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09-26-2013 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Solid TR. Cool that it wasn't awkward. Guessing if she offered a 2nd chance that you left her satisfied. Alpha if so. Beta if no. Well, alpha anyway, but ykwim.
Originally Posted by aura
TR was well done, Syndr0m. It seems like you need to actually like a girl first. No shame in that. Obv could be too personal to add more detail, but you didn't explain "genital problems" at all.

Was it that you simply didn't like her or was it because of the pressure? Some combination of the pressure / lack of feelings? Other reasons?

I hope you find who / what you're looking for.
Yeah these.

She's def hot and it's great that it wasn't awkward. Condoms are the actual WOAT. I've had many peens shink immediately upon condoming up. Coulda just been a bad fit. I know that was the deal with me for a bit until I tried a new brand. But...since you weren't hard before it probably had a lot to do with anxiety and then the condom just made things 10x worse instantly. Hopefully she's really cool (she sounds it) and you guys can try some more w/o pressure. That would be ideal. Get dem practice reps in. gl!
09-26-2013 , 08:12 AM
I figured I'd have more of a hangover this morning but I woke up feeling pretty mint. Def had to shift my mental focus away from the women stuff though, so I registered for USAW and my first weightlifting competition. I don't think we have anyone from Orlando around here, but if people are in the area on October 12th, come down and watch me lift some weights.
09-26-2013 , 08:16 AM
Must be GOAT to be Soulbro in Broway. Everyone already has AIDS. Condoms irrelevant. Rawdog just cause.
09-26-2013 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Get dem practice reps in. gl!
09-26-2013 , 08:28 AM
Fredd time to get those gains back that u lost, nom sayin?
09-26-2013 , 08:29 AM
Mornin' brahs!


09-26-2013 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by nuggetz87
gotta include a bunch of slightly chubby women with average faces that the 300lb whales can look at and think "wow she's just like me oh my gall. I'm perfect. I need to go buy more Special K sugar cereal."
I thought this. And it's not like people would stop assigning a quality to the measurements. Switch out numbers so that Size 4=Radiant, Size 14=Beautiful, people would talk about that instead. Look at that bitch, thinking she's hot because she's radiant. Well beautiful people are hot too!!!
09-26-2013 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Fredd time to get those gains back that u lost, nom sayin?
I didn't lose any gains. Bulgarian Method is a helluva training stimulus.
09-26-2013 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I figured I'd have more of a hangover this morning but I woke up feeling pretty mint. Def had to shift my mental focus away from the women stuff though, so I registered for USAW and my first weightlifting competition. I don't think we have anyone from Orlando around here, but if people are in the area on October 12th, come down and watch me lift some weights.
I would drive up for this, but I'm a little too lazy to do a ~5 hr drive.
09-26-2013 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I was sober.

No, I can get it up with hookers. Except in Belgium. I'm not even kidding.

That's a bit over the top. I feel worse after a day of not hitting my calorie goals, or not having played a single hand of online poker. I didn't care about this girl at all. Belgium is really the worst for my sexlife. I just thought it was time for me to do something about it. We still had a "good time" and it wasn't awkward at all.

But yeah, it's obviously a disappointment. It would've sucked if I actually had feels for this chick. Then I could agree with your statement.

I've known this girl for a couple of years through a mutual friend. We don't really know eachother that well, but we've seen eachother plenty of times at parties. About a year ago the three of us were coincidentally at the same festival. I told the mutual friend that she looked good that day and that I would definitely bang her. He thought it was a good idea to let her know. A few days later she suddenly texts me "So when are we going to do something about this? ". On one hand I was like ****yea, but on the other hand I already kind of felt deep inside this was going to end up as a fail. I really don't perform well under pressure. This exact thing has happened to me several times before in Belgium. So anyway, back then I stumbled upon some genital problems and I was just about to leave for China again, so I just told her the truth and she was cool about it.

Fast forward one year later. I am back in Belgium. I sent her a text saying that I was back and that we should continue where we left off. She was looking forward to it. Then there was about a month of "Home?", "Got time?", "Now?", "What are you doing?" texts going back and forth. Eventually we started saying it was retting ridiculous and that we should just set a date. Which we did. It was last night.

I was a little bit nervous at first but as soon as I got in the car I felt completely normal. As if I was just going to visit a friend. I get there, she opens, we kiss on the mouth and have some smalltalk. She was wearing a short black nightdress. I asked for a glass of water, and when she bent over to poor in the glass I noticed she wasn't wearing any underwear. I stood up and approached her and said "You're not wearing a lot of clothes", she said "Because you told me not to". I kiss her again, take off my tshirt and grabbed her by the neck. Her eyes were glazing over at my chesticles. I felt alpha, but I still wasn't really aroused. I was just doing what I was supposed to be doing.

She takes me to her room, we take off eachothers clothes, kiss, fondle, gasp a bit, moan a bit, you know how it works. Still, I wasn't really turned on. I mean, she had a great body and I wanted to have sex with her, but I just wasn't feeling anything. I touch her a bit down below and lick her neck and she was getting into it, but when she went for the d she noticed there was nothing there. We made eyecontact and were probably both thinking the same thing. She decides to give me a blowjob, at which point I got really hard but mostly because I closed my eyes and was fantasizing about other girls. I said I was about to come, but she whispered "no!". She gets a condom, puts it on and gets on top of me, but by the time I was supposed to put it in, my erection was already lacking tightness in the core.

This stuff went on for like over an hour, up until the point where I finally manage to both get hard AND inside of her. About 15 seconds later, it's already too late. It was only then we both realized it wasn't going to happen. It wasn't awkward at all actually. I was still in a good mood. We lay naked on the bed telling eachother some random stuff about our sexlives. This was also when she suddenly told me she actually has a boyfriend, but that she has a list of guys she wants to have sex with, and apparently I have been on it for a long time. Weird. The boyfriend, I mean. I didn't have a clue.

Eventually I tell her I should probably head home and get some sleep, and put on my clothes. She walks me to the door, we kiss on the mouth and she says guys on her list always get 2nd chances. I smile, leave, fire up the 2p2 app and post about my walk of shame.


I posted this a week ago because I knew the date above was approaching, but nobody responded:
You are doing it wrong bro. This sounds worse than whisky dick
09-26-2013 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by aura
TR was well done, Syndr0m. It seems like you need to actually like a girl first. No shame in that. Obv could be too personal to add more detail, but you didn't explain "genital problems" at all.

Was it that you simply didn't like her or was it because of the pressure? Some combination of the pressure / lack of feelings? Other reasons?

I hope you find who / what you're looking for.
Genital problems. Well, uh. Let's just say something was off at the time. Smelly cat. Not important for the TR.

I can find myself in the bolded part. I did not like or dislike this girl. She didn't annoy me, so that's a start. I would never want anything more out of her though. The attraction is purely physical. Not emotional. But I didn't get aroused when she was naked and on top of me. Strange. I didn't feel anything.

I really don't know how I can describe this, or what the source of the problem is. I just know it's psychological. I sat here thinking, writing, re-writing and re-thinking stuff to share with you guys. But I cannot come up with anything conclusive. Thinking about my past, the only thing I can think of is that I need a sex experience to be spontaneous. I am physically attracted to a lot of girls, but I have never had great sex before with someone I already knew, if it was arranged beforehand.

I guess I will never be a great gigolo.

Wait, I think I just had an eye-opener. Whenever I have to perform and I feel like I am going to have to meet certain expectations, I cannot seem to get it up.
09-26-2013 , 09:07 AM
I seem to be about turned on by Syndy's story as he was irl. I could try and dissect it but I really don't have any idea. I think it's weird what happened, but I'm not really judging. Like 'that's weird' not 'you're weird'

Random thoughts from JonFon:

Racquetball is fun, but extremely skill intensive. I actually think that the amount exercise you get from it can go down as you get better.

Basketball can be similar but doesn't have to be. Some people can put hardly any effort into offense because they are so skilled. But you still gotta bust your butt on D.

My GF got me a new guitar, I think I would like to write a song. 'You you even lift?' Might be good, but kind of an old meme. Any other suggestions? Maybe a funny song about my weiner dog?

Currently on this 300g protein/day kick. I like it. I gotta say that I have to burn +500 calories on a regular basis to make it work tho. It's easy to get 300g protein. But If I want it to taste omnomomonom, having a 3k calorie budget goes along way.

I got back into writing my novel today. Pretty sweet. I was on page 105 when I left off, a year or so ago. I read the last 5 pages and wrote 7 more tonight. The cool thing is this: you know how it's really fun to read and go into another world? Well writing is like doing that but creating your own world. Pretty awesome. Maybe if I have enough WIM I can squeeze in time to finish writing it by the end of the year. Between Work, NFL, NBA, 2 Minute Reviews, playing basketball, and even lifting. Time management is key.
09-26-2013 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m

Wait, I think I just had an eye-opener. Whenever I have to perform and I feel like I am going to have to meet certain expectations, I cannot seem to get it up.
WAT. Why are you thinking about performance etc? Isn't your mind full of all sorts of exciting thoughts?? Just find girls who make you horny and really if you feel getting soft at any point just do some stop-gap stuff that pleases her and gives you time to realize "hey we are both turned on souls who want to ravage each other any which way and I am ****ing worried about performance?"

Sounds like you are reading too much Cosmopolitan
09-26-2013 , 09:15 AM

Whatchoo writing about?

If nothing else, commit to writing at least 300 words a day. That's NOTHING, and you at least have a finished draft at the end of the year instead of telling everyone about this great novel you wish you had time to write.
09-26-2013 , 09:17 AM
Agree about racquetball. The better you get, the worse the workout. Fortunately, I never got very good, so I never had to worry about it not being a good workout. The guy I used to play against had me chasing the ball everywhere. Id be sweating like a pig and he would look like he barely even moved.
09-26-2013 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by SenseiSingh
WAT. Why are you thinking about performance etc? Isn't your mind full of all sorts of exciting thoughts?? Just find girls who make you horny and really if you feel getting soft at any point just do some stop-gap stuff that pleases her and gives you time to realize "hey we are both turned on souls who want to ravage each other any which way and I am ****ing worried about performance?"

Sounds like you are reading too much Cosmopolitan
I am talking about arranged sex dates with friends here. This has different dynamics than spontaneous sex. Spontaneous sex is all about dem feels and "turned on souls". I can enjoy sex a lot. It just never happens when I feel like "I have to". It's like I'm not "in the moment" and I don't want it badly enough.

On the other hand, I've had arranged sex dates with complete strangers before, and they were GOAT.

Last edited by Syndr0m; 09-26-2013 at 09:31 AM.
09-26-2013 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Whatchoo writing about?

If nothing else, commit to writing at least 300 words a day. That's NOTHING, and you at least have a finished draft at the end of the year instead of telling everyone about this great novel you wish you had time to write.
Good strategy. I was thinking about devoting an hour a day but somedays will be hard and yes 300 is super easy.

It's about 30k words long now.

What I'm writing about? Meh I don't have high hopes for anyone liking it, it's more of something I just wanna do. Publish a novel, sell it online for 99 cents. I guess it would be fantasy but its super mild. I would just call it fiction.

I like it so far but it's super rough. It'll be easier to clean up when it's finished and I have a clear understanding of what I want it to be
09-26-2013 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket
Yeah these.

She's def hot and it's great that it wasn't awkward. Condoms are the actual WOAT. I've had many peens shink immediately upon condoming up. Coulda just been a bad fit. I know that was the deal with me for a bit until I tried a new brand. But...since you weren't hard before it probably had a lot to do with anxiety and then the condom just made things 10x worse instantly. Hopefully she's really cool (she sounds it) and you guys can try some more w/o pressure. That would be ideal. Get dem practice reps in. gl!
Very much this. But people know that I think. I was surprised to find out somewhat recently how ridiculously huge of a difference THIS makes though. Total game changer.

(ETA trojan ecstasy)
09-26-2013 , 09:37 AM

That sucks bro; perhaps just have her peg you if things aren't going so well on your end?


LDO. Gotta get that chick on the pill
09-26-2013 , 09:39 AM
Saw you use a lot of font modifiers
09-26-2013 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
I would drive up for this, but I'm a little too lazy to do a ~5 hr drive.
I wouldn't do that either, except I'm forced to drive at least 5 hours to even compete.
09-26-2013 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore

That sucks bro; perhaps just have her peg you if things aren't going so well on your end?
shots fired

09-26-2013 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
I am talking about arranged sex dates with friends here. This has different dynamics than spontaneous sex. Spontaneous sex is all about dem feels and "turned on souls". I can enjoy sex a lot. It just never happens when I feel like "I have to". It's like I'm not "in the moment" and I don't want it badly enough.

On the other hand, I've had arranged sex dates with complete strangers before, and they were GOAT.
Yes that's exactly why I wrote "you are doing it wrong"

You just went in there, and what seems a bit unnaturally, just got on with it. Have a beer or two...just imagine how that beer would have tasted with her sitting next to you with her bare thighs. Smoke a spliff, play some mario kart with her sitting in your lap. That way, you'd have broken some ice the right way and then some, and not through small talk either. If that doesn't make you wanna **** her brains out then probably nothing will and she's not the right booty call for you.
09-26-2013 , 10:00 AM
Syndrom - I used to have the same problem. If I felt comfortable and was properly wined and dined then no issues, but if it was a random one night thing or "meeting up for sex" I'd freeze up.

Annnnyway, what helped me the most in those cases was to take control of the foreplay and make sure there was more of it and more of it focused on what I wanted. Either a fantasy so I would stop thinking or do something fun to focus on that wasn't sex but involved playful escalating until I felt comfortable. The problem with the latter is that it kind of requires a deeper connection than you likely already (or will) have.

So I recommend the former. Set up some role play for the entire evening or something where you can just get in a different mindframe and roll with it the whole time. My guess is she'd be super into it as long as dem chesticles were involved at some point and you can distance yourself mentally from whatever is hanging you up.
09-26-2013 , 10:02 AM
Not sure I'd recommend spliffing (unless you know from experience that somehow helps) but the rest of Sensei's advice sounds fine to me. Easing into it can work really well even if men are conditioned to think "hey, we want sex 100% of the time, if sex is offered I should be able to sex right away erryday."
