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Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread

06-11-2020 , 03:05 AM
If you got some more serious people in your gym (or wechat contacts) perhaps you can ask if they can recommend someone. That's how I found this guy.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-15-2020 , 03:25 AM
Confession: I did crossfit today
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-16-2020 , 03:41 AM
And again. It feels damn good to train my cardiovascular system. I need this.

WOD For time (Time cap 24min)
400m run
30 burpee box jumps
20 overhead squats @75lbs
10 pullups + 10 pushups
20 overhead squats @75lbs
30 burpee box jumps
400m run

Finished a little over 24min
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-16-2020 , 04:43 AM
Nice! Is the gym doing a lot of things differently due to the virus?
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-16-2020 , 05:07 AM
Yeah I have way too much of a ****arounditis mentality in the gym these days and it's a lonely grind and not particularly interesting or all that fun. Obviously I could introduce more variety into my training but I just don't have the motivation to do so and always end up skipping **** and not caring much about it all. Plus I keep doing the opposite of what I need/lack.

I'm glad I can just head into this box, read/listen to what's on the board, have a quick 1 hour training and be fit and look okay and not having to think about anything myself. It's legitimately fun and very time-efficient and generally useful. Obviously I'll become a "jack of all trades, master of none" but it's kind of a good deal for me right now since I have nowhere the ambition in training like I used to but definitely need some sort of sports in my life to stay balanced mentally and physically.

To answer your question, I'm not noticing anything special right now. But I did see some pictures of people with masks back when they just opened mid-March. For a while all gyms in Chiner had to register people when they arrived, screen temperatures and make sure everyone was masked up. If there was a checkup by some local govt and they were breaking the rules, they would close it again. But this stuff is way behind us already. For now, at least.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-16-2020 , 06:10 AM
Oh, I didn't realize you were in China. Gyms still aren't open (rightfully so) here in the UK.

And yeah, I find myself going to crossfit whenever my motivation is low. 4 times a week without having to think about anything outside of class is a pretty good deal.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-19-2020 , 03:47 AM
Crossfit 5 times this week, Mon-Fri. Taking the weekend off. Feeling ****ing great my dudes.

I think I should still log the WODs cause I'm curious to track progress. But I missed the whole week, so I'll start next week. Nothing special either way.

Finishing last in pretty much everything!
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-19-2020 , 04:47 AM
Log those WODs! I would be interested in reading them. What programming does your gym follow?
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-21-2020 , 08:33 PM
They do their own programming and when I asked they said they focus entirely on trying to get people better at doing CrossFit and do very little pure strength work. People are supposed to get stronger from mixing up the energy systems used in the WODs. If this means my numbers will actually end up going backwards maybe I'll replace a couple of classes with some Open Gym training.

That being said, the coaches are all legitimately impressive recreational athletes and in the best shape out of any of the 5 boxes I've been a member at. So I think I should be in good hands.

I'm also very impressed with the coach I had last week (1 of 4), it's a 30-something year old girl who is super observant and is legitimately helping members by pointing out mistakes and inefficiencies. I've had several tips last week, from posture issues, to problems with how I move, to how I breathe and break up my WODs. I explained her some of my past issues with my shoulder and she actually remembers and gives me great alternatives. I've never had this before so I'm pleasantly surprised and quite happy with that.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-22-2020 , 02:43 AM
CrossFit Monday

For time:
100 double unders
20 overhead squats @75lbs
100 DU
20 db snatch @15kg
100 DU
20 bar muscle ups (I did 20 pullups + 20 pushups instead)
100 DU

Finished 17:40

This was the easiest WOD so far. I only did about 60 double unders and then switched to double the amount of singles though, because my DU's suck when I get tired and lose my tempo.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-22-2020 , 09:14 AM
Another coach told me there's usually 2-3 months of cardio focus, 2-3 months of strength, 2-3 months of weightlifting. If so, that sounds pretty good.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-23-2020 , 06:50 PM
CrossFit Tuesday

EMOM 30min

20cal assault bike
20cal row
AMRAP DBall Over Shoulder @50kg
1min rest

So total 6 rounds. DBall reps 7,4,3,5,0,3

First time I didn't suck at a WOD. Mostly because calorie rowing is super easy for me and the dball things are basically cleans. Because of my length and strength I get one cal per stroke and it still feels like a resting phase. The assault bike killed me though.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-24-2020 , 08:51 PM
CrossFit Wednesday

AMRAP 22min

12 Turkish getups
25 Kb swings
12 Kb ohs
25 Kb swings
12 Kb ohs
25 Kb swings
12 Turkish getups

Don't remember the weights I used, but it was light.

Kettlebell OHS makes me realize how bad my overhead mobility still is.

I think I'm starting to look aesthetically better, I'm losing fat and weight, but I'm probably also losing raw strength. And it doesn't matter!
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-26-2020 , 02:15 AM
CrossFit Friday

For time in team of 2:
200cal row

Partner A - Row
Partner B - 2 Rounds of (3 Cleans @135lbs, 6 pushups, 9 airsquats)

Finished in 13:34

Close 2nd because I wasn't TnG'ing my cleans and got a comment about it. Prob easy first if I did.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-29-2020 , 02:22 AM
Monday 06/29

For time (timecap 24min)

35 cal row
150 double unders
35 complex @95lbs = power clean + front squat + push press + back squat + BTN push press
+ Every 3min: run 200m

I got to 60DU or so and then switched to singles for double the amount. Something stops working after my first 50DU. I start real smooth and then suddenly get very clumsy.

Didn't manage to finish in time. I got to 16 reps or so on the complex. But I also lost count a million times so who knows.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-29-2020 , 07:02 PM
Weight keeps falling off, 195 now.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-30-2020 , 02:22 AM
Tuesday 06/30

5 rounds (2min on, 1min off)

10 burpees
2 rope climbs
AMRAP 50kg slamball over shoulder

First time rope climbing since elementary school. J-hook was okay but sucked hard at grabbing the rope higher up. With my length I should be able to reach the top in like 2 strokes.

Had only like 2-3 slamball throws per round because I'm a slow pony who stands around catching breath half the time.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
06-30-2020 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Weight keeps falling off, 195 now.
It's fascinating how I have a psychologically hard time weighing this little. It triggers my inner tinybro. But then I also kinda want to be ripped if I'm not going to be strong.

In other news, haven't masturbated or watched porn in months, and my morning wood is "rock solid" again.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-01-2020 , 02:51 AM
Wednesday 07/01

For time (cap 24min):
65cal assault bike
32 box step over w dumbbells @35lbs per hand
32 toes to bar (I did hanging leg raises to save shoulder)
32 devil press (burpee on dbs followed by double db snatch @35lbs)
32 cal row

Finished in 20:30

I didn't do half bad this time. Seems like I beat everyone at calorie bike/row. Maybe cause I'm twice everyone's size.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-02-2020 , 03:16 AM
Thursday 07/02

5 rounds of 4min on / 1min off
30 cal row
20 wall balls 20lbs
10 burpees over the rower
AMRAP kb swing 45lbs

Number of kb swings in each round: 6 5 0 0 0

I get killed on burpees every time.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-02-2020 , 04:49 AM
Loving the WODs. Gyms here are still closed, getting the itch again.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-02-2020 , 06:46 PM
Yeah they're pretty good. I can clearly feel there's a nice mix of different energy systems being planned in. The only thing I wish there was more of was things like deadlifts and back squats. I haven't done a barbell squat since I joined.

Only 3 weeks in and I'm getting the results I signed up for. Feeling healthier, way fitter, losing fat and looking a little better already. Basically just "in shape". Haven't had this much motivation to work out for a long time.

Here's me at 195lbs. Same same but a little different.

Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-03-2020 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
The only thing I wish there was more of was things like deadlifts and back squats.
Lol my prayers have been heard

Friday 07/03

deadlift 225lbs
tall box jump (box on its side)
deadlift 225lbs
ab mat situps

That's 84 reps of deadlifts. Loved this WOD.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-06-2020 , 07:26 PM
Monday 07/06

E2MOM for 24min

6 tall box jumps
6 hang cleans @135lbs
6 heavy wall ball @30lbs

This started out super fun but I died halfway and started skipping things
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
07-07-2020 , 03:13 AM
Tuesday 07/07

4 rounds (timecap 30min):

400m dball carry @30kg
12 push press @95lbs
12 burpees
12 sumo high pull @95lbs

Only managed to finish 3 rounds but I really liked this one.
Syndr0m's Chesticle Admiration Thread Quote
