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Spyutastic wants to bench and press Spyutastic wants to bench and press

12-19-2020 , 01:49 AM
Kelly Starret is my favourite follow for mobility stuff. Not sure if he is still in the CrossFit community but he’s very good and all the stuff of his I’ve tried has worked

I must say that the warm up/get ready to train part of training is the largest juxtaposition from 49yo to 25yr old me. Apart from no longer back squatting at all or deadlifting recklessly my strength numbers are very similar to when I was playing rugby but back then I would head into the gym or on the field, mess around for a few mins and then be ready to go. I even remember I used to say ‘lions don’t stretch’ as my excuse for not doing any serious warm up or warm down stuff at all. Now I need at least 15 mins to get close to a half decent lower body effort
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Here's the thing, if you like stretching do it, if you think it's a waste of time don't.

I don’t need 100 scientific studies to tell me why getting a blow job feels good before I decide I want one.

I don’t understand why people get so paralyzed over something as simple as stretching and act like you can't do it unless Albert Einstein proves it cures cancer or something.

If flexibility is important to you and you also enjoy the way it feels, it's probably time well spent. If not then no. Do you really need a 100yr longitudinal study of world champion weightlifting quintuplets to make an assessment on this?

No, but a couple of things. First of all we should separate what feels good from what is therapeutic. Massages feel good, but there's little scientific basis for the therapy aspect of massage.

Second, it isn't like this stuff is always a freeroll. It can have negative effects, and at the very least it costs your time and money. I have a limited time to train as it is, I'm not gonna blow 15-20 minutes on mobilityWOD daily unless there's a return on that time.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Now I need at least 15 mins to get close to a half decent lower body effort
Yeah but isn't it possible that you just started to stretch once and then eventually bullshitted yourself that it was essential? Don't humans do things like this all the time?

I'm not saying your warmup is unnecessary. I'm just saying the mind very easily falls into these traps.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
No, but a couple of things. First of all we should separate what feels good from what is therapeutic. Massages feel good, but there's little scientific basis for the therapy aspect of massage.

Second, it isn't like this stuff is always a freeroll. It can have negative effects, and at the very least it costs your time and money. I have a limited time to train as it is, I'm not gonna blow 15-20 minutes on mobilityWOD daily unless there's a return on that time.
I find it ironic that the waterboy calls stretching fake because there aren't enough studies while in the same breath says massage is effective.

And people just take him at his word.

Anyways speaking from personal experience I have found benefits to both as it has improved the positions I'm able to be in and move through other than the fact that they do feel good as well. And I will say for me there's at least a psychological benefit to natural pain relief.

If it's too risky for you and you don't want to do something without the stamp of approval from Jordan F or Austin B well that's your deal.

Just because the exact mechanisms of why something works is not perfectly understood doesn't mean it doesn't work.

Stretching is the only way to increase flexibility. No way around it. And you lose it over time if you don't use it. Just like anything else. You don't need much flexibility for long distance running. So makes sense that those people find little value in it. For something like dance or gymnastics, BJJ, kickboxing ask anyone who does that and see if they could be successful in that sport without stretching. It's not even an argument.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Re: Stretching

Surprise surprise the water boy doesn't know all.

Here's a decent primer.

But bottomline, it increases ROM, this is not disputed by anyone that understands science. So if you need to increase ROM for anything specifically, you need to stretch. If not, then you don't.

There are mixed results with regards to injury prevention. So this aspect is unclear and like many things will vary according to individual since there are a ton of other variables to control for. You're not going to get a clear result from any single study.

There's a reason it's used in rehab for hamstring injuries. But I guess the doctors must be wrong and we should trust the word of the waterboy.

If you need to increase ROM, then it is beneficial. i.e. gymnast, BJJ practitioner.

If you're just an avg gym bro w/ no special needs then you likely don't need it.

But to say that something is fake just because it doesn't apply to you is funny.
He probably heard someone say it one time in passing on some BBM podcast and extrapolated it to mean it's fake.

Fake weight loss, fake strength, fake stretching. Everything is fake with this guy lol.
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Here's the thing, if you like stretching do it, if you think it's a waste of time don't.

I don’t need 100 scientific studies to tell me why getting a blow job feels good before I decide I want one.

I don’t understand why people get so paralyzed over something as simple as stretching and act like you can't do it unless Albert Einstein proves it cures cancer or something.

If flexibility is important to you and you also enjoy the way it feels, it's probably time well spent. If not then no. Do you really need a 100yr longitudinal study of world champion weightlifting quintuplets to make an assessment on this?
Oh, the irony of you saying loco is obsessed with you.

I asked loco a question about stretching on a health and fitness forum, and he responded to me. That seems like a fairly reasonable interaction. If you disagree with his view, then perhaps respond to him like an adult.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Oh, the irony of you saying loco is obsessed with you.

I asked loco a question about stretching on a health and fitness forum, and he responded to me. That seems like a fairly reasonable interaction. If you disagree with his view, then perhaps respond to him like an adult.
So I was right in that you're a die hard nut rider.
Apologies for exposing your hero to be a clown.

I guess you missed the bit where he kept trolling me for recommending stretching and saying my knowledge was from the 80s.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
So I was right in that you're a die hard nut rider.
So I was right that you're obsessed with him.

I just found the irony too strong to resist commenting on it.

As to the other part of your message that you added on later - I have seen what he says. He says some negative stuff about you, but he also says some positive. He says you're killing the weight loss and grinding away. My outsider's perspective on it is that he's calling it as he sees it and it's triggered you.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
So I was right that you're obsessed with him.

I just found the irony too strong to resist commenting on it.
You took offense to someone questioning your hero and jumped in to defend him. Understandable.

Guess my previous statement doesn't seem so silly now.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:33 PM
Also, if you scroll through Monte's log, you will see posts by me telling Monte to ignore loco's rubbish advice on rowing. He was talking nonsense. The difference there is that I didn't go all obsessed on him.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
You took offense to someone questioning your hero and jumped in to defend him. Understandable.

Guess my previous statement doesn't seem so silly now.
I didn't take offense to it! If you read what I actually wrote, I said that if you had replied to him in a civil way, perhaps everyone in this community would learn a thing or two about stretching.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:35 PM
His own logic about things contradicts all the time.

Stretching not having enough studies vs massage just being one of the many. Yet you are fine with this. That's what I find ironic. You're eager to gobble up whatever he tells you.

Seems like I'm just calling it how it is. And that has triggered you.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I didn't take offense to it! If you read what I actually wrote, I said that if you had replied to him in a civil way, perhaps everyone in this community would learn a thing or two about stretching.
Why would I reply to someone in a civil way who has trolled me incessantly and refuses to discuss anything in good faith?

Makes sense when looking at it from your perspective as a blind supporter. But it would just devolve into him saying everything I do is fake. What would we learn from that?
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
His own logic about things contradicts all the time.

Stretching not having enough studies vs massage just being one of the many. Yet you are fine with this. That's what I find ironic. You're eager to gobble up whatever he tells you.

Seems like I'm just calling it how it is. And that has triggered you.
I haven't gobbled up anything he has said. My current position is that the science on all this is murky and do whatever works for you. I'm also not triggered at all. I just find it hilarious that you are calling him obsessed with you.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Why would I reply to someone in a civil way who has trolled me incessantly and refuses to discuss anything in good faith?

Makes sense when looking at it from your perspective as a blind supporter. But it would just devolve into him saying everything I do is fake. What would we learn from that?
I'll see myself out. You're obviously not listening to anything I say and just responding with blahblah locofanboy.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 04:32 PM
Arjun: I'm not a Loco nut rider. That's just silly!

Also Arjun: Why don't you address the guy(my hero) who's trolled you for the better half a year civilly? He's sure to respond like an adult.

Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:47 PM
You're so stuck in your side of the arguement, that you think anyone who takes the other side is a fanatic. Interesting stuff.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 05:59 PM
So here's why I called you a blind supporter/nut rider.

Loco goes on for about a 6 month span of having every other one of his posts whether it be in his thread, my thread or some random other thread making fun of and trolling me.

This is all ok with you.

I challenged every one of his claims about me which he subsequently backed down from and/or moved the goal posts.

All good with you.

I challenge some of the things he says and point out the inconsistencies in his logic and now you're happy to jump in to defend him and say it's ironic I'm obsessed with him. And asking me why in the world don't I address him civilly. lol yeah you don't seem biased one bit.

All the while you hold his opinion on all matters in the highest regard without question.

That's what I find interesting.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I just find it hilarious that you are calling him obsessed with you.
Yeah and for some reason you totally ignore all the times he was talking sheit about me when I didn't say anything to him at all.

ok ok you're not a fan boy. Perhaps you just have something against me.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:07 PM
The only reason he's probably piped down a bit as of late is that continuing to make fun of someone who's lost 20lbs and has hit PRs is probably a ridiculous look even for him. His predictions of me not being able to put up 205 in the 180s seems to be waning a bit now.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:53 PM
Spy. I am on record as saying Loco is a toxic tool

Also think you are totally and unnaturally obsessed by him and I don’t understand why.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Spy. I am on record as saying Loco is a toxic tool

Also think you are totally and unnaturally obsessed by him and I don’t understand why.
I'm not as immune to constant trolling like you are. One day I'll get more enlightened.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
I'm not as immune to constant trolling like you are. One day I'll get more enlightened.

1. Look in the mirror,
2. see how ossum you are and
3. realise that lions don’t care what sheep think of them
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 10:58 PM
Loco is great, spyu is great. Let's move on
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-19-2020 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
1. Look in the mirror,
2. see how ossum you are and
3. realise that lions don’t care what sheep think of them
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Loco is great, spyu is great. Let's move on
Thanks for the encouragement I appreciate it.

I definitely am one to take things too seriously at times. Gotta work on that.

Maybe when you go through most of your life being called Jackie Chink and Ching Chong Chang you kind of develop a short fuse for people coming at you regardless of how they come at you. idk. I never really thought about it that much, but I'm sure it's influenced me.

Getting made fun of when you're a kid just for the food you're eating at school is an experience that's something not everyone can appreciate.

It's quite even more confusing when some of the people doling out the ignorance are in similar minority groups that have their own problems w/ racism and bigotry. Particularly when it comes to the police. But that's the world what can you do.

When I first came to California and realized there were schools where Asians were the majority and whites were the minority it tripped me out. These kids definitely take it for granted that no one looks at them funny because of their race.

Anyways did some pull ups today. Oddly they get easier as you lose weight.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
12-20-2020 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
Thanks for the encouragement I appreciate it.

I definitely am one to take things too seriously at times. Gotta work on that.

Maybe when you go through most of your life being called Jackie Chink and Ching Chong Chang you kind of develop a short fuse for people coming at you regardless of how they come at you. idk. I never really thought about it that much, but I'm sure it's influenced me.

Getting made fun of when you're a kid just for the food you're eating at school is an experience that's something not everyone can appreciate.

It's quite even more confusing when some of the people doling out the ignorance are in similar minority groups that have their own problems w/ racism and bigotry. Particularly when it comes to the police. But that's the world what can you do.

When I first came to California and realized there were schools where Asians were the majority and whites were the minority it tripped me out. These kids definitely take it for granted that no one looks at them funny because of their race.

Anyways did some pull ups today. Oddly they get easier as you lose weight.
I completely relate, I've been through that. Perhaps I could have worded everything nicer, so I apologize. I generally try to stay out of these forum fights, because there is no upside. The irony of you calling loco obsessed was too much for me to resist though. Your fitnessing is great and so is loco's.
Spyutastic wants to bench and press Quote
