM
I think I strained my bicep in my sleep a few days ago. Kinda weird. But its been a little sore. But whatev. Diet has still be meh. So far today I'm eaten some dried apricots, few eggs, some bacon, coffee, some nuts... Probably going to see what is left in my fridge and that will dictate my diet till Monday. Ear still sucks. I keep freaking out in the middle of the night and ripping this cotton thing out and then having to shove it back in while half awake. It sucks.

Today was a max day:

DB Snatch
90 (Right Only) PR


Just had a lapse of concentration at 190. Kinda disappointed with the effort, but no real worries.

Front Squat
250 PR

I unracked 255 and it just went straight down. Just too spent. I did some jump roping with a rope slightly too short to see if I even had the motor skills. It appears my hair is the perfect length to smack me in the eyes. So I did maybe 15-20s before it started to get annoying enough to stop. Though maybe sometime over the summer I'll find a length of rope that is correct and do some jump roping and cart wheels during the middle of the day with my hair up.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-14-2008 , 11:13 AM
Wtf how do you set a pr when you're sick

For jumproping, rubberband, imo
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-14-2008 , 11:18 AM

I am ordering some of those athletic headbands. ATM I'm not really comfortable putting my hair in absurd positions so I can jump rope in public. Maybe in the privacy of my own home or nearby it hidden by a large privacy fence. But no in public atm.

I set PRs because I will them so. Also probably because the lighter volume and taking a day off likely gave me some time to recover more. They're not so different that its a huge victory, but better than going backward.


Diet is on a temp hold as I leave Monday for Vegas and will restart when I return home on Easter.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-16-2008 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Haha. I'm probably the fattest I've ever been. I have discernible love handles. I've been sedentary and eaten everything I could get my hands on for 4 months to get like this. And it wasn't working very well. Maybe I'm imagining, but I'm like a week or so into this new deal I've started and feel like I'm noticeably more lean. Who knows though? Maybe I'll pose some sweet pose down shots for Ash_ketchum. Or maybe I'll retain my heterosexuality.

But really. Does anyone have ideas what could cause weird random knee pains? Doctor time? Get that bitch scoped?

Any inventive ideas for BW GPP? Sorry, my condo doesn't allow me to store tractor tires, wheelbarrows, and I'm not entirely sure I can do kettlebell stuff (or that I really want to). I'd prefer things that don't remind me too much of masochistic ROTC-ish activities.

give us a pic!
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-16-2008 , 11:45 PM
Thats creepy. I think Smiley saw me. He can describe it. FWIW I was like 173ish. At maybe 13-14% BF.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-17-2008 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Thats creepy. I think Smiley saw me. He can describe it. FWIW I was like 173ish. At maybe 13-14% BF.
how tall are you? and no i am not a gay man.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-17-2008 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by styleXX
how tall are you? and no i am not a gay man.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-17-2008 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
sorry i didn't finish the last one:

your height: 5'8"

current weight:
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-17-2008 , 02:51 PM
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-26-2008 , 03:23 AM
Week in Vegas: Awesome

Physique Progress: Not Awesome

Another Day:
DB Snatch


F Squat

Its taking me a little while to get used to everything. If this cycle goes well, all should be fine. Whoo Whoo.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-26-2008 , 06:06 PM
I hate how my squat numbers are the first thing to take a massive dump when I take time off. Ghey. Its like a magical squat gnome decides if I don't squat like 2x a week. I can only squat 11 year old girls until I resume the religion.

DB Snatch

Very happy with these. Its very noticeable to see the hip drive in these since as you get tired its the first to go. I'll take reps at .5BW for now.

2x1x190 (fail)

Way too much volume, but whatev. I said eff it and just wanted to get my sets in. Though before I was at BW+12lbs as a max and now I'm BW+25lbs for reps which is pretty decent step up. My third pull has made an exceptional breakthrough as I lucksacked my way into doing quasi-full squat cleans. Now if I can just get myself under the bar faster... I could really make some significant progress. Who knows. Maybe I'll pull 225 at 165 through some morbid lucksackament.

Back Squat

Lost thoratic arch during the 265, which while not terrible is not good. Had to dump it. Very close though. I was wiped from the cleans. All is okay though. Suppose to do a single at 275 and a couple doubles at 245. I'm sure I'll get back on track. A minor miss for one of my heavy workouts is not a huge issue.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-27-2008 , 07:46 PM
My back and entire shoulder girdle are pained. Though I am pleased at this new found clean form. Will test more with lighter weights when I'm not completely zonked.

It appears if you get yourself under the bar there are only two options 1) You are crushed to death 2) You get it up. So far I'm like 3-0. Though I'm kinda confused how I should know when I'm gonna get crushed to death.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
03-27-2008 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
It appears if you get yourself under the bar there are only two options 1) You are crushed to death 2) You get it up. So far I'm like 3-0. Though I'm kinda confused how I should know when I'm gonna get crushed to death.
Unfortunately, there is a middle ground where you snap a wrist like dry timber when your elbow drives into your thigh.
Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return Quote
