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Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log

07-17-2011 , 09:01 PM
I was watching another tate deadlift vid on EFTS youtube the other day and I hate his deadlift instructions... Emphasises shoulders starting behind the bar, pulling backwards, etc... All just seem like bad ques...
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 04:30 AM
Well FWIW I did like his setup for the sumo DL - getting shoulders behind the bar as much as possible provided extra leverage and extra tension in the hamstrings. And for my part it was better for my lumbar, I could almost hyperextend my back in this position actually (yeah I know that's not good to do obv). Back health > everything.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 08:56 AM
Before I ****ed up my back by hyperextending it doing a sumo DL (hint), I had no pain or tightness in my low back from doing sumos. Done properly - standing up tall, NOT back, at the top, sumos are way easier on the low back.

I Dave Tate, but that "pull back" comment in that video tilts the **** out of me.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
I absolutely hate the part in that vid where he says to pull back at the top (instead of standing up tall). I cant think of a better way to cause disc injury from hyperextending the low back.
Yeah, too bad he wasn't there when you did those DL pulls a few weeks ago. I think he might have decided to amend that. Leaning back on DL pulls is no F@#cking joke.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:11 PM
Haven't we long established that we should pretty much only listen to the experts about stuff they specialize in? Like not listening to Rip about diet, just sticking to Tate's bench stuff would probably be best.

Also 6 chins is nice, I will have to try and tie you on that today or tomorrow.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 05:25 PM
My chin max is prob a bit more. I'll try after I'm done with the session today...guessing 8.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 06:10 PM
Confirmed 8 rep max. Decent enough with the 5 month layoff from chins.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-18-2011 , 07:43 PM
Pfffft. I can do more chins than that and I've got like 20lbs on you little skinnies these days...

...then I read busto's log and get sadface.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-19-2011 , 05:59 AM
Yeah're lame.


Looking forward to pumping out 20 reps after doing GSLP for some months though, gotta admit I'm pretty tired of being lol weak. 3 more kgs....:/
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-19-2011 , 07:37 PM

1x5x105 kg
2x4x105 kg

Been eating at maintenance, so figured I'd go for 5 reps. First set was a total grindfest, pussied out on set 2 and got dizzy on set 3. Great success!

2x5x53.5 kg (118 lbs)
1x4x53.5 kg

Was wondering how this would go after doing FM chins and push-ups. Was ok, technique fail on last rep of last set.


Barbell rollouts, but felt my shoulder warning me on 2nd set so called it quits.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-21-2011 , 04:14 PM

Going away for 3 days tomorrow, which will include a lot of walking in the city and mountain trips. My legs felt like death after Tuesday's squats so no DLs/squats today.

Bench Press
3x5x73.5 kg (162 lbs)

Felt waaay easier than 72.5 last time. Weird, eating helps.

Kroc Rows
22/22 x 46 kg (101 lbs, +4/+2 reps)

Weighted push-ups
3x12x25 kg (+2 reps)

Back Extensions
3x12x25 kg (+2 reps)

Thought I'd add what soft tissue work and mobility drills I do.

- 10 mins foam rolling (most stuff shown in

Mobility (from Magnificent Mobility):
- Bent Knee Twists
- Fire Hydrants
- Anterior-Posterior and side-to-side leg swings
- Windmills
- Overhead broomstick dislocations
- Toy Soldiers
- Squat To Stand
- Running Butt Kicks
- Deep Wideout Drops
- The three static stretches they advise pre-lifting

Other stuff:
- Band tractions (as shown in
- Shoulder rolls
- Lacrosse ball across pecs and shoulders

Takes about 20-25 mins pre-workout. Post-workout, I do various static stretches for 5-10 mins. On off days, I foam roll 2-3 days per week.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-21-2011 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman

Thought I'd add what soft tissue work and mobility drills I do.

- 10 mins foam rolling (most stuff shown in

Mobility (from Magnificent Mobility):
- Bent Knee Twists
- Fire Hydrants
- Anterior-Posterior and side-to-side leg swings
- Windmills
- Overhead broomstick dislocations
- Toy Soldiers
- Squat To Stand
- Running Butt Kicks
- Deep Wideout Drops
- The three static stretches they advise pre-lifting

Other stuff:
- Band tractions (as shown in
- Shoulder rolls
- Lacrosse ball across pecs and shoulders

Takes about 20-25 mins pre-workout. Post-workout, I do various static stretches for 5-10 mins. On off days, I foam roll 2-3 days per week.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
07-21-2011 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Thought I'd add what soft tissue work and mobility drills I do.

- 10 mins foam rolling (most stuff shown in

Mobility (from Magnificent Mobility):
- Bent Knee Twists
- Fire Hydrants
- Anterior-Posterior and side-to-side leg swings
- Windmills
- Overhead broomstick dislocations
- Toy Soldiers
- Squat To Stand
- Running Butt Kicks
- Deep Wideout Drops
- The three static stretches they advise pre-lifting

Other stuff:
- Band tractions (as shown in
- Shoulder rolls
- Lacrosse ball across pecs and shoulders
Thanks for posting the foam rolling link. I've just recently (ie. last Monday) started to do pretty much the same MM drills as you, although I also include the walking stuff (high knee, knee to but, cradle) and some lunges. I really like it so far! Got a couple lacrosse balls today and am looking forward to putting them into action as well.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-02-2011 , 06:40 PM

Lifted last week as well, just didn't feel like logging it. Been eating moar, so weighing in at a beefy 84.8 kg atm. Too much of that weight increase is from chocolate. Oh wells. I'm off from work dammit, I'll eat what I'll want.

Bench Press
3x5x75 kg (165 lbs)

Failed last set at 75 kg last time, no spotters today so repeated the weight. Went up fine, but close-ish.

Sumo deadlift
5x120 kg (264 lbs)

Was down to 110 kg. Weird.

Weighted Push-Ups
3x14x25 kg (55 lbs)

Going to a wedding this weekend, then it's back to dieting. Going down to 80-81 kg. Gonna WIM the **** out of the diet so I'll be done quick-ish and won't have to muck about with lol weights anymore.

ETA: Oh, reverse hyper is in place at my gym. Didn't plan on using it, so didn't quite figure it out. Was totally busted after the push-ups anyway, those things are hard. Will prob do them since both RDLs and back extensions have been bothering my lumbar lately for some reason.

Pic of the gym I'm using during the summer:

Only Eleiko bars, 6 racks, 1 power cage incoming, very few people using it.

Last edited by Soulman; 08-02-2011 at 06:53 PM. Reason: Added pic
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-02-2011 , 08:40 PM
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-03-2011 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-04-2011 , 11:13 AM

My father had bypass surgery on Monday (doing fine), and my brother's gf got very ill as well. Things have been a bit stressful around here. Lifting is a nice timeout.

3x5x56.5 kg (124 lbs)

3x5x107.5 kg (237 lbs)

Went fine. A bit rushed for time so finished there.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-06-2011 , 05:26 PM

Bench Press
3x5x76 kg (167 lbs, +1 kg)

Fine, easier than last time.

3x5x110 kg (242 lbs, +2.5 kg)

Pretty hard. Lost my balance a bit and the right knee caved on rep 4 of set 1, causing some pain. Don't think it'll be an issue going forward, just need to be more careful.

Kroc Rows
24/24 x 46 kg (101 lbs, +1 rep)

Tried the reverse hyper, either I did it wrong or it's not for me - after three reps I felt a very weird sort of pain in my lumbar region. Stopped.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-06-2011 , 08:43 PM
looks like your getting back to non-embarrassing strength levels.

Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 04:21 AM
That's what happens when you start eating
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Tried the reverse hyper, either I did it wrong or it's not for me - after three reps I felt a very weird sort of pain in my lumbar region. Stopped.

check that out imo
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 10:42 AM
Yeah I watched the vid and read the article prior. Still felt a weird, sort of numb feeling in the bottom of my lumbar. I'll try again later.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 10:48 AM
be careful with it then

fwiw, I'm doing them similar to that video - not as jerky on the way down, and it fries my hammies in a good way and my glutes are coming back nicely. I feel some good stuff going on in my low back muscles as well.

Get up on your elbows, tighten your core and keep it tight, and dont let your low back go into flexion. Dont let the weight go flying forward - bring it down slow. In other words, dont do it the way Louie shows in his vids.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 11:07 AM
Yeah I tried doing it that way. I was alone at the time, I'll have my brother/friend watch me next time.

Btw, it's amazing how much foam rolling can do with joint/ligament pain. Like I said my right knee got a bit banged up after a bad squat rep yesterday. Rumble rolled quads and IT band extensively before I went to bed last night, pain gone like poof.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
08-07-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Yeah I tried doing it that way. I was alone at the time, I'll have my brother/friend watch me next time.

Btw, it's amazing how much foam rolling can do with joint/ligament pain. Like I said my right knee got a bit banged up after a bad squat rep yesterday. Rumble rolled quads and IT band extensively before I went to bed last night, pain gone like poof.
yeah, SMR is awesome at fixing most joint issues. I'm having some bad left shoulder issues. Yesterday, I rolled the back of my shoulder blade area all over with the lacrosse ball - holy *** did I find a lot of sharp pains. It feels ~50% better now. I have a ways to go, but I know what's wrong now.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
